Photoperiod Subtropical perpetual outdoor guerilla grow with Connoisseur Genetics: crosses of Neville's Haze, Thai, SSSDHaze, Mullumbimby, Kariba

Day 21 -- from sprouting!

A week since last post.
Weather was a bit colder, cloudy, not much sun, just a bit of rain.
Then just got quite hot again today, up to 30C.
Just checked them this evening.
A bit dangerous walking around those abandoned buildings.
Hard to see and walk up narrow stairs and not fall in the pond!
Was worried they would be dry, but they weren't too bad.

Building One:

4 X ThaiFrican
(reg) = Outback Haze 2 clone x (Nevil Haze 23 x Kariba Male) (10-12 weeks)
In the biggest 20L pot:



Down to two out of four.
Caught one in the pot when I was there... damn!
But the two left look pretty good.
Fifth node / set of leaves coming out.
These plants are the tallest and largest out of all of them.
Because they weren't transplanted in the coco coir pots, so no constricted roots.
Lesson learned -- the little coco pots are convenient, but restricting.

2 X Thai Madness (fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 2 clone x (NH21 x MML clone Reversed) (11-14 weeks?)
In a medium 10L pot:



These two both had crazy long skinny stems, but they're quite stiff and rigid now.
There's been a lot of strong wind.
Look healthier than before.
But still not looking that great.
Pot was fairly light -- still haven't mulched.
Fourth set of true leaves / node.

Building Two:

2 X Super Silver Sour Thai Nevil
(fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 1 clone X SSSDH OJD cut Reversed (10-12 weeks?)
In a smaller 8L pot.



This girl is doing well.
Taller sister shading out the other one, but never mind!
Fifth node / set of leaves showing.
Roots still haven't gotten through the coco pot, so she's restricted up top, too.

4 X Grail Project NH18 x MM pheno 1 (reg) = (NH18 x MM pheno 1) x (NH21 x MML Male) (12-16 weeks)
In a 10L pot, actually, I think this must be about 15L. It also holds the moisture quite well.




All four are alive.
Doing a bit better than before, and the bug damage from before has all but disappeared.
Up to their fifth node / set of leaves.
But roots must be restricted, so up top is short and a bit stunted.

After almost 4 weeks from seeds hitting the water, about 3 weeks since popping out of the soil:

We have 3/4 healthy fem seed plants.
And have 6/8 healthy reg seed plants.
So maybe we have 6 females in there, give or take; and maybe 3 males.

Nature is doing it's own selection process.

The coco coir transplantation pots have restricted some of them a bit.
Means no huge growth, but also may help keep these sativas from getting too out of control down the line.

A few warm sunny days coming up, about 27C-30C during the day, low 20s at night.
Then maybe a bit cloudy for the days after that, still highs of 26C-27C, with some possible showers.
Less rain than I expected.
But they are also doing okay.

Just need their roots to get into the main pots, maybe less watering will help, force those roots down deep.

Need to find some mulch for the SSSTH girls.
And maybe something to scare off the snails on the ThaiFrican.

Fun, fun, fun!

Love and hugs,
Day 32 -- from sprouting!

11 days since last post.
Weather has cooled a bit more, cloudy, not much sun, a bit of rain last night and today.
Just checked them this evening.
The rainfall was good for them, and only the smaller SSSTN needed a little bit of help.

All the photos today are where I've taken the pots into one of the rooms of the abandoned houses.
Otherwise my torch and flash are going to be seen right across the valley to the people over there.
Or possibly someone walking outside over here.
Security first.

Building One:

1 X ThaiFrican
(reg) = Outback Haze 2 clone x (Nevil Haze 23 x Kariba Male) (10-12 weeks)
In the biggest 20L pot:

As mentioned earlier, just one left after the snails.
And it is a he, showed his pollen sacks a few weeks ago.
Nice looking boy though, I must say.
So I'm keeping hold of him for now.


2 X Thai Madness (fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 2 clone x (NH21 x MML clone Reversed) (11-14 weeks?)
Sharing the 20L pot with ThaiFrican boy.

