Photoperiod Subtropical perpetual outdoor guerilla grow with Connoisseur Genetics: crosses of Neville's Haze, Thai, SSSDHaze, Mullumbimby, Kariba

Spring-Summer Grow -- Maria among the Hazes!

Day 133

Two Revegged Super Silver Sour Thai Neville (Sticky and Fluffy)


When they flower, these two girls are very different --
Sticky is a long open bud, huge calyxes, very sticky, few leaves, like a frond.
Fluffy is rounded buds, tiny calyxes and more leafy.
But in veg they are very similar, with some slight differences.
The tallest is about 120 cm tall, about 4'.

I'm not 100% sure who is who in there, but I think that:
Sticky is taller, a little thicker stems, slightly more branching up top.
Fluffy is slightly shorter, slightly more delicate.

Here are a couple of pics of the growing tops, from both plants I think.


One Revegged Grail (NLD pheno)


Also the very picture of good health.
She's about 115 cm = 45" or so.
Several longer tops are shooting away, themselves showing nice branching.
And a lot of smaller tops lower down but still very strong.
Doesn't seem to be flowering yet, but any day now.

First round with this girl, she showed sex a bit slower than the faster and chunkier Grail pheno.
That Grail pheno is the mother of the Grail x ThaiFrican.
So it's no surprise that the seed plants of the Grail x ThaiFrican cross are showing before this Grail NLD girl.

Meanwhile, hidden away ...

Seven SSSTN (Sticky) x ThaiFrican seedlings

Well, these little babies look much, much happier to be out of their tiny shoes and with their aunty and friends.
Whether it's the natural leaf compost or the Osmocote, their color is suddenly green again!


As I mentioned previously, I don't need, don't even want, these little ones to get big.
Just grow a little, stay alive, and when they start to flower, give me a nice male to back cross to their mother, Sticky SSSTN, to preserve her wonderful genetics a bit longer.
Since they are so small, they're going to be a month behind the big girls.
Unplanned, but actually perfect to have any pollen ready when the ladies have decent pistil production!

Peace and Love,

Spring-Summer Grow -- Maria among the Hazes!

Day 142: 135V + 7F

I had to go back to look at the starting time of these plants to check the days.
All seed plants up on March 21.
We'll take the revegged plants as starting on the same time, for ease of calculation.

Daily highs of around 33C and lows around 27C overnight.
A couple of times there has been very light misty rain.

Family pics!

Closest to camera: Grail NLD pheno
Next back the tall ones: Grail x ThaiFricans and L'n'L Jones hidden inside
In behind to the right: two SSSTN

Two Revegged Super Silver Sour Thai Neville (Sticky and Fluffy phenos)

And from the other side

Both these SSSTN girls are just starting to flower now, too.
They're both about 150 cm tall, about 60".

Two Grail x ThaiFrican and One Lemon 'n' Lime Jones

I think most of the above pic is just the tall girl.
From another angle

In this great mass of sativa leaves, the tall girl is on the left and her slightly shorter sister on the right.
Tall girl is now about 180 cm tall, give or take, about 72".
Medium girl is just about 160 cm, or 64".
Both are starting to show some flowering shape, with Medium Girl looking a little more advanced.

Hidden up between the two is Lady Lemon 'n' Lime Jones.
She's doing well in flowering, despite getting a bit crowded out.
Really starting to thicken up a bit now.

Getting thicker and tighter, but still weeks away.

One Revegged Grail (NvHz x Mullumbimby) (NLD pheno)


Close range photo, as I balance on the edge of the balcony and try not to fall off...
This lovely lady is also about 150cm or 60" tall, too.
Lots of tops on her, as she is now starting to flower as well.

Seven SSSTN (Sticky) x ThaiFrican seedlings

Forgot to take pics of these girls.
But they're just little ones tucked away down low, not much to see.
Still, all seven of them seem quite happy.
Let's see how big they get before the gender reveal party.
I think if I get a few males I may just mix their pollen and use it together.
Definitely definitely must pollinate the two SSSTN girls -- their mom and aunt.
But dust back to these Grail x ThaiFricans may be fun, too, with the seeds then having ThaiFrican on both sides.
And the Grail lady while I'm at it.
Luckily all these plants are big enough that I can do a whole good sized lower branch.
Knock out a few hundred seeds from each mother.
None of this 10-20 seeds business this season!

Bonus Bat Pics!

Forgot to mention, the front gate has been chained close again.
Means it's a bit trickier to access the garden, have to go through the bat cave.
But it's safer, as other people are far far less likely to stumble upon the party.

Their numbers seem a bit less after the typhoon.
Poor little batties, hope they're doing okay.

Peace and Love,

Looking good there. Would replacing the chain and putting your own lock on it be an option? Then you could keep it secure and let yourself in/out nice and easy.

We used to do that at an illegal mountain biking spot. They would chain the access gate shut but never noticed when we put our own lock on it. Private access!
Looking good there. Would replacing the chain and putting your own lock on it be an option? Then you could keep it secure and let yourself in/out nice and easy.

