Photoperiod Subtropical perpetual outdoor guerilla grow with Connoisseur Genetics: crosses of Neville's Haze, Thai, SSSDHaze, Mullumbimby, Kariba

Day 63 -- from sprouting!

7 days since last picture update and visit.
We had two hot days of 28C but the rest was cooler, and today down to 12C or something like that, with the usual strong winds, cloudy and misty enough to provide some water.

The gate is still blocked, so went through the jungle around the wall.

Building One:

Just this big pot with the two tiny Thai Madness girls now that Mr ThaiFrican has gone.

2 X Thai Madness (fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 2 clone x (NH21 x MML clone Reversed) (11-14 weeks?)

Let's just show some pics.
The slightly larger girl has at least 20-30.


Calyxes are huge and bulging, with more smaller ones still developing.
I broke one of the older ones off, peeled back the calyx, and saw it was already getting a bit dark.
Give it two weeks I think, longer would be better, as long as the plant itself is still living okay.

And same with the smaller girl, though less of them.


A pity they are so small, but I still have 4 of these Thai Madness fem seeds from OJD (pack had 6, not 5).
And so having some crosses with her means I can grow the other ones fully sensimilla.

Building Two:

Let's start with some pics of them all together.
Give you an idea of the size difference between the SSSTN and the NH x MM.


1 X Super Silver Sour Thai Nevil (fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 1 clone X SSSDH OJD cut Reversed (10-12 weeks?)
Now in a 20L pot.

Just when I thought the SSSTN had almost finished her stretch, but was hoping she'd show her Thai side of things, she came through for me, and has put on more height and is showing a simply beautiful sativa structure!


Bottom right is actually the little sister, not a lower branch!
There's a separate photo of her, blow.

From above, she has a lovely X shape, with the branches coming out in good shape.
Tried a photo, but it doesn't show so much here:


Some more shots:



The two lower branches that were pollinated by Mr ThaiFrican have seed-set.
Not a long, I could count about 15 or so swollen calyxes, give or take.
You can see a couple of them here.


Hopefully this will help fix her female sex, and stop and hermaphrodite tendencies.
Not that I think she has any, but, can only help in this area.

Here's the little sister, coming along very slowly, but surely.


I gave the pot a water by picking it up and dipping the bottom in the balcony 'pond,' as a base-watering.
Then poured some more in from the top, to work that top dressing in further.

Shouldn't need watering for some time like this, especially now temps are lower.

Fun, fun, fun!

Love and hugs,
Day 63 -- from sprouting! -- continued ...

Building Two:

4 X Grail Project NH18 x MM pheno 1
(reg) = (NH18 x MM pheno 1) x (NH21 x MML Male) (12-16 weeks)
In a 15L pot.

Still surprised how small these plants have kept, but seeing the SSSTN I suspect that the NH x MM are also going to keep stretching for some time, yet.
They may have barely started... here's hoping!

Here's the Neville's Haze x Mullumbimby Madness family (Neville's Madness? Mullumbimby Haze? Neville's Mullum Haze?)


Haha, suspicious identifying finger in shot!!
Thinner more open light green girl on the left, brother (topped) in the middle, and a surprisingly tighter shape and darker green girl on the right.

From above:


First the open structured girl.




She's barely starting as you can see,
The fun is yet to come!

Meanwhile, dark green thicc girl looks totally different:


Some big calyxes and trichomes forming in here!


Really want to ask @ojd what he thinks of this pheno? NL from the Neville's Haze? Or something else?
She's also had two lower branches pollinated by Mr ThaiFrican.
And I can see the swollen calyxes, so it was successful -- sorry no pics!
Not many seeds, maybe 10-20 for now.

Last, their brother, in the back.
He's just a thin branch hidden behind his sisters, but that's all I will need from him.
Not dropping any pollen yet, but close.
But today just not a good day for me to pollinate, so I removed the more developed anthers, meaning he won't be a father for perhaps another week or so.
Give me time to get organized, time for his sisters and the SSSTN girls to develop thicker flower clusters too.
I can try to do another round with the ThaiFrican pollen I still have, on the same flower clusters.


Things progressing very well at this point.
We have at least three nice girls getting their shape together.
And will have at least 50-60 seeds forming of various crosses.
With another possible round of pollination to come.

