New Grower Tangerine Dream auto from Growers Choice!

Your gonna get a big yield! You trained well.
Thank you. I just did little by little!

It is my first ever grow so I guess I’m nervous! And excited! I hope she will be short enough in the end... I’m afraid she is going to outgrow my tent! Leaves touch all 4 sides!
Update, sorry for the delay, as yesterday was kinda a crazy day for me, and I’m guessing it’s going to be harder to find time to post updates but here goes!

She’s gotten taller! Her buds are filling out!

She smells heavenly! The air filter setup I used seems to be working but I probably should make a carbon filter... as I don’t have one (I just took air filters and cut it to size and put it in my exhaust hole. I didn’t even use any piping.

I know it works because I get a wave of smell when I open the tent. Haha!

First I forgot to post the dark cycle photos from Monday. Here are those first!

Stretching up good! Growing like crazy. Short and wide and looks like it will be a big yield.

Yea she is short and wide. Exactly what I wanted, so to use my space to the max. Now that I’m seeing her fill this space so well I don’t think it would be to my advantage to grow more the one in the space I have. This way I can maximize how much harvest each seed produces!
Yea she is short and wide. Exactly what I wanted, so to use my space to the max. Now that I’m seeing her fill this space so well I don’t think it would be to my advantage to grow more the one in the space I have. This way I can maximize how much harvest each seed produces!
Ha ha!!! She’s short now! She’s gonna be a monster LOL. One day you’re going to open the tent and she’s going to pull you in! :cheers:
Nice work with the tie downs, definitely can't wait to read through the rest!

Another round of photos

You can just see more LST and her reaction to it which I saw was really good. I do little adjustments every day, mostly leaf tucking.

When she was really little I used little wooden sticks I had to push her leaves around and give space for her nodes to grow since she was so bushy. Well she is still bushy now but not as much.

About the RH and temps. They generally fluctuate. Sometimes in growing I would have to fill my humidifier 2 times a day, and the RH would not budge over 19%, and then some days the RH goes way into the 80s. So it’s been a challenge montering it but since I am in the same room as her it’s really easy to just open a flap or take the humidifier out temporarily. She seems to not be bothered by the flectuations. Might be I got a hardy variety.

The temperature generally stays between 60-90 degrees. Sometimes her temps get up mid 90s and I vent her to cool her down but she’s never shown any heat stress so I think I lucked out genetically. She always is very perky when it’s light time and at night she droops (which I heard is normal).

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