Photoperiod Subtropical perpetual outdoor guerilla grow with Connoisseur Genetics: crosses of Neville's Haze, Thai, SSSDHaze, Mullumbimby, Kariba

Day 96 -- from sprouting!

Just 4 days since last picture update and visit.
Weather has been very sunny, up to 24C and higher every day, lots of sun and fairly dry.
Maybe some more sun tomorrow but things are going to drop down nasty next week.
May go below 10C overnight with rain.

Lucky I visited though, as the warm weather meant the pots were getting light.
They would have lasted until the rain in a few days, but better soak now I figure.
They would need more water than even a good day or rain would give them.

I wasn't planning on visiting, but was walking by the area.
The chain at the front gate is slack enough to leave the door still hanging open.
Small skinny me is small enough to just sneak through the gap.

When I left, though, just as I stepped through an old guy on bike went past.
I stopped midway, one leg inside the other leg outside, oh no!
But he didn't even react to me clunking through the iron fence so I just kept on going!!

Building Two:

2 X Grail Project NH18 x MM pheno 1
(reg) = (NH18 x MM pheno 1) x (NH21 x MML Male) (12-16 weeks)
In a 15L pot.
Last pollination day 69, 27 days / ~4 weeks ago.

Here's the NH x MM Grail Family:


Sorry this is yet another a crappy photo focused on the wall not the plants...!

I took one seed out of each of these two to check how they were maturing after 4 weeks or more.
Both seeds are very dark and well mature, mottled but not striped, medium sized.

Miss Grail (NLD pheno) -- Day 96 = 42V + 54F:



Really hitting her happy flowering point right now, isn't she?
Calyxes are smaller and more delicate than indica pheno.

Miss Grail (indica pheno): Day 96 = 32V + 64F



Thicker, big calyxes building, will be a week or two ahead of the slimmer NLD girl.

Both of these two girls have some serious trichome development on the calyxes.
Quality all the way.

Building One:

2 X Thai Madness
(fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 2 clone x (NH21 x MML clone Reversed) (11-14 weeks?)

Last pollination on Day 56, 40 days ago (almost 6 weeks).

No photos of the plants, and I didn't even check on them.
Info below just for the record.

Thai Madness 1 : Day 96 = 42V + 54F

Thai Madness 2 : Day 96 = 56V + 40F

Namo Shivaya!

Fun, fun, fun!

Love and hugs,
Day 96 -- from sprouting!

Building Two:

2 X Super Silver Sour Thai Nevil
(fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 1 clone X SSSDH OJD cut Reversed (10-12 weeks?)
In a big 20L pot.
Last pollination day 69, 27 days / ~4 weeks ago.

The big cola in the middle is the Big Girl.
The cola on the left is also the Big Girl lower branch.
The cola on the right is the Little Girl (who I will have to rename, because she isn't little anymore...!)


Big Miss SSSTN: Day 96 = 32V + 64F

Definitely 80cm = 32" tall.




She's getting sticky in there, with much more to come.
Brushed my fingers through a side nug and they are very tacky, sticky.
Aromas I am not so good at explaining, but definitely fresh, fruity, quality herb flavor in there!

Her lower big branch looks like this, little mini tree of her own.


Namo Shivaya!

Fun, fun, fun!

Love and hugs,
Day 96 -- from sprouting!

Building Two:

2 X Super Silver Sour Thai Nevil
(fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 1 clone X SSSDH OJD cut Reversed (10-12 weeks?)
In a big 20L pot.
Last pollination day 69, 27 days / ~4 weeks ago.

Little Miss SSSTN: Day 96 = 63V (?) + 34F

She's hitting flowering pretty hard now, but only just starting to throw calyxes and pistils.


That photo is a bit meh, but you get the idea.
Total length, at a guess, 60cm = 24" plus.
She may overtake Big Girl in the next week or two as she's still definitely stretching out.
I guess she already had her roots in the big pot before she even thought about flowering, unlike Big Girl.

Due to size, the two of them were getting a bit cramped up in there.
I adjusted that tie I used last visit on the Big Girl to pull her back a bit more.
Opened up the space between them, giving them both some breathing room and more exposure.
Pulled out a couple of older leaves in the middle while I was at it.

From above, the two of them ended up looking like this:


Big Girl is up top, with big lower branch top left.
Bottom to the left is the Little Girl.

Namo Shivaya!

Fun, fun, fun!

Love and hugs,
Day 104 -- from sprouting!

8 days since last update.
I've talked about the weather a lot in those days -- really cold, pretty wet, foggy/cloudy.
It feels like about 90% RH outside right now -- no exaggeration.
Was misty/rainy earlier, but now just some thin cloud/fog lingering on the mountain.

Went via the long way, following the wall through the jungle.
Wet and slippery!

Building Two:

2 X Grail Project NH18 x MM pheno 1
(reg) = (NH18 x MM pheno 1) x (NH21 x MML Male) (12-16 weeks)
In a 15L pot.
Last pollination day 69, 35 days / 5 weeks ago.

