Photoperiod Subtropical perpetual outdoor guerilla grow with Connoisseur Genetics: crosses of Neville's Haze, Thai, SSSDHaze, Mullumbimby, Kariba

Good shit! How many plants do you have going? Looks like a lot. How you get them home from harvest time?

Good indeed! Thanks for stopping by.

There are six ladies in here right now.
Two of the Super Silver Sour Thai Nevilles from Connoisseur Genetics, that flower for about 14 or so weeks.
Two of the (Neville's) Grail x ThaiFrican cross that I made myself from Connoisseur seed stock.
One of the (Neville's) Grail girls, that last flowered for about 15 weeks. The Grail is a Neville's Haze x Mullumbimby Madness, second gen.
One of the Lemon 'n' Lime Jones, that is a cross of Casey Jones x Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze (OJD cut).

Could be a nice sized harvest if all goes well.
At this point, the biggest question is when they'll flower.
I know longer veg means bigger plants, but these pots aren't huge.
For me, the sooner they go into flowering the better.
They're long sativas, so they'll still stretch for another month to reach full height and width, before bulking up.
If they keep vegging longer, then more pressure to maintain their water and nutrient levels for many months to come.

I will cut and hang them in the back rooms of the abandoned building in which they're growing. (Same as last harvest.)
Then I will tidy them up a bit and put them in jars or bags to bring home and stash.
This time I may try a few Malawi style cobbs, in which case they'll be packed tight into air-tight bags and left to ferment for a while at warmer temps.
If I get organized, I may even do them in some kind of bamboo or banana leaf wrap.
The original Malawi style is in maize cobb sheaths, but bamboo, banana leaf, or other local wraps that are used for some food products here will work just as well.
Spring-Summer Grow -- Maria among the Hazes!

Day 105

Kind of a short update, even though I spent a lot of time on site.
It's been a hot week, no rain, and next week is forecast for the same.
Temps up around 35C during the day, maybe 28C or so at night.
More importantly, humidity quite low for around here, like less than 70%.
This is the hottest and maybe the driest time of the year.
Between two very wet periods, the next of which will kick in soon.

That means the girls are going to be thirsty.
Five days since last visit, but when I arrived, they were wilting a fair bit.
Not happy girls, but it wasn't as bad as that time a couple of weeks ago.

I already knew this, and have been thinking how to solve the watering problem.
And the next couple of weeks my site access may be reduced.
Quite a big problem!!

I don't want to use drip trays.
I want to reduce to an absolute minimum bringing things to the site, for security.
And anything hard that may leave finger prints, I don't want to use.

Was thinking about using plastic bags, partly rolled down, on the base of the pots.
Then watering to run-off, leaving some in the plastic bag.
Not ideal, but it will leave them with something to last another day or two.

Then I thought about possibly adding more medium to the bags.
But again, getting large amounts of medium to the site isn't easy.
Could use dry coco coir and hydrate it on site.

In the end, badly organized, I only arrived on the site with one decent plastic bag.
Thought I'd use it on the Grail girl, as her pot is the smallest, and most prone to drying.

Had a little fright when I saw how thirsty they were.
Not good.
Not good.

(This is after they had perked up a lot after watering.)

I explored around the general area, looking into some other buildings.
A couple of doors down, there were a few large polystyrene boxes.
Just big enough to fill the pots in.
(Sometimes I see locals using polystyrene boxes for container gardening!)
I grabbed three of them, two just big enough, and a large one.

Took them to the site, and put in a few holes on the side with my pocket knife.
The holes are on the sides, about 2.5 cm (1") high from the inside bottom.
Kind of like a hempy bucket, allowing some watering to just sit in the bottom.
I figure a little sitting water for a short time is better than no water at all.

It looked good. At least, better than before.
The girls were starting to pick up a bit from their watering.
The white polystyrene will also keep them from heating up too much, I think.

But I thought, this really isn't enough.
So I went looking for something to fill the rest of the space of the boxes with.
Maybe some leaves or something?

Well, I struck gold!
At the back of these apartments, on the northern shady side, there is black gold.
Must be 10+ years of naturally breaking down leaves, sticks, and stuff.
The bottom inch or two are just beautiful, with a few partially decomposed leaves and sticks on top.

Didn't have any tools, so scraped it off the concrete with my shoes,
and stuffed it into my plastic bag to take back upstairs.
This is some of the nicest, darkest, richest compost I have ever seen!!
I took about 6 bagfuls in the end, maybe 5 liters each time.
And put it all inside the polystyrene boxes, packing it around the original cloth pots.
Then watered it on down...

You can see the extra volume in the seed-plant pot.

Helping the Grail girl find some more moisture and root-space!

So happy!
Those boxes are now pretty heavy when they are fully watered.
The biggest box was for the big Grail x ThaiFrican and L'n'L girls.
Could barely lift that box back to its sunny spot, from the work area.
Filled with water again, until the water ran out the holes in the boxes.

Since they're in cloth pots, I've now almost effectively doubled their potential root space.
As the roots can grow through the cloth into the compost in the boxes.
The revegged Grail girl volume is now maybe 30 liters (about 8 gals).
The revegged SSSTN girls volume is maybe 40 liters (about 10 gals).
The seed crop Grail x ThaiFrican and L'n'L girls are now in about ... maybe 60 liters (16 gal).

