New Grower Sweet Seeds - First LED Run!

Day 68

Chop day for the green one today! Man is she sticky! Scissor hash blasted me into orbit, this one's very powerful...

Before the chop, branches flailing all over the place:




The harvest:


Now in brown bags drying :)

Well, that's the end of this grow - I must extend a huge THANK YOU to all those that have helped and supported me throughout! I have never been part of such a helpful and caring community of people, let alone growers. You are all a credit to yourselves and to the forum, my cap is well and truely doffed to you all!

I've learned an awful lot on this grow, and i'm gonna try and put my new knowledge into practice on my next grow, which is Mephisto Genetics Auto Blues & Sour Crack - the link to that grow is in my signature below if you want to have a gander.

Once again, many thanks for all of your help and support over the past couple of months!

Wowie very nice! Haha it does have crazy branches all over the place lol. Like:
Just a quick update on the dry weights:

Purple one: 117.4g

Green one: 135.8g

It's gonna be a stony stony christmas in the NB household this year!

Nice weights Nuteburn! :)

Plus rep for a healthy harvest!


Cheers me dears! I'm actually shocked to find out that I harvested over 9 zips from 2 plants! I never thought i'd do that in a million years. Thanks for the rep sweetheart, much appreciated indeed :d5:

Great work ,NB!!! I'm getting on the:slap: train with blue :) :Sharing One:

That avi is..... um..... damn!!! lololol
Waxi, you're a leg-end! Couldn't have done it without you brother!! Thanks for the slap man, appreciated!

Legend?! That stuff must be POTENT!!! lololol
We're all in this together, Brother :) I love seeing a great harvest after a righteous journey :)
some love:pighug:
Nice weights Nuteburn! :)

Plus rep for a healthy harvest!


Well done NB. Nice grow, well documented throughout and some nice weed to boot! :Sharing One:

The little star tells me that I have to spread the rep a little more before I can slap you again but, what the hell!


Peace and Love :peace:
