Sweet Seeds Sweet Trainwreck-SS

And its quite common for people to get their lights too close in veg. Vegging plants truly only need 1/2 the light they need in in flower. I an running several of my lights at 30" + in veg now and let the plants grow up to them. And see a definite improvement.
yes I am seeing it in yours also and considering I was pruning just how you would of the only part that makes since was light was just too close.
my gsc should of come out very big. she is wide just didn't reach height i was hoping for.
And honestly, that's exactly how it should be done. I'd do things differently if I could. Smart commercial growers are now using airlocks and de-contamination rooms before entering the growroom

I don't use any pestisides, so I need take many precautions to prevent them from entering. I go to even futher extremes like burning the bug candles before I'm gonna open and go in. I know it's not all needed but I know if by some bad luck they get through, I'm have a room full of bugs in no time. so I take away everything they like.
IMO, wide is better than tall, easier to spread and light the canopy well. I've seen 30" tall Indicas drop 8oz with ease when they bush out
my gsc should of come out very big. she is wide just didn't reach height i was hoping for.
And honestly, that's exactly how it should be done. I'd do things differently if I could. Smaret commercial growers are now using airlocks and de-contamination rooms before entering the growroom
Thats why I say clean room type environment, I have area change to gown up. that area free of pests. but even though I go through all that we all know how much bugs are attracted to the hps lighting. thats kinda reason I burn the candles like 30mins or so before i plan to enter. I wish I could have a more professional area, in time I will.
IMO, wide is better than tall, easier to spread and light the canopy well. I've seen 30" tall Indicas drop 8oz with ease when they bush out
I think she will pull 8oz for sure, she still has a long way to go that one and still alot of bushing out to do.
I been trying take pics daily now to watch changes go on. oh I forgot mention last night I was looking in on them and decided touch my Pineapple Express for very first time I was surprisingly happy, I thought them buds were gonna be fluffy type buds but they are not I couldn't believe they were solid with alot weight to them.
here are some shots @ lights out this morning. My Sweet Trainwreck starting get some nice colors on her buds.Enjoy!