Here's the NH x MM Grail Family:


Finally focused on the ganja instead of the wall!!

Such different phenos, aren't they?!

Took off a couple of the older leaves, anything that has a little dying off on the edges.
Don't want to invite you-know-what.
They are fine inside, healthy, no signs of anything nasty going on in this weather.

Miss Grail (NLD pheno) -- Day 104 = 42V + 62F:



Beautiful! Happily just throwing out lots more calyxs and pistils.
The little lower buds are filling up her main stem too, so she'll be a single cola top to bottom.

Miss Grail (indica pheno): Day 104 = 32V + 72F



I pull those little side buds out a bit to give some breathing space along the main stem.
Getting chunky, and still some time to go.

Building One:

2 X Thai Madness
(fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 2 clone x (NH21 x MML clone Reversed) (11-14 weeks?)

Last pollination on Day 56, 48 days ago (almost 7 weeks).



Finally visited them today, because I wanted to cut them down.
At 48 days after last pollination, anything that should be maturing is going to be ready now.
Also, the earlier flowering more yellowing plant is really hitting senescence.
And while the slower to flower more green plant is putting out more calyxes and pistils, might as well do them together.

Thai Madness 1 : Day 104 = 42V + 62F


Took out a couple of seeds from that bottom dying bud and cut it off the plant.
The seeds are very dark and mature, mottled, like the ones from the other week.
I count about another 20 on this tiny bud.
Otherwise, this is fluffy larf, haha!!

Thai Madness 2 : Day 104 = 56V + 48F


At least she looks more like a lower branch than straight out larf!
Looks healthier on the outside, but underneath those leaves...


So that was all cut off.
Another 20 or so seeds in her, too.

I then did a rough wet trim and they went into a laundry bag hung from the stairs over at building two.
The laundry bag lets some airflow through, but the holes are still relatively small.
But that in turn will keep any bugs or spiders off them.
Got home and thought I should have cut all the little buds off the main stem, to dry faster... never mind, too late.

Having these two little Thai Madness girls for this experimental drying technique is okay.
Doubt it will go too wrong, and the seeds will stay okay even if the buds turn for the worst.

Namo Shivaya!

Fun, fun, fun!

Love and hugs,
Day 104 -- from sprouting!

Building Two:

2 X Super Silver Sour Thai Nevil
(fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 1 clone X SSSDH OJD cut Reversed (10-12 weeks?)
In a big 20L pot.
Last pollination day 69, 35 days / 5 weeks ago.


The big cola in the middle is the Big Girl.
The cola on the left is also the Big Girl lower branch.
The colas on the right are the Little Girl (who I will have to rename, because she isn't little anymore...!)

And from above:


Bottom middle is Little Miss, everything else is probably Big Miss.

Big Miss SSSTN: Day 104 = 32V + 72F


This is the same as the first family shot, just with me bending Little Miss in front to show the Big girl.




Tried one with the flash, but the focus isn't great...


Namo Shivaya!

Fun, fun, fun!

Love and hugs,
Day 104 -- from sprouting!

Building Two:

2 X Super Silver Sour Thai Nevil
(fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 1 clone X SSSDH OJD cut Reversed (10-12 weeks?)
In a big 20L pot.
Last pollination day 69, 27 days / ~4 weeks ago.

Little Miss SSSTN: Day 104 = 63V (?) + 42F

Side angle of her to show the heavy branching.


She has branches on little branches all over the place.
She also has tiny tiny little pistils, never seen pistils so small.
Wondering if the branching and tiny pistils are due to the heavy N just as she started flowering??


I think those little orange things up top must be some kind of eggs, so they were removed pretty quickly!



Crazy growth in there!

Meanwhile, here's a scenic shot for you all.
Looking south, slightly west.


Next week weather forecast for daytime highs from about 21C to 26C or so.
Plenty of sun with a little cloud.
Hooray for that!!!
Should make these ladies go into over-drive, and put out another crazy flowering, I hope!

Namo Shivaya!

Fun, fun, fun!

Love and hugs,
Day 112 -- from sprouting!

8 days since last update.
Weather has been average, a bit warm, some sun, some fog/cloud, little rain.
Humidity very high, so concerned about drying (more below).

After being at the site for 10 minutes, realized I've had visitors.
Someone (kids, probably) have been there tagging.
Nice tags.
No signs of disturbance.
Did they not notice the plants? (Night time?)
Did they notice but respect the grow?
Who knows?!?!

Only slightly concerned, to be honest.
They are probably my kind of kids, hehe.

Adds some art to the photos!

Building Two:

2 X Grail Project NH18 x MM pheno 1
(reg) = (NH18 x MM pheno 1) x (NH21 x MML Male) (12-16 weeks)
In a 15L pot.
Last pollination day 69, 43 days / 6+ weeks ago.