These two little girls are still okay, but just not growing much.
As mentioned earlier, moved them out of their small pot to share the big pot with the ThaiFrican boy.
They do look a little happier in there, which is good.
They aren't showing any signs of sex yet.
So I'm not worried about pollination.

Building Two:

1 X Super Silver Sour Thai Nevil
(fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 1 clone X SSSDH OJD cut Reversed (10-12 weeks?)
In a smaller 8L pot.

She (well, two of them, but the little one is totally shaded out now, so we'll say one of them) is doing well.
Happy news, she's showing a few pistils up top!
Fem seed, so already knew she was a girl, but still good to know she's hitting puberty.

Still planning on getting her into a bigger pot.
Just that this last week things didn't quite fall in line for that to happen.

4 X Grail Project NH18 x MM pheno 1 (reg) = (NH18 x MM pheno 1) x (NH21 x MML Male) (12-16 weeks)
In a 15L pot.

All four of these grail regs are doing well still.
One has shown some pistils, so we at least have one girl!
Couldn't see anything on the other three, but it's very dark and my torch is small, so who knows?
Shouldn't be long before the others show, I feel.

If any males show, I'll have to choose between keeping them (at least for a while) for some pollen.
Or, removing them and freeing up some root space for their sisters.
Will decide when it happens.
Who knows, maybe I'll get four girls!?!

32 days / 4.5 weeks since popping out of the soil:

We have one confirmed male: ThaiFrican, showing sex quite early, at 4 weeks with 12/12 to 11/13.
We have two confirmed females: One SSSTN and one Grail NH x MM (F2*), both at at 4.5 weeks with 12/12 to 11/13.

We are just about hitting 11/13 now, with another 1/2 hr to lose by winter solstice in approx 5-6 weeks.
So the entire flowering period should be from 11/13 through 10.5/13.5 then back to 11/13.
Little chance of revegetation I think.

Once we get another one or two showing sex, hopefully soon, I'll prepare a top dressing.
Will aim to use some 3-5-5 to increase the PK a little bit.
I have another cloth pot near site that has this in it already, breaking down the pellets inside over the last couple of months, so easy to apply.

Need to read up a bit on pollen storage, and will start with Clarke's Marijuana Botany, my old favorite!
Collection is easy in this case.
I do recall just keeping the pollen (powder) and not the vegetative pollen sacks, which can rot.
Just need to keep it long enough from ThaiFrican for the ladies that show up.
Keep it dry, keep it cool, I remember to be the main keys.
Anyone with experience, please feel free to comment.

Weather these couple of days down to 20C or so and wet.
But picking back up to 24C-26C again later in the week, with a bit more sun.

That on site pond is simply a god-send.
A couple of years ago I used to have to skip across some long grasses and reeds to use a nearby irrigation pond.
But this is right on hand, super easy to use and access.
Glad I picked this spot!!

Fun, fun, fun!

Love and hugs,
Okay, needless to say, two days ago was an absolute crap day...
Won't give you all the details, but as far as this grow is concerned...

Got to the site to discover that the entrance point for the abandoned buildings was closed off.
There has always been a 2m sheet iron wall/fence around it since I started.
But there was an entrance way, a driveway, into the particular area I was using, that was always open.
Could just walk right in.
And for some of the other buildings, there were also a couple of other entrances, harder or easier to use.
Now the main big entrance is closed with iron, and the others have been closed too.

Damn! Damn! Damn!

At least my main entrance is made as like a gate, with a door.
Luckily, it is not locked shut, just a re-bar bolt fixing it in the ground, a re-bar cross bolt loosely in place in the front, and some soft wire through some holes and twisted in the front.
About 70m around the corner, some workers have been renovating two of these abandoned buildings.
I think it may have been them, or someone related to this reconstruction, that has closed it up.

Went it at dusk, and just opened it up and went it.
Praying like hell nobody comes in behind me to either see who went in, or lock it behind me.
While it is not locked, if somebody put in the cross bolt from outside, you wouldn't be able to open it from the inside.
I went inside, closed the door and went to the site.