Possible harvest date still far to early to say.
Shortest day coming very soon, less than a week away, Dec 22.
But even to the end of January is less than 11/13, six weeks from now.
And end of Feb is 11.5/12.5, more than 10 weeks from now.

The temperatures are not an issue, plants don't seem to care.
Today will be one of the coldest days of the year, I'd imagine.
Maybe we will go below 10C a few times, but not much.
And they are in a sheltered space from the winds, but with full sun exposure -- perfect combination!
Back to 20C+ tomorrow.
Subtropical and tropical grows everyone, with a 12 month grow season!!!!

Namo Shivaya!

Fun, fun, fun!

Love and hugs,
Day 69 -- from sprouting!

6 days since last picture update and visit.
Had some pretty cold weather for here.
A couple of days where overnight down to 9C and during the day it's just 11C or so.
Very wet and cloudy, barely any sunlight at all.
So no need to water anything today at all.
Though today it's just cloudy with a bit of sunshine through thick clouds.

The gate is still blocked, so went once again through the jungle around the wall.

Building Two:

1 X Super Silver Sour Thai Nevil
(fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 1 clone X SSSDH OJD cut Reversed (10-12 weeks?)
In a big 20L pot.

She's still putting on a little more height, and showing a very open sativa frame.
She's maybe 65cm-70cm tall (26"-28").
Last time leaflets just single, but she put on a few more with two then back to one again. (Why??)


Just really love the shape on this girl.
Full and open, let the light through and wind can keep her dry inside if it rains.
And then those lower branches with that classic out and up growth.


That's the Big Miss SSSTN, obviously.
Little sister Little Miss SSSTN in behind in the first picture, so here she is in all her immaturity.


I did another round of pollination on Big Miss SSSTN with Mr ThaiFrican, on the same branches.
Hopefully instead of 15-20 seeds from the cross I can double that.

We'll get to the NH x MM in a minute, but let's just say Mr NH x MM Grail looks like he may have dropped a tiny bit of pollen, as a few of the Big Miss SSSTN other branches have huge calyxes with dropped pistils.
Though, this is hard to say at this point, as Thai cultivars often have big calyxes anyway.
Just have to wait and see.

Fun, fun, fun!

Love and hugs,
Day 69 -- from sprouting! -- continued ...

Building Two:

4 X Grail Project NH18 x MM pheno 1
(reg) = (NH18 x MM pheno 1) x (NH21 x MML Male) (12-16 weeks)
In a 15L pot.

Here's the NH x MM Grail Family:


Let's call the girl on the left Miss Grail (NLD pheno), with her pretty classic sativa bud shape and spacing.
And the girl on the right Miss Grail (indica? pheno). Can't call her WLD, as the leaves aren't wide, but the inter-nodal length is very tight, making for a single plant-bud.
They are both about 25+cm tall (10"), very short!
In the middle is their brother Mr Grail, also showing a NLD pheno. Remember he's been topped aggressively to give space to his sisters, otherwise he would be much, much taller and larger.

Miss Grail (NLD pheno):


She's also got purple/red on her leaf-stems.
Not much going on here right now, but she's still putting on her stretch.

Miss Grail (indica pheno)


This lady is just going to end up a single lump of a bud!!
Only vague concern is if she gets too dense and the problems that may bring in a wet environment ...

Quite a bit of trichome development already on her.



Oh my! I can see this better at home, now, than on-site.
This is looking very tasty indeed!

I also pollinated her again with Mr ThaiFrican on the same branches down below.
So dense in there it was hard for me to see how many seeds forming from the first round.
She really doesn't have 'branches', just that single stem and buds forming.
Grown larger, I'm imagine that she could make some huge chunky buds, for sure.

Also, as with Miss Big SSSTN, it looks like Miss Grail (indica pheno) was also lightly pollinated by Mr Grail (NLD pheno) as well.
Maybe 10-20 seeds here and there, which is fine with me!
All I need to know is that apart from the ThaiFrican pollinated branches, all other seeds are from her brother.
Effectively a NH x MM F3 (yeah, I know, not quite, but you get the idea).

