Photoperiod Subtropical perpetual outdoor guerilla grow with Connoisseur Genetics: crosses of Neville's Haze, Thai, SSSDHaze, Mullumbimby, Kariba

I don't dislike bats but large numbers flying around me, is not great fun ;)
I hear ya!
You sound like you have much bat experience!

There are many hundreds hanging up to rest.
And last time about five or six flying around, quite close to me.
I think they're just trying to work out what I am.
Not 'large numbers' but even a few can be unnerving.
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Spring-Summer Grow -- Maria among the Hazes!

Day 124

It was good time for a visit, check on things.

See how the watering situation is:
Seems pretty good now, temps were very high last few days, and they were a bit thirsty, but no problems.

See how the nutrient situation is:
Made a strategic decision to use some Osmocote 15-9-15 for the grow.
Easy ongoing nutrients to keep everything in order.
I used a small amount of Osmocote, plus a liberal amount of my usual 3-5-5 organic pellets, plus some kelp meal.

More importantly, prepare for some bad weather.

Typhoon season begins!

A typhoon is coming in very soon, and while it's not a big one, even a small typhoon can be devastating.
Here we call them 'typhoons', for you Americans, 'hurricanes,' for your Aussies and Kiwis, 'cyclones.'
Same thing, different place means different name, that's all.
Plants out in the open usually just get shredded.
Plus massive rainfall.

So I made the decision to move the girls into the indoor 'work area'.
The wind will still get into there, it's not fully enclosed -- no doors or windows here, anyway.
But it will reduce the strength of the winds, and avoid them getting knocked over (off the balcony!)

All today's work and photos are from the work area, so no direct light.
Not sure when I'll be able to bring them back into the sun after this,
but better a few days of artificial heavy cloud than facing a typhoon, that's for sure!

Left: two re-vegged SSSTN
Middle: two Grail x ThaiFrican; one L'n'L Jones
Right: one re-vegged Grail (NLD pheno)

Two re-vegged Super Silver Sour Thai Nevilles




Two happy healthy girls, living the summer life!
Just starting to throw nine leaflets up top.
No signs of flowering at all, haha!

Re-vegged Grail (NLD pheno)

Also throwing nine leaflet leafs up top.
No signs of flowering!



Peace and Love,

Spring-Summer Grow -- Maria among the Hazes!

Day 124

The family from the side of the work area:

Front left: two re-vegged SSSTN
Back left: two Grail x ThaiFrican; one L'n'L Jones
Right: one re-vegged Grail (NLD pheno)

Two Grail x ThaiFrican and one Lemon 'n' Lime Jones

L'n'L girl is a solid lump of dark green on a background of open lighter Grail x ThaiFrican.

Tallest Grail x ThaiFrican


She's a big mass of thin leaves and beautiful stems, branching out very nicely.
Some of the lower branches have themselves got branches coming out of them.
From a distance she looks like the common type of bamboo we have here.

Medium Grail x ThaiFrican


Very similar to the taller girl, still.
Maybe slightly thinner leaves, and of course a bit shorter in height from shorter inter-node length.

Lemon 'n' Lime Jones

At least somebody wants to flower!
L'n'L girl doing her thing, she's really just one main cola, but it has a bit of structure and size to it.


Blessings to you all, your families and friends.
Wishing you every happiness and success in life.

Peace and Love,

Nice update. Just about 120-130 days on all of them so far? How long do you expect them to take overall?
The seed plants are day 124 or so, i.e., the two Grail x ThaiFrican and one L'n'L Jones.
But the revegged SSSTN and Grail are nine months old, harvested around February IIRC, then slowly brought back to life.
I'd say the revegged plants are effectively about the same age in terms of this second cycle.

How long...? Oh, wow.
Jones girl is already in flower, maybe another 8-10-12 weeks on her --- mid Sept to mid Oct.
The sativas, though, just really comes down to when the light cycles make them flower.
And then it'll be another 12-16 weeks for these ladies.

Mid August is about 13/11, if they start then, give them to ... mid Nov to mid Dec.
If they wait until equinox, mid-late Sept, at 12/12, then end at ... mid Dec to mid Jan.
They're all quite mature plants, though, so I'm hoping the former rather than the latter.

SSSTN and Grail will have their first birthdays mid October!
Spring-Summer Grow -- Maria among the Hazes!

Day 133

Did a visit more to keep on top of the watering than anything else.
Lots of sun, temps around high of 33C, overnight low maybe 28.
A touch of rain last few days, nothing much, more good weather to come.
Front gate still not fixed, so it's an easy in and out.
Also used today's visit to explore where to dry after harvest.
A couple of apartments over are some perfect spaces.
Found some more cool street art while I was exploring.

Family pics:

Left: one revegged Grail (NLD pheno)
Middle: two Grail x ThaiFrican; one Lemon 'n' Lime Jones
Right: two revegged SSSTN (Sticky and Fluffy)

They don't normally sit here, this is a photo shoot pose.
Usually they're over here, edge of the balcony, so I can only get side shots like this:

Front: revegged Grail
Middle (left): two Grail x ThaiFrican; one L'n'L Jones
Back: two revegged SSSTN

Two Grail x ThaiFrican; one Lemon 'n' Lime Jones

Great big mass of stems, branches and leaves in there!
The L'n'L girl is somewhat hidden, tucked away inside, but still getting a fair amount of sunlight.

Taller Grail x ThaiFrican

Very healthy, thank you!
The little issue recently of the withered branch is past.
She's healthy and strong enough to heal herself -- wonderful genetics!
This tall lady is now standing about 160 cm = 5'3".
Bigger side branches are up to 70 cm long = 28", lots of them!
She's starting to flower at the tips.
She showed sex months ago, but the increasing light at the time meant it didn't last long.
After, no pistils at all on the tips and branches, but she is showing now.
Flowering begins!

Medium Grail x ThaiFrican

Looking lovely and healthy!
A bit more branching on this girl now.
She stands about 130 cm or so, = 4'3".
She's started flowering, showing a few pistils up top, which she hasn't done for a while now.
She showed sex months ago, but the light meant she just showed but then into veg.
Now it's time for her to properly flower!

Lemon 'n' Lime Jones


Pretty leafy bud so far, but she's barely starting, so this could get interesting.
Seeing her very dark leaves, maybe the N is a little high for her, but I'd rather dark green and healthy than pale and struggling.

Peace and Love,