My site visit update will be in the next post.

When I left, I put the ground bolt in the ground and replaced the cross bolt, but not the wires as I got a bit spooked by some traffic.

This means it is possible, but far more time consuming and therefore risky to enter the site.
If somebody concerned notices, then they may try further security or worse.
I'm thinking though, since it is just closed and not locked, they aren't super worried about security.
Still, it's a big concern.

Will probably now only visit the site when it's dark.
As the workers won't be around and other foot traffic will be almost zero.
Meaning I can go in and leave the door unfastened before I leave and close up properly again.

Though, on the good side, less likely anyone else will be going into the site.
Unless those workers are planning on activity there in the near future.

Damn! Damn! Damn!

Like I said, that was just one shitty thing out of about four or five that day.
That's why it's taken me so long to update, dealing with the crap from that day.
The things we do for love...
Day 38 -- from sprouting!

6 days since last post.
Weather was cool with some sun and lower humidity.

Building One:

1 X ThaiFrican
(reg) = Outback Haze 2 clone x (Nevil Haze 23 x Kariba Male) (10-12 weeks)
In the biggest 20L pot:


I don't think he's dropping pollen yet.
Nice boy, good shape.
Maybe about 60-70cm tall (didn't measure, just estimate).

2 X Thai Madness (fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 2 clone x (NH21 x MML clone Reversed) (11-14 weeks?)
Sharing the 20L pot with ThaiFrican boy.


They are both so tiny.
Partly those root bond coco coir pots.
But maybe they just really don't like my conditions, because the other plants in the coco pots are looking much better, e.g. the SSSTN and NHxMM.

Building Two:

1 X Super Silver Sour Thai Nevil
(fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 1 clone X SSSDH OJD cut Reversed (10-12 weeks?)
In a smaller 8L pot.


Looking pretty good.
Hope she puts on a good stretch, as still quite short.
Definitely has that start of flower look about her.
Added some of the flowering organic amendments as she is lighter down low (low N, prob).

4 X Grail Project NH18 x MM pheno 1 (reg) = (NH18 x MM pheno 1) x (NH21 x MML Male) (12-16 weeks)
In a 15L pot.


Four taller phenos and one shorter pheno.
All as NLD, and still getting thinner leaflets as they grow.
Photos below of two of the nicer tall ones.


This one is the definitely starting to flower lady.


Couldn't see any sex in the others, but it was dark (photos with 'night light' mode -- it was really quite dark out there!)

Also added some flowering organic nutrients to this pot.
But will need to water in.

38 days / 5.5 weeks since popping out of the soil:

Still no signs of pollen dropping.
Good, because it's too soon anyway.
And I wasn't prepared when I checked this visit.

Two girls still: SSSTN and one of the NHxMM tall.

The gate/entrance issue is a huge concern...
Not sure if I have other sites that I can move too.
And who wants to walk the back streets with pots full of young ganja plants to relocate them?!?!

Fun, fun, fun!

Love and hugs,
Day 42 -- from sprouting!

4 days since last update.
Weather was cool with some sunny days, but then a bit of rain overnight.
That rain affected the male pollen situation -- details below.

Also, good news!
We have some crazy wind up here, really intense, like the edge of a typhoon, but on 4-5 days a week.
Those gates that were put up in the grow area were just totally blown open, and some other areas of the wall as well. The ganja gods are smiling on me! Just hope the people who put it up don't come back to check or care about it.

Building One:

1 X ThaiFrican
(reg) = Outback Haze 2 clone x (Nevil Haze 23 x Kariba Male) (10-12 weeks)
In the biggest 20L pot:


He's in great shape. Or, was in great shape.
I left him like this:


The rest of him is still alive and well, with many more pollen sites developing.

He's been dropping a bit of pollen, but the wind means there is none to be seen on the leaves or the ground.
More on the pollen situation below.