Next visit, I will further top up that black gold compost.
I'm guessing it will settle down a bit, and it was only about 80% full when I left them.
Should also mean less need to top dress.

Let those roots just grow right on through the cloth pots into the boxes.

Peace and Love,


Spring-Summer Grow -- Maria among the Hazes!

Day 113

How is everyone today?
Let's start with some bats, shall we?

After a week with both good sun but also a couple of rainfalls, I was interested to see how the girls would be doing in their new boxes with the wild compost.
Eight days since the last visit, which would normally mean they would be very thirsty.
But the extra size etc. has them looking good.
The SSSTN girls a little thirsty (I think?), and the others all good.

A few family pics:

This is looking kind of sourth, so this isn't their best / sunny side.
Left: (Reveg) SSSTN x 2
Mid: Grail x ThaiFrican x 2, Lemon 'n' Lime Jones
Right: (Reveg) Grail (NLD pheno)​


From the side.
Near/left: Grail
Mid: two Grail x ThaiFricans; L'n'L Jones
Back/right: two SSSTN​



Left: Grail
Mid: two Grail x ThaiFrican; L'n'L Jones (in the front)
Right: two SSSTN

Two Re-vegged Super Silver Sour Thai Nevilles

Deep green, healthy.
The box still had a bit of weight to it, so not sure if the droop / wilt is lack of water or the heat.
I put even more compost in the box and the cloth pot inside, really filling it up, to increase volume.


During veg, these two sisters look almost identical.
I think one of them is slightly taller, the other still more branched.
But the leave shape and color is identical.
No signs of flowering at all.
She's even putting out nine-leaflet leaves.
These two girls are going to have some big colas by the time they're finished!

Peace and Love,


Spring-Summer Grow -- Maria among the Hazes!

Day 113

Two Grail x ThaiFrican and one Lemon 'n' Lime Jones


It's pretty obvious the thick, dark, chunkier lady in the front is the L'n'L Jones, with the very tall (left) and medium tall Grail x ThaiFrican girls behind her.

Let's look at the Jones girl first, because I'm pretty sure she's going into flower now.

Building up that bud structure.
Inner leaves already showing good trichome development.

Light is still around 13.5/10.5, but maybe the slowly decreasing light hours is letting those flower hormones build up.
She's not going hard into flowering, but definitely starting to shape up.

Tallest Grail x ThaiFrican

She's growing like bamboo up top there!

Medium Grail x ThaiFrican
So is her slightly shorter sister, who has the full NLD character.

Re-vegged Grail (NLD pheno)

This girl was originally in the smallest cloth pot, and most at risk of drying out.
She seems a lot happier in her new shoes, and I topped the box up with a few more liters of compost today.

It's interesting that her shape now looks almost like a regular, un-topped seed-plant, and not a messy re-vegged girl from a single bud-stick that she once was.

Seven leaflet leaves up top, not really any signs of flowering yet, which is not surprising.

A last plant pic for you all, see if you can guess who it is?

And sign-off with our guardian protectors!

Hope everyone is having a great summer!
May your plants be happy and healthy!
May you and your family and friends be happy and healthy!

Peace and Love,

Spring-Summer Grow -- Maria among the Hazes!

Day 113

Two Grail x ThaiFrican and one Lemon 'n' Lime Jones


It's pretty obvious the thick, dark, chunkier lady in the front is the L'n'L Jones, with the very tall (left) and medium tall Grail x ThaiFrican girls behind her.

Let's look at the Jones girl first, because I'm pretty sure she's going into flower now.

Building up that bud structure.
Inner leaves already showing good trichome development.

Light is still around 13.5/10.5, but maybe the slowly decreasing light hours is letting those flower hormones build up.
She's not going hard into flowering, but definitely starting to shape up.

Tallest Grail x ThaiFrican

She's growing like bamboo up top there!

Medium Grail x ThaiFrican
So is her slightly shorter sister, who has the full NLD character.

Re-vegged Grail (NLD pheno)

This girl was originally in the smallest cloth pot, and most at risk of drying out.
She seems a lot happier in her new shoes, and I topped the box up with a few more liters of compost today.

It's interesting that her shape now looks almost like a regular, un-topped seed-plant, and not a messy re-vegged girl from a single bud-stick that she once was.

Seven leaflet leaves up top, not really any signs of flowering yet, which is not surprising.

A last plant pic for you all, see if you can guess who it is?

And sign-off with our guardian protectors!

Hope everyone is having a great summer!
May your plants be happy and healthy!
May you and your family and friends be happy and healthy!

Peace and Love,

There's all coming along nicely, those bats though🦇
There's all coming along nicely, those bats though🦇

They're cruising these days.
The bats were particularly active today, more flying around than usual.
And it was a bit later in the day, when I thought they'd be more likely to be sleeping.
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They're cruising these days.
The bats were particularly active today, more flying around than usual.
And it was a bit later in the day, when I thought they'd be more likely to be sleeping.
I don't dislike bats but large numbers flying around me, is not great fun ;)