And other course, the father, Mr Grail (NLD pheno):


His time is now up, and I cut him at the base.
Took off most of his flowers (not many!) and am drying them out now for pollen:


Some of those anthers are pretty immature, so may not get much.
Doesn't matter, as I'm about 90% sure he's already pollinated his sister(s) and Miss Big SSSTN.

Building One:

2 X Thai Madness
(fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 2 clone x (NH21 x MML clone Reversed) (11-14 weeks?)

Let's just show some pics of these two girls with lots of seeds growing in there.



When I harvest these seeds, ideally I should separate them.
But they were both so small and stunted, that I can barely comment on what phenos they would be if growing out properly.


Everything's going well.
Yes, some very cold weather, and I'm sure they didn't grow much in that time.
But they are not shocked or burned by the cold, and seem just fine.

Winter solstice just passed, but the end of January is less than 11/13, six weeks from now.
Maybe the two tiny ThaiFrican girls and Miss Grail (tight pheno) will be finished by then.
And end of Feb is 11.5/12.5, more than 10 weeks from now.
Let's see!

Back to 20C+ temps very soon, with some more sunshine, though of course, it's not summer but the middle of winter!
Warmer sunny days are just a bonus at this point as far as I'm concerned.

Namo Shivaya!

Fun, fun, fun!

Love and hugs,
Day 76 -- from sprouting!

7 days since last picture update and visit.
Weather has been kind of average, highest up to maybe 23C and lowest maybe 16C overnight.
A bit of sun, a bit of cloud, a little rain.

Building Two:

1 X Super Silver Sour Thai Nevil
(fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 1 clone X SSSDH OJD cut Reversed (10-12 weeks?)
In a big 20L pot.


She's still putting on a little more height, and showing a very open sativa frame.
She's maybe 70cm-75cm tall (28"-30").
Lower branches also expanding out a bit more.
Closest 'branch' to the camera is the little sister.

Big girl up top:



Little flower clusters building up.


That's the Big Miss SSSTN, obviously.

Some big calyxes on this girl, with good trichome development.
And also trichs on the small sugar leaves.
Aromas are there with a gentle rub, a little fresh/fruity, but nothing unusual.

Little Miss SSSTN is a long way behind, but going into stretch now.
She may end up as tall as Big Miss.
I gave her some LST after these pics, with the usual stem crush and bend down.
The pot is positioned with Little Miss in the front to receive full light, but not blocking Big Miss as she now hangs low.


Was looking toward a round of pollination on Big Miss SSSTN with Mr Grail.
But my male harvest from last visit was too immature and no pollen resulted.
So forget about that idea, never mind....

Fun, fun, fun!

Love and hugs,
Day 76 -- from sprouting! -- continued ...

Building Two:

4 X Grail Project NH18 x MM pheno 1
(reg) = (NH18 x MM pheno 1) x (NH21 x MML Male) (12-16 weeks)
In a 15L pot.

Here's the NH x MM Grail ladies:


They're grown a little.
Both are showing a little Ca def down low, but there is lots of Ca in their top-dressing, so I think it's a lack of watering that material down into the roots, now solved.

Miss Grail (NLD pheno):



She's also got purple/red on her leaf-stems.
Not much going on here right now, but she's still putting on her stretch.
She has a few calyxes that look like she was pollinated by her brother Mr Grail.
Which is good because as mentioned my own plans for that are now off.

Miss Grail (indica pheno)



Good trichome development already on her.
Aromas also building up, but again nothing particularly noteworthy at this early point.
She was pollinated on two branches by hand by Mr ThaiFrican, which are doing well.
And I'm very sure also has received pollen by Mr Grail a week+ ago.


Everything's going well.
Sure, it's not warm sunny summer or a grow tent.
But the temps aren't going to get much or any colder, and there should actually be more sunshine.
So these ladies can just keep on doing their thing until they are mature!

A good watering lasts for seven days or so in these conditions.
But I gave them a good soaking to work that top dressing down, more P, K and Ca for them.
And just in case not much rain for the next week or two (very little forecast).
It was foggy most of today, but the fog/cloud is just clearing now.

No pics from two tiny heavily seeded Thai Madness girls.
I'm sure they're just fine, and their pot keeps the moisture the best of all.
I a few more weeks I shall just cut, dry, then collect the seeds as a smoke the remaining flower.

