Old Reviews TaNg's AN feeding schedule.

Cool thanks a lot Tang!

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Here's the new improved schedule. https://www.autoflower.org/f26/tangs-new-improved-feeding-schedule-34408.html

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Here's the new improved schedule. https://www.autoflower.org/f26/tangs-new-improved-feeding-schedule-34408.html

Cool thanks a lot Tang!
You have No idea how much this has helped me I didn't know what I was doing wrong I have been starving them
My eldest is a bud on a stick lolliped its self no branches and the mango 45 days just started pre flower and is so weak it couldn't hold a bud I thought I had a bug I couldn't findvThaks so so much
You have No idea how much this has helped me I didn't know what I was doing wrong I have been starving them
My eldest is a bud on a stick lolliped its self no branches and the mango 45 days just started pre flower and is so weak it couldn't hold a bud I thought I had a bug I couldn't findvThaks so so much
tell me bout it bro.i starved them sons a bitchs for over a year.great help thanks tang
Hey Tang, great looking schedule. How much of that mixture do you give to each plant? Does that amount vary during the grow? Any tips you could give to determine the amount to pour onto each plant? Thanks!
You have No idea how much this has helped me I didn't know what I was doing wrong I have been starving them
My eldest is a bud on a stick lolliped its self no branches and the mango 45 days just started pre flower and is so weak it couldn't hold a bud I thought I had a bug I couldn't findvThaks so so much

My pleasure mate,it's really fulfilling for me to know I'm helping people get more meds.

tell me bout it bro.i starved them sons a bitchs for over a year.great help thanks tang

Gotta keep your ladies fed and happy bro lol.

Hey Tang, great looking schedule. How much of that mixture do you give to each plant? Does that amount vary during the grow? Any tips you could give to determine the amount to pour onto each plant? Thanks!

This is a question I get asked a lot bro and because of the variables like pot type and style,environment,plant size/feeding rate and so on its impossible to tell you the right amount to water but in my set up the average mature plant will be watered about 1L a day......the best tip I can give is to pick the pot up before watering and gauge the weight,if there is water in there you will be able to tell.

Thanks brother Tang, Ive got a soil grow coming.. Just doing my homework :)

Always welcome bro.
TaNg would you mind me posting a rough guide on how much water to use to help with some people? The amounts I've been using from seed seemed to of worked nicely. Thought I'd ask you first bro
TaNg would you mind me posting a rough guide on how much water to use to help with some people? The amounts I've been using from seed seemed to of worked nicely. Thought I'd ask you first bro

Start with a splash and build to 1L or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5L every day depending on the size of the plant.
Start with a splash and build to 1L or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5L every day depending on the size of the plant.

Not saying this in a sarcastic way, nit sure if you read my post wrong lol I wasn't asking for the amounts don't want you to take that the wrong way, good info surprising how quick you pick up daily feeding.
I get asked for this a lot so thought I would do a thread.

Firstly the PH of my tap water is 7.2 and after adding nutes its 6.6 so I don't use PH up or down. Secondly I mix all my nutes into 5L bottles so the measurements are based on that.

Seedling to week 2 just give water (no PH adjustment)

Week 2 to 4 - 6ml Sensi grow A&B (12ml total),3ml of voodoo juice,3ml of Sensi Zym and 3ml Carboload.

Week 4 to 6 - 8ml Sensi grow A&B, 4ml B52,4ml Carboload.


Week 6 to 8 - 10ml Sensi bloom A&B,5ml voodoo juice,5ml Sensi Zym,5ml carbload and 5ml Big Bud.

Week 8 to 10 - 10ml Sensi bloom A&B,5ml b52,5ml Carboload and 5ml of overdrive.

Feed daily and add Sensi calmag if required,these are just guidelines so back off or increase strength if required.
Hey brother. I see this is older thread. But hopefully u can help answer my question. Im starting a new run with AN SENSI A+B GROW AND BLOOM. Im using a very lite soil mix. My question is will i need to use pH up and check pH? Since i see on bottles that its mainly for hydroponics setups, although ive read and been told it works great in soil.