Sweet Seeds Sweet Trainwreck-SS

I want buy the round ones that will fit inside the cap on my jars, so they become like permanent fixture.
Wow, glad I asked. I had no idea something like that could happen. I reckon that a 62 packet (when right next to the herb) is pumping out too much moisture. I've been switching from the Boveda 62 to the Boost 55, 'cause my wife was complaining that the buds were too moist & sticky to easily roll. But even a 55 packet might cause the mold for a bud that's right next to it. Based on your experience, I'm going to reconsider how and when I place these packets (like, maybe I'll tape them to the roof of the lid rather than along side the buds.) Thanks for the feedback. :thanks::toke:
actually I had in several different places in jars, one being under cap and still had that issue to every single jar with a packet in it. all jars no packets, had no mold. crazy right? but when it affected them buds it was always ones closest to that packet thingy, so if I had in top of cap just tops of buds i'd say with-in 1 1/2 inch distance were all affected and anything further was not. even more crazy right? I was mad, coz i was told that it wouldn't affect them. but guess what it did affect them.
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just be-careful with them, if you had prior success without using, then if I'm you, i'd stick to that route and not take chances like I did and loose smoke only due to them. I certainly don't want anyone to loose all there hard work.
Just one single Group shot today. They all looking awesome!
This is a first that I have heard of boveda being the cause of MOLD. Is boveda not designed to keep it at a constant when cured? I did not know it was used to cure it learn something new everyday.
If your using Boveda or Boost packets and getting mold, you weed had too much moister to begin with. the 62% will work, i prefer the 59% myself. I've never had a moldy jars using either. You need to us a hygrometer for sure. check the rh within a couple hors of jarring up. if its more than 65% dumping the buds back out onto whatever drying surface you like and leave them a few hours. I find drying your bud a bit more before jaring is best. I often see 50% RH upon jarring and the Boveda brings it to the 59%. You need 55-65% humidity to make the curing process work. Dry bud takes months to cure, if the ever do.

Another thing, cure for 2 weeks to a month with the Boveda, etc, then remove them. they will slowly dry as you remove bud from the jars you are using. Open then other jars for a couple hours and re-seal.
You don't need or even really want them longer than a month, as eventually that cure will turn to rot even at those levels.

just be-careful with them, if you had prior success without using, then if I'm you, i'd stick to that route and not take chances like I did and loose smoke only due to them. I certainly don't want anyone to loose all there hard work.
And as you know, I love Sweet Trainwreck! If you ever grow photos, then you really need to grow some of the HSO Trainwreck! DAMN! Now that it has cured, its THE most potent strain of any, I've ever grown! 1 hit stone! I took 4 hits on the vape lasted night. I wasn't stoned, I was totally fucked up......for three hours! A mild, fruity taste, not the least bit harsh, Top Shelf bud for sure!
If your using Boveda or Boost packets and getting mold, you weed had too much moister to begin with. the 62% will work, i prefer the 59% myself. I've never had a moldy jars using either. You need to us a hygrometer for sure. check the rh within a couple hors of jarring up. if its more than 65% dumping the buds back out onto whatever drying surface you like and leave them a few hours. I find drying your bud a bit more before jaring is best. I often see 50% RH upon jarring and the Boveda brings it to the 59%. You need 55-65% humidity to make the curing process work. Dry bud takes months to cure, if the ever do.

Another thing, cure for 2 weeks to a month with the Boveda, etc, then remove them. they will slowly dry as you remove bud from the jars you are using. Open then other jars for a couple hours and re-seal.
You don't need or even really want them longer than a month, as eventually that cure will turn to rot even at those levels.
Honestly it was dry, they were already in jars 3+ weeks they were approx 53% when first went in jars, they took some moisture from stems brang up approx 56-57% stayed that way, the day I was going on vacation I firgured i'd add them, I never had an issue with them if I used right from the start I kinda dry mine more then most anyways, but I like it right around 58-59% for smoking, seems have great flavor there and not harsh at all. Both times i had problems was when I used them packet things on already cured herb. If I used on just dried herb added both same time and vacuum seal, I never had an issue. so it's strange, i watch my humidity pretty well to be honest and like i said the only time i ever had mold was with them packets and only on already cured herb, cured 3+weeks min.actually this time when I added at 3weeks or so was earlier then last time, I had also added to buds that been curing 6months or longer and it affected like i said only jars with packet thingys and only closest to the packet, the entire jar didn't have mold just small amount near that packet.
I had thought it was because it was touching in some jars, but in some jars i had it on the cap and still had where-ever the packet was located and only there, i'd think if was too damp then entire jar would of had mold. I was told even if you put in at say 64% that them packets are suppose to work up or down, I can assure you no jar would of had that much humidity for packets not take away, considering jars without packets didnt have any mold at all. the ones that did were very small amounts, but it had and only where that packet was located, thats the strange part.
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I suppose they could of been defective? not sure, thats why I never really mentioned. Plus really i do not know true reason as to why it happen, nor would anyone else. Since I know the conditions were before adding them, I thought if anything it would of helped balance them out because they were a little over-dry. because grow went longer then I thought and was first time in my life I was ever on a time limit. so I used dehumid to help speed it up. they did stabilize right around 58% in jars that didn't have the packets. the ones without packets had the meters. I have no clue what % in jars with packets after packets were added and sealed. since you wouldn't think you'd have to worry about it, if your adding to slightly dry herb , only hoping balance out around 60% somewhere. i'm also not sure why to the buds that was cured over 6months, noway in the world that was damp. I only added to that because I thought it was starting get a bit dry from jar being open & closed when I would take buds out. thats only reason i even added to to prevent it from drying out, it sure did that, lmao actually its not funny. I was really upset about it.
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