2 X Thai Madness (fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 2 clone x (NH21 x MML clone Reversed) (11-14 weeks?)
Sharing the 20L pot with ThaiFrican boy.


They are both so tiny.
The larger one (relatively speaking) on the left is showing some pistils, and even trichomes on the calyxes already. I wonder if those very early calyxes were already pollinated by Mr ThaiFrican? Good chance they were. I don't mind, not going to be much bud on these little girls, so might as well have a couple of seeds.

Building Two:

1 X Super Silver Sour Thai Nevil
(fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 1 clone X SSSDH OJD cut Reversed (10-12 weeks?)
Was in a smaller 8L pot, but moved her into a bigger pot today, about 20L I think.




Looking pretty good, but she's hungry.
Not sure about how much more stretch she's got in her.
Hopefully she likes her new shoes, and decides to go sativa crazy on me, maybe with a strong Thai pheno there's a good chance of that!

Added some more of the flowering organic amendments as she is lighter down low (low N, prob), and gave it all a good watering in. So new pot with 3-5-5 plus more of a top dressing as well, hopefully that PK and a bit of N gets to her roots then back up to her leaves and flowers soon.

4 X Grail Project NH18 x MM pheno 1 (reg) = (NH18 x MM pheno 1) x (NH21 x MML Male) (12-16 weeks)
In a 15L pot.


The two tallest phenos -- top left and right -- are both males.




Very similar looking phenos, and showing sex now at 6 weeks under about 11/3 conditions -- useful to note for anyone growing these indoors or outdoors!
Not enough pollen sack development to collect right now, so I cut off their tops and stripped a few leaves to let more light and space for the other two.


Continued in next post due to pic upload limits!
Day 42 -- from sprouting, continued...

Then we had the one in the center back who was already sexed as a female, showing more pistils now:


Otherwise a similar pheno to the two males.
Obviously the females are usually a bit shorter, but similar size and leave shape, etc.

And now the shorter pheno has showed sex as female with just a couple of pistils:


Probably can't even see it in this photo, but she's a girl.

All are classic NLD, and still getting thinner leaflets as they grow.
Also added some more flowering organic nutrients to this pot and watered it in nicely.

After cutting down the two males, the NH x MM shared pot looks like this:


Maybe get some more pollen from one or both of the males, then they'll be gone and the whole pot left to the two girls to do their magic!

Fun with the larger Mr ThaiFrican male:

Took off his main cola, stripped the fan leaves, bagged it, and brought it home.
So windy on site, better to do this in a still air zone.
Separated out the smaller leaves and stems, all the anthers, then the anthers that have already opened and are just about to open.


The immature anthers still have a bit of sticky resin on them, so they are now in my tea cup sitting next to me.


Doing the boiling water decarb, but it won't be very thorough, just a few minutes and the water is cooling. Never mind!


And those mature anthers are in a foil pouch, drying in my laundry drying area which has the lowest humidity in the house.



Give that a few days, separate out the any plant matter, and I store it away.
Probably will be able to use it in just another week or two, so it doesn't have to be a perfect job.
May use the baked (dried) rice or flour technique, but this little collection should be more than enough to dust a lower or two on the females -- two NHxMM, SSSTN -- to make a few dozen seeds for future use.

If anyone wants to ask if Connoisseur Genetics ThaiFrican is a true NLD sativa, you can show them these pics:


Fun, fun, fun!

Love and hugs,
Day 56 -- from sprouting!

14 days since last picture update and visit.
We had a cooler and wet period with some fairly good rain.
Then just recently some warmer weather and bright sunshine, with more to come.

I knew visiting the site would be a surprise, 14 days is a long time at the start of flowering.

From a distance, I saw that the new gate was not barred but just a wire twist holding it closed.
But when I got there I saw why -- the wind had ripped the gate of the hinges, and it was stuck in the ground.
Couldn't be opened at all, the gate was totally jammed in place.