Performed a pooja (worship) to Maa Ganga Devi (Mother Goddess of the Ganges/Ganja) today.
May all blessings come to this grow!
May all benefit from this grow!

Fun, fun, fun!

Love and hugs,
Day 83 -- from sprouting!

7 days since last picture update and visit.
Weather has been quite nice with a fair amount of sun, highest up to maybe 22C and lowest maybe 13C overnight.
A bit of sun, a bit of cloud, a little rain a couple of days ago.

As they've been in flower for a month, give or take, and there were some Ca/Mg def signs on the Grails,
I decided to give them another (possibly the last?) top-dressing.
This included a dose of dolomite lime, kelp meal and some dry extra Ca general organic nutrients,
plus a few big handfuls of the 3-5-5 organic amendments mixed into mostly worm castings that I have on site.
Also a dose of the Jacks/Peters (eyeballed the PPM at less than 500) mainly for the extra and immediate Ca and Mg.
Yes, I know that makes it not a proper organic grow, but when you're a guerilla grower, you do what works -- don't judge me, haha!

There was a bit of foot traffic around the side entrance, but I found that the old main gate is now able to be opened wide enough for skinny me to squeeze through, haha!!

Building Two:

2 X Grail Project NH18 x MM pheno 1
(reg) = (NH18 x MM pheno 1) x (NH21 x MML Male) (12-16 weeks)
In a 15L pot.
Last pollination day 69, 14 days / 2 weeks ago.

Here's the NH x MM Grail Family:


Miss Grail (NLD pheno) -- Day 83 = 42V + 41F:



Just finishing her stretch and now starting to show a little more size in the flowers, with calyxes developing.
Aromas starting up with her now.

Miss Grail (indica pheno): Day 83 = 32V + 51F



You just know this is going to be one amazing bud-plant!!

Building One:

2 X Thai Madness
(fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 2 clone x (NH21 x MML clone Reversed) (11-14 weeks?)

Last pollination on Day 56, 27 days ago (almost 4 weeks).
Let's just show some pics of these two girls with lots of seeds growing in there.


Thai Madness 1 : Day 83 = 42V + 41F

I could pretend that I flushed her to bring out her fade, but I would be lying -- she's just a bit old and nearing the end of life.



Thai Madness 2 : Day 83 = 56V + 27F

Still quite green and throwing out pistils, but it's not like she's going to grow into anything other than a tiny bud-let of seeds, hehe.



Namo Shivaya!

Fun, fun, fun!

Love and hugs,
Day 83 -- from sprouting!

Building Two:

2 X Super Silver Sour Thai Nevil
(fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 1 clone X SSSDH OJD cut Reversed (10-12 weeks?)
In a big 20L pot.
Last pollination day 69, 14 days / 2 weeks ago.

Oh my god, I love this plant!!! She is amazing!!
Actually, two plants in this pic, Big Miss SSSTN is most of the pic but in the foreground Little Miss SSSTN.


Stretch may have finally ended at about 75cm tall = 30".
But she's filling out sideways now, with a couple of good lower branches showing themselves strongly.

Because she is leaning south for the sun, and I've positioned the Little one facing the sun, thought I'd try to tie back the Big girl a little bit to the north to open the space.
I didn't bring anything to do that with, and tried some plastic that I found on site.
But the plastic was quite dirty and I didn't want dirt up near the flowers in case it became a starting point for something nasty, so removed it.
Must try to remember to bring something good to tie her back next visit though, as I think a little north bending LST for the big girl will benefit both of them in terms of light exposure on the flowers.

Big Miss SSSTN: Day 83 = 32V + 51F



With her two biggest lower branches building up nicely.



Whole plant from a the side and the top:



Little Miss SSSTN: Day 83 = 63V (?) + 21F

She's really getting into her stretch now, all three-leaflet main fans up top with many more to come.
I think she has at least another week or two, or three, of stretch.
Didn't measure on site, but I'm guessing she's a good 40-50cm (16"-20") long, with another 30+cm (12"+) to come at least.
While she's in front (facing south) of her big sister and growing more sideways than upwards, she may easily end up with a main stem as long as her big sister.
She has a little knuckle from the last LST, so I gave her some more, laying her out sideways towards the sun.


