Sweet Seeds Sweet Trainwreck-SS

This is a first that I have heard of boveda being the cause of MOLD. Is boveda not designed to keep it at a constant when cured? I did not know it was used to cure it learn something new everyday.
that was my understanding of it, that you can use to cure to eliminate burping and also add to older herb to remain moisture. I suppose there can be flaws in every design. this was added to both long cured herb & short cure herb only happened right where packet was located, no other part of buds affected and every jar without packet had no issues at all.
I was going by what company told me, once added to keep it closed and in a cool dark/dry place and that packet "is suppose" to work to take away or add humidity. they Said "not to open and close like usual, that the packet needs to balance out in the jar and everytime you open the jar, it starts all over again, thats best way I can explain how it was explained to me. I really don't know thats why i never made any comment about it, I only gave my advice to be-careful because of what happened with me, any number of reason could of caused but I don't know for sure what that was.
I replace mine once a year whether or not they need to be. Yes they will cycling up and down because opening the jar exposes them to a different RH level and the jar needs to balance. but that shouldn't affect their performance. It does sound to me like some defective packets, holding and releasing too much moister. I've no idea how they calibrate these, may have been working at a higher RH range, above 65%. I'd simply replace them. I've been using them for 4 years without a problem,
it sounds to me that had absorbed too much moister
your right anything is possible, but no true way of knowing 100%. I truly wouldn't of added to any of my jar had I actually thought it was too damp. I didn't talk about it also for that reason, coz i'm not trying dis them things or anything, just stating an issue I had with cured herb.. some was very cured. I know issues can arise from numerous amount of reasons. I did state that I had used them without issue as well, but only if I added in right from the start and with new ones only. The ones I had put in some, a few come from other jars so kinda used, but some were not used at all yet. thats what I keep trying explain many variables could of caused and I really honest to god am not dissing them things, just explaining what happened to me.
for all I know they could of not been good when I got, it's not like I tested them ahead of using. I certainly didn't like how they were shipped to me, I feel each packet should of been sealed, but wasn't I had bought package of 25 I think and they came wrapped in plastic, I kinda thought that was strange they not individually wrapped. I had them wrapped and put all into single jar so they wouldn't go bad until i used them. Thats what i mean about many variables that could of caused.
I replace mine once a year whether or not they need to be. Yes they will cycling up and down because opening the jar exposes them to a different RH level and the jar needs to balance. but that shouldn't affect their performance. It does sound to me like some defective packets, holding and releasing too much moister. I've no idea how they calibrate these, may have been working at a higher RH range, above 65%. I'd simply replace them. I've been using them for 4 years without a problem,
also i'm not sure how them packet thingys suppose to feel, but they always had this kinda coldish feel to them, maybe like a dampness. I'm honestly not sure what they suppose feel like to the touch. Since I do not have another comparison
One of things i worried about is what happened if they adsorbed to much moisture, would it try get rid of it, not accept it? just what happens? I also wonder if individually packaged if they would maintain a better rh %? Just seems to me even though they were all wrapped in plastic the whole lots was grouped in that same package all touching each other, not sealed to protect from adsorbing any moisture . just wrapped in plastic. I had seen someone else say something on different site when he/she had an issue and everyone jumped on the person, thats kinda another reason I didn't want to mention. Coz i don't want people jump on me, when they possibly not right either. Most logical thing to me is they must of been defective in some way, weather it be not sealed in own package, exposed to air. I don't know for sure. I just don't..... they don't have dates on them, that probably would be another good idea besides individually sealing so they can't take in environmental conditions. Maybe a 3rd idea, I should come up with a way and make a patent but I also think they should go 1-step further and have either color code or actual number or something to show if the packet is at RH% or if way out of whack?
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multiples are seal together to better maintain the correct RH while in storage. They should feel squishy, like it contains a thick liquid. they actually dry out eventually and start to feel like taffy or half dried bread dough. I believe their absorption is limited to plus or minus 2%, rather amazing really. I'd think that it may have been mispackaged, I think they make a 72% also, could be what you got.

One of things i worried about is what happened if they adsorbed to much moisture, would it try get rid of it, not accept it? just what happens? I also wonder if individually packaged if they would maintain a better rh %? Just seems to me even though they were all wrapped in plastic the whole lots was grouped in that same package all touching each other, not sealed to protect from adsorbing any moisture . just wrapped in plastic. I had seen someone else say something on different site when he/she had an issue and everyone jumped on the person, thats kinda another reason I didn't want to mention. Coz i don't want people jump on me, when they possibly not right either.
multiples are seal together to better maintain the correct RH while in storage. They should feel squishy, like it contains a thick liquid. they actually dry out eventually and start to feel like taffy or half dried bread dough. I believe their absorption is limited to plus or minus 2%, rather amazing really. I'd think that it may have been mispackaged, I think they make a 72% also, could be what you got.
yeah that is another very good possibility I didn't even consider. I know something was off, I'm just being honest when I say I don't know what for sure.