Sweet Seeds Sweet Trainwreck-SS

I let my buds cure 4-6 weeks then remove the Boveda. Your bud will last longer in the jar if you let it dry out at that point, as it will only be as dry as the room RH. keeping RH above 50% will cause it to deteriorate more quickly. I learned the hard way. I had a jar of bud that when I went to remove some, it crumbled in my hand..
Dry after cure if you have a lot of bud stored. It will preserve the smell and taste also. I recently finished some 6 month old bud that was as good as when it was first opened!
hello everyone, just couple pictures today. My 2nd Sweet Trainwreck is starting get closer to harvest now, she has some pretty huge buds once she out for photo-shoot I'll show some comparison photo's to show just how large they are. I been making sure keep her defol nicely so light able get towards bottom of that plant, I still think it will have be multi-harvest to allow any lower buds to mature completely. I certainly am no hurry to take her down.Enjoy!!

You have some excellent plants there! Can't wait to see your harvest!


hello everyone, just couple pictures today. My 2nd Sweet Trainwreck is starting get closer to harvest now, she has some pretty huge buds once she out for photo-shoot I'll show some comparison photo's to show just how large they are. I been making sure keep her defol nicely so light able get towards bottom of that plant, I still think it will have be multi-harvest to allow any lower buds to mature completely. I certainly am no hurry to take her down.Enjoy!!

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You have some excellent plants there! Can't wait to see your harvest!

Thank you very much! Oh I haven't forgotten about showing my yield either, am kinda just getting these cured a bit first,no hurry really since I need do a review on both at same time anyways, so I figured I'd show totals after 2nd one comes down. but before that one goes to jars, so no-one can think I am using any of that plant toward my weight. I could of easily claimed my 181gm plant but choose not too, coz to me pictures without showing a weight shouldn't be a valid weight record since I didn't have I thought the only way to be fair and show it's not beginners luck was to re-run :)
one other hard part about the way I need to weight this up, My harvest was done 3 different times, taken trics at different %'s and honestly I don't want them get mixed up by combining everything together like I would normally do for a weight. I do not have that option this time. I keep everything well marked so I know dates & %'s in which jars.
@pop22 you & I seem like many of same strains, both play music for our girls. Nice finally meet someone like you. Many people think music not have any effect on your plants, but i think that simply not true there been experiments proving it helps.
Oh I forgot to mention, the other day a friend stopped by and somehow we got talking and I find out he has some grow equipment he's no-longer using so, I'm like well i'll take it, what ya have? he mention's couple 1kw De's, everything he says. I'm like wow, okay i'll take it all then. Gonna give it all for helping him move, pretty good deal right? I was really looking go more towards LED not more HiD lighting, so maybe I can just sell some of them item's and purchase myself another LED or build cob. my power bills already through the roof.
@pop22 you & I seem like many of same strains, both play music for our girls. Nice finally meet someone like you. Many people think music not have any effect on your plants, but i think that simply not true there been experiments proving it helps.
Yeh, I recall reading about that 30 years ago in a book by Peter Thompkins, The Secret Life of Plants.
Yeh, I recall reading about that 30 years ago in a book by Peter Thompkins, The Secret Life of Plants.
there are grape vineyards that also play music for them and if you seen how the masses of growth are near the music it would blow your mind. something about the vibration & tones from the music.
You have some excellent plants there! Can't wait to see your harvest!

I think you'd like how I harvest, I tag everything strain/date & % of trics. at harvest everything will go onto hangers. Once dry I tag jars with strain/harvest date/tric % & weight. I think I mentioned before that I have more of a controlled grow area Clean room really, I will only enter tent area with clean room gown it's kinda like a painters coveralls except it won't leave anything on buds if they touch against it, I also use hairnet, gloves and booty thingys to make sure nothing being tracked into my area. Thats why I can show the closest of close shots and you will NEVER-EVER see hair or other contaminates on my product, ever! I am super anal about things like that. A clean grow room is a happy grow room, IMO. :D Even through-out grow, I am constantly cleaning around grow area and every Sunday, is cleanup day when I wash floor down in the tent,wipe fan's,tops of lights,extractor,etc.. and tent itself is inside a screen-room type thing for extra layer of security from pests :p am disciplined grower.
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