Old Reviews Subcools super soil

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All this sounds good, but I wouldn't screw around making super soil unless I knew I could leave it alone for a minimum of 8 weeks...based on that video and researching it on other forums, people seem to induce more problems trying to use unripe supersoil than just going with a lighter mix or soilless mix.
Uncovered! It needs to breathe, don't forget to turn it once or twice a week. I keep mine inside while it cooks, it will help keep the bugs out. I also crumble half a mosquito dunk into the mix to got a head start on any beasties in there.

mosquito dunk ????

and what about mixing a lil bit of peroxide into some water ....this is new to me but i want to mix a good soil for myself as well and i have all the things in mind but havent seen mosquito dunk
peroxide will kill the food web
as mentioned sub covers his with a bin lid and does not stir