We used to do that at an illegal mountain biking spot. They would chain the access gate shut but never noticed when we put our own lock on it. Private access!
I don't think that's the best idea.
If someone does come check, then it will alert them to something highly suspicious, and they may want to investigate.
Also, the gate itself probably doesn't actually open -- a while ago, the winds blew it in so badly that it doesn't turn on the hinge.
Probably they've just repositioned it and chained it, but it doesn't actually function as a swinging door any more.
It's okay, though, as I say, I can just go in from the batcave entrance on the other side, no big deal.
Spring-Summer Grow -- Maria among the Hazes!

Day 153: 135V + 18F

It's been over a week since the last picture update.
Weather has had a fair bit of rain, keeping them watered.
And some wind, too.
Rainy season looks like it's properly underway.
The area around the garden is very lush, the jungle taking over everything!
I didn't really need to visit to water.
But I did want to check on them.
I also topped up the pots with some potting mix + 3-5-5 organic amendments + kelp powder.
Just keep those pots a little bit fuller, more medium for the roots, and better water retention.

Family pics!

I'll give you a different angle, from outside the bottom of the apartment, looking up.
This is after I did some work on them, so their growing angles are a little weird.

Those trees in behind make it hard to see, but...
Left is the Grail Project NLD girl, in the middle the two Grail x ThaiFricans (who are further back, so it makes them look shorter, even though they definitely are not!), and on the right are the two SSSTN girls.

From up top... when I got there, I found all of them except the taller Grail x ThaiFrican heavily leaning forward (away from the camera) toward the south.
Not sure what was going on. Maybe the recent winds pushed them down?
They weren't broken or anything, just leaning forward up to like 30 degrees or so, with the flowers facing up.
And it's not like they are heavy with flowers.
Though, some of those branches and tops are getting really long now, like 100 cm or more!
You can see in this picture some rough support work on did, with a wooden piece on the left and a white metal pole in the middle tying around the main stem with a zip-tie (I kept on site), and on the right I broke off a long branch from downstairs to put it in for support (not tied).
I'll need to do some more work here next visit.
But it got them back up for now, well, most of the branches, anyway.

Left: two revegged SSSTN (Sticky and Fluffy phenos)
Middle: two Grail (fast) x ThaiFrican seed plants and a much smaller hidden Lemon 'n' Lime Jones girl.
Left: one revegged Grail Project (NLD pheno)

Middle pot also has seven very small seedlings of SSSTN (Sticky) x ThaiFrican (same father as the father of the Grail x ThaiFrican seed plants). One of these small seedlings is shower pistils, so I'm guessing the rest will be showing sex fairly soon!

Two Revegged Super Silver Sour Thai Neville (Sticky and Fluffy phenos)

The leaves of this biggest top look on a weird angle because they were laying low and growing up, but then I just staked up upright before the photo.
Lots of big colas here from both girls.
They show the least flowering of all the older plants, but they are starting.

Not sure which of the two phenos this pic is from.


I think this is the biggest cola that was laying down and now staked up.

Other plants in the next post....

Peace and Love,

Spring-Summer Grow -- Maria among the Hazes!

Day 153: 135V + 18F

Two Grail x ThaiFrican and One Lemon 'n' Lime Jones


The left is the 'medium' pheno.
She was laying down, and now staked in this pic, so her leaves are facing towards the camera.
She's putting on a nice flower structure, with some stretch but mostly keeping it short and not too stretchy (so far!)
The right is the 'taller' pheno.
She is slightly slower, but also putting on her flowering structure now, too.
Can't see Miss L'n'L Jones from here, as she's on the other side facing south.

Looking at the 'medium' pheno up close:

Looking at the 'taller' pheno up close:

And a closer look at 'tall' pheno side branch:

She has a lot of branches like this, easily more than a dozen.
This is actually one of the smaller ones on the north side, whereas the ones in the south / front are much stronger.

One Lemon 'n' Lime Jones

She is mostly hidden within these sativa/hazes, even though she is a sativa-dom plant herself.
She still has more of that look of the SSSDH or a SSH -- sati heavy but with weight and bulk to the flowers.

It's really hard for me to get a good pic of her.
She's just become one bud -- the bottom half about 50 cm is just bare stem,
and the top half another 50 cm is just one dark and fairly leafy bud, seems like stretch is done for her.
She still has a long way to go as the flowers are only just getting going.
Her younger sister -- harvested months ago now! -- had a real pungent chemical smell to her.
Let's see if she has the same.

One Revegged Grail (NvHz x Mullumbimby) (NLD pheno)

Ran out of prepared stakes and zip ties, so used a branch nearby to hold most of her up.
A bit messy, but it works.
Her leaves will turn back to the sun soon.