So, more adventure time for Maria, as I tried the long way around.
Down the road, and then up a steep bank, through the jungle with a wall of the gated houses on one side and almost a cliff on the other side!
Follow the wall around and I come out the other side of the abandoned houses.

Yes, I made it!

Building One:

This big pot with the ThaiFrican male and two tiny Thai Madness girls.


1 X ThaiFrican (reg) = Outback Haze 2 clone x (Nevil Haze 23 x Kariba Male) (10-12 weeks)
In a 20L pot:

Mr ThaiFrican is finished. His pollen mostly all released.
Handsome boy, and will make a nice father!


But now he is taking up space, so he has to go.
Thank you for your service!


2 X Thai Madness (fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 2 clone x (NH21 x MML clone Reversed) (11-14 weeks?)
Sharing the 20L pot with ThaiFrican boy.

He was right above these two little girls.
Stunted because their original coco coir seedling pots really didn't allow the roots to grow out (as advertised.) My biggest problem and mistake in this whole grow, by far!


I won't be getting much bud at all from these two.
But they are now very full of ripening Thai Madness x ThaiFrican seeds.
The slightly larger girl has at least 20-30.


Calyxes are huge and bulging, with more smaller ones still developing.

And same with the smaller girl, though less of them.


A pity, but I still have 4 of these Thai Madness fem seeds from OJD (pack had 6, not 5).
And so having some crosses with her means I can grow the other ones fully sensimilla.

Building Two:

1 X Super Silver Sour Thai Nevil
(fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 1 clone X SSSDH OJD cut Reversed (10-12 weeks?)
Now in a 20L pot.

I really was guessing at how much of a stretch this SSSTN fem would have.
I was correct, she's almost finished, with just a bit to go.
Total height about 40 cm = 16" -- a sativa bonsai microgrow.
The small coco coir seedling pot plus straight to 11.5/12.5 then 11/13 kept her size very small.
But now putting her in this bigger pot means she can flower properly and has plenty of space.


My re-pot plus top dressing has also solved her yellowing problem.
You can see the lower leaves are lighter but up top she is just fine.
Actually in this pic, on the lower right is her little sister, who is poking her head out and just about to flower.

A few more close ups on her flowers.




She still has some growth to put out, and these individual flower clusters will increase in size I'm sure.

Not sure if this is a SSSDH pheno or the Thai Neville Haze pheno, but I'm guessing the former.
Wouldn't mind if she went all crazy Thai Haze on me and grew another foot or two tall!

More pics below...

Fun, fun, fun!

Love and hugs,
Day 56 -- from sprouting! -- continued ...

Building Two:

1 X Super Silver Sour Thai Nevil
(fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 1 clone X SSSDH OJD cut Reversed (10-12 weeks?)
Now in a 20L pot.

More about the SSSTN girls...


Her flowering isn't what I would call 'perfect' for pollination, but close enough as I'm not sure when I can visit again.
So, out comes the ThaiFrican pollen pouch.
I used the pollen I collected rather than collecting fresh, to reduce back and forth between the buildings where I may be a bit exposed.
Using a cotton bud as mentioned before.
(The black is a tag for ThaiFrican along with a black thread for tagging, brought another one and white thread for the NH x MM but no pollen on those males yet.)


Dab dab on these two lower flower clusters and add the black thread to mark them.
Think I hit about 10+ sets of pistils/calyxes on each side.
Have kept the pollen to use again if I can when more flowers showing.


Photos are from a back room where I can work.
Then water them and back into the sun.

I watered with a Peter's 5-11-26 TE (Mg, Boron, etc.) mix, 2 g in 2 L, should be about 840 ppm.
I know it's not organic, but I brought it as they had shown they were hunger last time and I didn't know if the top dressing would kick in fast enough.
It did kick in, but I watered in the 5-11-26 anyway, as it's a good mix for flowering at this stage.
Water both the SSSTN and the NHxMM below.

4 X Grail Project NH18 x MM pheno 1 (reg) = (NH18 x MM pheno 1) x (NH21 x MML Male) (12-16 weeks)
In a 15L pot.

Also doing well, though less into flowering and less stretch than the larger SSSTN girl.
Top right is the most advanced female, far left also female, and from right is a topped male and in behind on the left also male.