Here's the NH x MM Grail Family:


Miss Grail (NLD pheno) -- Day 112 = 42V + 70F:



She's just ticking along nicely, thank you.

Miss Grail (indica pheno): Day 112 = 32V + 80F



She had two tiny tiny touches of mold on the tips of buds.
Next week is most likely fairly wet.
So... cut time for her.
I think she's borderline ready anyway, and I'd rather this than lose a lot more over the next week...
80 days, 11.5 weeks, and definitely more indica leaning, so the time and flower growth says ok to chop.

She's now in the laundry bag, drying.

Building One:

2 X Thai Madness
(fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 2 clone x (NH21 x MML clone Reversed) (11-14 weeks?)

These two dried out in the laundry bag just fine.
Very tiny.
Unless... maybe those taggers took a little sample? Possible!


Other rewards:
Thai Madness X ThaiFrican
((Swiss Thai x NH) x (NH21 x MM rev) X (((Hempy Thai x NH21) x NH36 rev) x (NH23 x Kariba))

May be another few still in the buds, and I already have a few at home.
Let's say 35+ reg seeds of mostly NH x Thai and friends sativa/haze seeds to play with.

Namo Shivaya!

Fun, fun, fun!

Love and hugs,
Day 112 -- from sprouting!

Building Two:

2 X Super Silver Sour Thai Nevil
(fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 1 clone X SSSDH OJD cut Reversed (10-12 weeks?)
In a big 20L pot.
Last pollination day 69, 43 days / 6+ weeks ago.


Haha, little sister wants to be the star of today's photo shot.
While big sister stands behind nodding in approval.

Big Miss SSSTN: Day 112 = 32V + 80F

She had about 4 or 5 tiny touches of mold on bud tips, maybe <1g total. Removed.
Shows even open sativas in this climate are not immune.
Removed a few of the original main-stem fans (though they aren't big).
Here's hoping this next week goes safely, as the week after is forecast for warmth and sun.
She's getting there, but I figure a few weeks more at least.
Took a sneaky mid-section bud/branch to test dry, though, because... reasons.


This is the same as the first family shot, just with me bending Little Miss in front to show the Big girl.






Little Miss SSSTN: Day 112 = 63V(?) + 49F

Crazy branched and bushy this girl, with tiny little calyxes and pistils.




Namo Shivaya!

Fun, fun, fun!

Love and hugs,
Day 119 -- from sprouting!

7 days since last update.
Weather has been cold again, down to even 9C overnight and highs just up to 20C, but often just 12C or so.
Mostly cloudy / foggy, with some rain on a few days, super high humidity, 85%-95%.
But today is high of 20C, bright sunshine, humidity of 50%! Perfect!

Building Two:

2 X Grail Project NH18 x MM pheno 1
(reg) = (NH18 x MM pheno 1) x (NH21 x MML Male) (12-16 weeks)
In a 15L pot.
Last pollination day 69, 50 days / 7+ weeks ago.

Miss Grail (NLD pheno) -- Day 119 = 42V + 79F:




She's just ticking along nicely, thank you.
Getting a bit fox-taily up top in a good way.
Still a few weeks away, so I'll just let her fade out naturally.

Miss Grail (indica pheno): Harvested Day 112 = 32V + 80F

She's now in the laundry bag, drying.
Due to humidity, etc., hasn't dried that much.
Some of the seeds from Mr ThaiFrican are dropping out.
Nicely caught in the laundry bag. (Thanks @Normannen for the warning!)
Cut some of the remaining fans, lower side buds off the main stem and removed the stem to further the process.

Namo Shivaya!

Fun, fun, fun!

Love and hugs,
Day 119 -- from sprouting!

Building Two:

2 X Super Silver Sour Thai Nevil
(fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 1 clone X SSSDH OJD cut Reversed (10-12 weeks?)
In a big 20L pot.
Last pollination day 69, 52 days / 7+ weeks ago.


Little sister in front and focus again!

Big Miss SSSTN: Day 119 = 32V + 89F

No mold detected, despite the horrible weather!
Not much growth though, either -- too cold little sunlight.
Still she's progressing.




Then the right-side lower branch top:


She's just going to keep throwing more calyxes I think.
Open flowers, very sticky, let that air through and sunlight, too!

Give her this week of warmth and sun at least, almost 13 weeks already.
Then think up the chop depending on progress and the weather.

Little Miss SSSTN: Day 119 = 63V(?) + 56F

She's just gotten even more branched and bushy.
Tiny little calyxes and pistils.
Some hermie male sacks showing, but to be honest, I don't really care.
No time to affect the big girl at this point, and can still get flower of this little miss as well.
Often these aren't even fertile, but sterile.
Probably stress: temps, light-hours increasing again, and she was never pollinated when the others were (helps fix sex in my limited experience).
And... can't bring myself to cut down this whole plant at this point, hahahhahaaa!

Oh, and removed one caterpillar that was making a cocoon on one higher bud.




Namo Shivaya!

Fun, fun, fun!

Love and hugs,