Swollen calyx or seed?

Would have been nice if he'd given you a heads up
Well, I'm not 100% sure that he had a male in there, but I can't find any signs of herms in my own grow.
Maybe he didn't even know himself? It's impossible to know for sure and in the end the blame is on me - in hindsight the only sensible thing would have been to wash down a pre owned tent. Lesson learned.
Sterilizing used equipment is unfortunately part of the job.... people can be dicks... and many times on purpose.

Years ago I had issues with spider mites. I was new to all this, and had come to believe that spider mites were indestructible demons.... I fought for several grows.... turned out a "friend" who regularly hung out, would track in mites from another grow by people would didn't care. What's worse, he knew they had issues but never thought he was spreading problems... Now, ALL equipment new or used is cleaned before it enters the room. And no one... I mean NO ONE is allowed to visit the grow. You wanna see my ladies? I'm a proud poppa and like showing them off... but pictures only... repeating mistakes ain't my gig...