Quite delicate tops on her.
She has about 5 or 6 main big tops, with many side branches on each one.
Starting to take her flowering shape now, but a bit behind the Grail x ThaiFrican girls.

Seven SSSTN (Sticky) x ThaiFrican seedlings

Forget to take pics of these little ones.
Like I said above, one of them is showing some pistils.
The others are not showing sex, yet.
But should be fairly soon, within the next week or two or three.
I'm in no rush, and really just want one or two nice boys.
Going to cross these back to their mom, SSSTN (Sticky).

One last family pic to finish off with:

Hard to get a good angle, and the pots are heavy and I don't want to move them around a lot for pics.
Left, close to camera: one revegged Grail (NLD pheno)
Middle: two Grail (fast pheno) x ThaiFrican seed plants, one Lemon 'n' Lime Jones seed plant (hidden)
Right in back: two revegged SSSTN (Sticky and Fluffy pheno)

It's getting busy up on this balcony!!
Need to think about staking for the next visit.
There are a few usable broken tree branches nearby I can use.
If they have a few little side branches then I don't need to tie much, just thread the girls through the branches.
Don't really want to use string, and even though I used two zip ties this time, not ideal, either.
Maybe strips of cloth would be better and not cut into the stems.

Peace and Love,

What a view those plants have! Looking pretty happy all around, nice to see some buds forming. How long do those need in flower? 10-12 weeks? Such a cool grow. The location is incredible.

Are all those buildings across the valley abandoned too? No running water or electric accidentally left on anywhere is there?
What a view those plants have! Looking pretty happy all around, nice to see some buds forming. How long do those need in flower? 10-12 weeks? Such a cool grow. The location is incredible.

Are all those buildings across the valley abandoned too? No running water or electric accidentally left on anywhere is there?

They're all pretty happy, yes, and getting their flowering together now.
Almost full day sun, except the last little bit in the evening.

Grail x ThaiFrican maybe 12+.
Both SSSTN are about 15.
The Grail girl is about 16+.

The ones across the valley have people, but not many.
No idea about running water or power, but I think not.
Spring-Summer Grow -- Maria among the Hazes!

Day 153: 135V + 18F

Two Grail x ThaiFrican and One Lemon 'n' Lime Jones


The left is the 'medium' pheno.
She was laying down, and now staked in this pic, so her leaves are facing towards the camera.
She's putting on a nice flower structure, with some stretch but mostly keeping it short and not too stretchy (so far!)
The right is the 'taller' pheno.
She is slightly slower, but also putting on her flowering structure now, too.
Can't see Miss L'n'L Jones from here, as she's on the other side facing south.

Looking at the 'medium' pheno up close:

Looking at the 'taller' pheno up close:

And a closer look at 'tall' pheno side branch:

She has a lot of branches like this, easily more than a dozen.
This is actually one of the smaller ones on the north side, whereas the ones in the south / front are much stronger.

One Lemon 'n' Lime Jones

She is mostly hidden within these sativa/hazes, even though she is a sativa-dom plant herself.
She still has more of that look of the SSSDH or a SSH -- sati heavy but with weight and bulk to the flowers.

It's really hard for me to get a good pic of her.
She's just become one bud -- the bottom half about 50 cm is just bare stem,
and the top half another 50 cm is just one dark and fairly leafy bud, seems like stretch is done for her.
She still has a long way to go as the flowers are only just getting going.
Her younger sister -- harvested months ago now! -- had a real pungent chemical smell to her.
Let's see if she has the same.

One Revegged Grail (NvHz x Mullumbimby) (NLD pheno)

Ran out of prepared stakes and zip ties, so used a branch nearby to hold most of her up.
A bit messy, but it works.
Her leaves will turn back to the sun soon.

Quite delicate tops on her.
She has about 5 or 6 main big tops, with many side branches on each one.
Starting to take her flowering shape now, but a bit behind the Grail x ThaiFrican girls.

Seven SSSTN (Sticky) x ThaiFrican seedlings

Forget to take pics of these little ones.
Like I said above, one of them is showing some pistils.
The others are not showing sex, yet.
But should be fairly soon, within the next week or two or three.
I'm in no rush, and really just want one or two nice boys.
Going to cross these back to their mom, SSSTN (Sticky).

One last family pic to finish off with:

Hard to get a good angle, and the pots are heavy and I don't want to move them around a lot for pics.
Left, close to camera: one revegged Grail (NLD pheno)
Middle: two Grail (fast pheno) x ThaiFrican seed plants, one Lemon 'n' Lime Jones seed plant (hidden)
Right in back: two revegged SSSTN (Sticky and Fluffy pheno)

It's getting busy up on this balcony!!
Need to think about staking for the next visit.
There are a few usable broken tree branches nearby I can use.
If they have a few little side branches then I don't need to tie much, just thread the girls through the branches.
Don't really want to use string, and even though I used two zip ties this time, not ideal, either.
Maybe strips of cloth would be better and not cut into the stems.

Peace and Love,


All looking top draw ;)