You can see she also has the red petioles like the Grail NLD pheno.
Maybe it's also from the Neville's Haze that they both share?


At 63 days (9 weeks) of veg from a shaded out near runt of a plant, to now really hitting her stride.
Could be one of those cases where the last and slowest plant ends up being the hugest of the garden.
I hope so, another lovely SSSTN girl at good size would be amazing!

From the side with better background:


Both of these SSSTN girls have thin but strong and flexible main stems.
The wind is strong here, really strong at times, but they just bend and flex, no problem.
Delicate sativa girls all the way.

@ojd you have made an amazing cross here, if my half-assed no budget guerilla grow in the middle of winter can have ladies like this in my garden!!

Namo Shivaya!

Fun, fun, fun!

Love and hugs,
Day 92 -- from sprouting!

9 days since last picture update and visit.
Weather has been quite sunny, up to 24C at times, with one day of rain.
Though today is just 18C and foggy this morning.

Building Two:


This photo is specially for @Hasch who was asking about the 'scenery'.
This shot is facing kind of east, and the plants face south to the right, where there is another row of houses in front.

Big pot on left is from left Big Miss SSSTN, then Little Miss SSSTN in the same pot.
Pot on right is Miss Grail (indica) close and Miss Grail (NLD sativa) behind.

2 X Grail Project NH18 x MM pheno 1 (reg) = (NH18 x MM pheno 1) x (NH21 x MML Male) (12-16 weeks)
In a 15L pot.
Last pollination day 69, 23 days / 3+ weeks ago.

Here's the NH x MM Grail Family:


Such different phenos, not surprising given they are kind of F2.
Sorry this is a blurry photo focused on the wall not the plants!

Miss Grail (NLD pheno) -- Day 92 = 42V + 50F:


She's slowing stacking up okay.

Miss Grail (indica pheno): Day 92 = 32V + 60F


Looking very delicious!

Building One:

2 X Thai Madness
(fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 2 clone x (NH21 x MML clone Reversed) (11-14 weeks?)

Last pollination on Day 56, 36 days ago (5 weeks).

Thai Madness 1 : Day 92 = 42V + 50F

Thai Madness 2 : Day 92 = 56V + 36F

No photos of the plants, though I did water them.
I checked a couple of seeded calyxes to inspect the seed development.
Two very mature, and one not so mature but looks like it would probably germinate to me.


The father, Mr ThaiFrican, was removed 5 weeks ago, so that's the latest possible pollination time.
Think I'll probably cut them down next week, giving at least 6 weeks seed development.
And a tasty J or two from the flower itself.
The Thai Madness 2 plant, greener, is showing more flower growth, suggesting a better pheno in general.
First fruits coming soon!

Namo Shivaya!

Fun, fun, fun!

Love and hugs,
Day 92 -- from sprouting!

Building Two:


2 X Super Silver Sour Thai Nevil (fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 1 clone X SSSDH OJD cut Reversed (10-12 weeks?)
In a big 20L pot.
Last pollination day 69, 23 days / 3 weeks ago.

Gave the pot a nice heavy watering.
I guess a big soak once a week without much else gives them wet/dry cycles, for what it's worth.

The top-dress plus a dose of Peters/Jacks doesn't seem to have burnt them at all.
But I don't think I'll be feeding them again.
They are both deep green, more than enough to see them through to the end I feel.

Big Miss SSSTN: Day 92 = 32V + 60F


She's becoming a giant one-plant bud with a couple of tentacle buds at the base!
Obviously been loving the recent sunshine and warmth.
(Her little sister is hidden at the back in this photo.)



I keep saying she's finished her stretch, but honestly, who knows!? Haha!
I'm guessing she's about 80cm = 32" from a quick hand-span measure.

I managed to bring a tie to the site, and pulled back her main stem to the north.
This will open her up to more sun and give more to her (little?) sister.

Little Miss SSSTN: Day 92 = 63V (?) + 30F


She's hitting flowering pretty hard now.
Similar structure to her (big?) sister, though possibly a bit more delicate.

Namo Shivaya!

Fun, fun, fun!

Love and hugs,