Fast Buds Sweet treats from Fastbuds - Orange Sherbet & Bubblegum

Beautiful, can't wait to see how she cures.
i own 2 pairs of them scissors there awesome and are well worth the price of them they do make light work and are very good to do a tidy job and congrats on your girls and some great pics
Beautiful, can't wait to see how she cures.
Thanks bud, me too. That's my worst area mainly because I'm not legal... yet. My largest harvest was just over 14oz total, so 8 know I could get at least 1lbs in this tent. That's a lot of jars to open and leave, even if I was legal. I'm a "there's got to be a better way" kinda guy, and saw these buckets on here from Derek Gilman. I need to make a adjustment to them while they are drying, but they will be out soon! This could be as the kids say a "game changer" for me lol. This should allow me to keep in tent out of sight venting into my with the filter on so no smell if they work. I feel the idea is rock solid, but my pump may be to small to work efficiently. The pump was for a smaller bucket so that I didnt account for. I will roll with what I got for now and see.
They look top notch
Thanks, OS maybe a little early but I like energy so it's ok. She would be massive if I could have opened her up more. Snapped to many to in time so she it tight! This girl can get big, I would hate scrogging her. Now that the leaves are gone the BG looks very nice, but those leaves are Fugly!!!
i own 2 pairs of them scissors there awesome and are well worth the price of them they do make light work and are very good to do a tidy job and congrats on your girls and some great pics
People that havent used them just dont know bro... they just dont know lol. Thanks for the rep bud!!! I take a lot of pics in hopes I can get some good ones, sometimes I'm to lazy to pic them out so I just upload them all hahaha. Stay lifted bud.


I got done last night with about 4-5 hrs of total trimming. I smoked some of the OS from my scissors, and it was nice alert not sleepy lol. I also had time last night to press some BG!!! A little early, still wet for pressing tho. It was late so only did 2 dabs, but I was STONED lol. Grabbed a little bit, and put in a brown bag for the day.

I pressed at 205°f for about 1:15. She came out very white, soft paste which looks amazing.


Here is a 2nd press at 220°f around 1:00


Only a small sample for now, I have a little bud of OS in a bag for sampling too. In a few days I hope to have a weight, and then into the buckets. Stay lifted.

@Mizzo81 @bf80255 @Dabber @St. Tom @damien50 @Green Hornet @pop22 @fauxnacho @omnious @WildBill @Ryno_nuggs @nizmoKush @Filthy_Casual @idiopathic neuropathy @Jpkindbud @verbalkent412 @Fast Buds Heather @Rain Science @Atulip @olbobcat @Mañ'O'Green @hope2grow @indicalla @baked in the bluegrass
Nice! Congrats, man! Looks killer.

Insanely, I’ve been smoking weed for almost 30 years and I’ve never once hit a dab. Must remedy at some point.