The top right female is still small, little stretch.
And actually a bit bushy.


But she's definitely showing sativa traits with those thin leaves.
Though she is fairly dark in color now, compared to the other female and two males.
Her inter-node length is very short though.


Obviously the too-small coco coir seedling pots restricted her.
But I do wonder if this is a shorter pheno perhaps?

The second female is shorter and lighter in color.
Less advanced in flowering, so the stretch is yet to come for her...


Here, the bottom of the pic shows one of the males, topped.
Lighter green, typical NLD shape, and since I cut his main top barely any pollen sacks forming.


So I cut him down.
Have a photo, but have hit the limit for this post.
Just imagine him laying on the ground, poor boy.

His brother, though, I'm keeping for now.
As he's showing some pollen sacks and I'm prefer a slighting faster flowering father.


He gets to stay in the pots, behind his sister, not blocking the light.
It'll be a little while before he can be a daddy, so that should be okay.

Meanwhile, Mr ThaiFrican gets to pollinate the larger NHxMM female.
And the black thread tag is added.
Not a lot of calyxes / pistils right now, so that may be 10+ seeds max.
But can do another round a bit later if all goes well.


Things progressing quite nicely at this point.
The gate and site entrance is a bit of a hassle.
Going from the back means more likely people will see me.
'Why is that lady walking up into the jungle there? Weird!'
But also means that almost 0% chance somebody will stumble on to the plants.
Maintaining watering if it's dry is harder, though.
I don't want to try getting there at night thank you very much.

I had been praying for a protective barrier around the site.
I have it now! Almost too secure.
And that the plants would stay small.
I have that too. A little too small.
So more prayers needed to let me in the front gate again and have those sativa genetics kick in for a bit more height, haha!

Namo Shivaya!

Fun, fun, fun!

Love and hugs,
Day 56 -- from sprouting! -- continued ...

Building Two:

Here's the slower NHxMM male that I removed.


And a family pic of NH x MM after he's gone, showing a bit more space for the girls for light to get in to the lower parts of the plants.


Left is the slightly slower light green girl.
Right is the bushier darker fast girl.
Middle two is the one topped faster male.

May just be the world's smallest (but cutest!) Neville's Haze x Mullumbimby Madness seed-plant ever!

Watered them with the Peter's mix mentioned above, though it was more like 300 ppm as I added some more water from the balcony pond.

Namo Shivaya!

Fun, fun, fun!

Love and hugs,
SSSTN X ThaiFrican:

((Swiss Thai x NH) x SSSDH rev) X (((Hempy Thai x NH21) x NH36 rev) x (NH23 x Kariba))

Mostly various Neville's Haze (43.75%) with a chunk of SSSDH (25%), two different Thai (18.75%), and some African Kariba (12.5%).

Thai Madness X ThaiFrican:

((Swiss Thai x NH) x (NH21 x MM rev) X (((Hempy Thai x NH21) x NH36 rev) x (NH23 x Kariba))

Lots of Neville's Haze in there (56.25%), with two different Thai (18.75%), some Mullumbimby (12.5%), and some African Kariba (12.5%).

((NH18 x MM) x (NH21 x MM)) X ThaiFrican:

((NH18 x MM) x (NH21 x MM)) X (((Hempy Thai x NH21) x NH36 rev) x (NH23 x Kariba))

Mostly Neville's Haze (56.25%), with a fair amount of Mullumbimby Madness (25%), a bit of Hempy's Thai (6.25%) and African Kariba (12.5%).

All three of these pollinations are mostly Neville's Haze (three different cuts -- 21 mostly, also 18, 23, and 36) with various mixes of Mullumbimby, Thai and Kariba.
There should be some variation, but otherwise they are family.
Should flower at 12/12 for 10-16 weeks, most likely around 10-13 I'm guessing.
Will be faster at 11/13 or whatever.