Pics sound like a good idea I can't get those with my loupe... But I'd say most of mine is cloudy still a lot of white hairs though.. Hadn't consider the chop yet till you said. Like @mizzo said its best to chop early from what I've heard/read

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It's hard to take them through mine and it's not working right. Most of my hairs receded rapidly. It was like someone switched the plant from hard flower to "fuck it, I'm done... smoke me"
It's hard to take them through mine and it's not working right. Most of my hairs receded rapidly. It was like someone switched the plant from hard flower to "fuck it, I'm done... smoke me"
Would be nice if they are done as 5 days drying isn't long and in 5 days your fella could me medicated plis my spines been playing me up big time never and tried CBD before plus try extra room would be nice so selfish reasons too haha. Have you flushed yet?

I'd say I've got around a half oz to an oz on mine I think.

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Would be nice if they are done as 5 days drying isn't long and in 5 days your fella could me medicated plis my spines been playing me up big time never and tried CBD before plus try extra room would be nice so selfish reasons too haha. Have you flushed yet?

I'd say I've got around a half oz to an oz on mine I think.

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If it's done itll be great. I wont even wait to dry I'll put it directly into butter and make cookies or something. I'm doing 1 ounce cannabis to 1 pound butter so if I get half an ounce that's enough for about 25 cookies. I can rapid dry stuff too with a fan and my tent with a single busted up bud in a paper bag.
Cbd works in ways other things cant. Dont know how else to describe it except it works.
I dont flush often because I've noticed no difference. Plus if we are making tea out of chamomile that was fertilized and not flushed, tobacco isn't flushed and believe it or not some grows dont flush and still have harvests free of any additional and residual salts. I just hold off on nutrients a bit but I still feed lightly and let the plant eat the last of the soils nutrients stored.
I think it's looking like a smaller yielder but I also think a smaller yield isnt bad if it's faster. I figure same yield per year as other autos and especially non auto cbd strains. Less, but faster. Which might keep him and I in stock:)
I agree and have heard it from many people from actual tests done and not just hearsay. I wish I had an alpha CAT because then I could test what I'm growing right in house... hint hint for Christmas if anyone wants to get me an alpha CAT. I'm happy with an HPLC too. I can use that for it but alpha CAT is easiest and would be great for test grows.
Yes that info was from breeders during the testing breeding stage. All breeders that have commented on it have all said the same thing. Cloudy and actually they all said it degrades faster then thc when the trics turn amber. So really try to get mostly cloudy.
If it's done itll be great. I wont even wait to dry I'll put it directly into butter and make cookies or something. I'm doing 1 ounce cannabis to 1 pound butter so if I get half an ounce that's enough for about 25 cookies. I can rapid dry stuff too with a fan and my tent with a single busted up bud in a paper bag.
Cbd works in ways other things cant. Dont know how else to describe it except it works.
I dont flush often because I've noticed no difference. Plus if we are making tea out of chamomile that was fertilized and not flushed, tobacco isn't flushed and believe it or not some grows dont flush and still have harvests free of any additional and residual salts. I just hold off on nutrients a bit but I still feed lightly and let the plant eat the last of the soils nutrients stored.
I think it's looking like a smaller yielder but I also think a smaller yield isnt bad if it's faster. I figure same yield per year as other autos and especially non auto cbd strains. Less, but faster. Which might keep him and I in stock:)
Ah put my mind at ease as the nute solution I've done last two feeds was very weak so like you think I'd be OK then to not flush this time.

I didn't know you could cook with wet weed :O ill be doing the same then while some dries [emoji108] you learn something new everyday.

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Ah put my mind at ease as the nute solution I've done last two feeds was very weak so like you think I'd be OK then to not flush this time.

I didn't know you could cook with wet weed :O ill be doing the same then while some dries [emoji108] you learn something new everyday.

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Yeah but I would imagine u would have to figure out dry weight to get accurate dosing. If I used 1oz dry then used 1oz wet to the same amount of butter the wet should be 1/4 the strength. I would wet weight divide by 4 and that’s the dry weight for the recipe.
:karmacloud: for you and hubby. Take a couple mugs, you can air dry them or put in a dish on top of the modem/ cable box for some low heat to help speed up drying. Is his stomach good? Take a small piece of bud and chew on it a bit. Wont taste great but the cbd is there!
Looks very close to me. All cloudy and it's done, no need for amber with CBD strains. At amber it degrades
:karmacloud: for you and hubby. Take a couple mugs, you can air dry them or put in a dish on top of the modem/ cable box for some low heat to help speed up drying. Is his stomach good? Take a small piece of bud and chew on it a bit. Wont taste great but the cbd is there!
Looks very close to me. All cloudy and it's done, no need for amber with CBD strains. At amber it degrades

If ingesting you gotta decarb first.

Totally different times and temps than thc.
