Olderfart's Dive Down the Living Soil Rabbit Hole

24. The weigh in
The final weigh in begins with the 24 Carat pot : 112 grams for the larger plant, 87 grams for the smaller, for a total of 199g for the pot, plus 64g of nice trim/larf.

I'll report the other stuff in due course, but at this point it looks like Miss Ellephant may be the winner with ~180 grams of primo bud from the one plant. Not quite down to 62% though, so the jury is out. Ditto for the Fugue State and last CBD girls, they are pulling up in the rear getting to 62%. Something to do with the density of the bud perhaps. :biggrin:
The final weigh in begins with the 24 Carat pot : 112 grams for the larger plant, 87 grams for the smaller, for a total of 199g for the pot, plus 64g of nice trim/larf.

I'll report the other stuff in due course, but at this point it looks like Miss Ellephant may be the winner with ~180 grams of primo bud from the one plant. Not quite down to 62% though, so the jury is out. Ditto for the Fugue State and last CBD girls, they are pulling up in the rear getting to 62%. Something to do with the density of the bud perhaps. :biggrin:
Well peeps, the final tally is in. All weights on the scales include the 21g of the quarter pound Grove bag.

First up, the two Mephisto 24 Carat girls:

The smaller plant came in at 90g, the larger at 116g, for a total of 206g for the pot the two plants were both in. This, to my surprise beat the yield from the SSSC Auto Ellephant on a per pot basis.

Next up, the Dinamed Auto CBD Kush:

The total of 120g is the combined yield from the three plants that shared the 10 gallon soil pot, plus the two yogurt container plants that were started as potential replacements.

Next up, the Mephisto Fugue State girl:

This girl came in at 90 grams for the one plant in the pot.

And last up, the two bags of bud from the SSSC Auto Ellephant:

The total for the plant came in at 179g which is the largest I have had from a single plant yet, but, I think, nowhere near what this strain is capable of.

And to finish off, here is the total harvest all lined up in its collection of Grove Bags. I had to move the Fugue State into smaller bags because I was one bag short to handle the SSSC Auto Ellephant. So sad, I ran out of quarter pound bags. I think I'll have to sneak off and have a vape to console myself. :crying:


That, my grower peep friends comes to >580g of bud, or for our friends south of the border, 1.3 pounds of bud. The solos finishing off in there will add to that, but the solo results are another story.

I'll finish by once again thanking SSSC and @TheMongol for supporting me in trying out the Auto Ellephant strain. The opportunities provided by AFN vendors help to make AFN what it is, as well as, I hope, providing genuine benefits to the vendors through exposure of their products.

This grow is now complete. Happy growing peeps, may 2022 be a safe and happy year for all of you.:pighug:
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Nice yields OF. I'm always happy when my plants yield in that range. The bud looks good too.
I want to try some Fugue State.
Thanks, I am happy with the results, especially since the soil had issues. I am looking forward to trying FS once it has some curing done. My initial tasting was positive. :biggrin:
OF it's like Hecno has been preaching, it takes 2 or 3 years to build a nice living soil. I have 2 batches, after a grow I amend and throw it in a compost tumbler for 9 months. I've done 5 grows in each batch over 3.5 years and each grow has gotten better.
OF it's like Hecno has been preaching, it takes 2 or 3 years to build a nice living soil. I have 2 batches, after a grow I amend and throw it in a compost tumbler for 9 months. I've done 5 grows in each batch over 3.5 years and each grow has gotten better.
Jury is still out for me. I am thinking about a combo coco and soil grow, separate pots of course. But, I may just dive back into a full coco grow. I will not be bringing outdoor compost inside again though, the mix and cook will have to be indoors. I am not interested in a repeat of the fiasco I had with gnats two grows ago. Outdoor compost where I live is not that effective due to being frozen for about five months, and cold for another four. I'll stick with my indoor worms for that. :biggrin:

If I do a couple soil pots, I will start with the same mix I used this time, but I will lower the N heavy amendments, and may increase aeration additive in the bottom inch or so of the pot.

And I too love what @hecno does with his soil. :pighug:
I'm right with you. I have coco in my soil and I added more perlite and 1 gal of expanded clay balls per 5 gal bag.
Kind of a hybrid, integrated type of growing. I've been watering the girls about 2000 ml every other day. They seem to be liking it.
I still have a lot to learn. I'll keep reading and growing.
I'm right with you. I have coco in my soil and I added more perlite and 1 gal of expanded clay balls per 5 gal bag.
Kind of a hybrid, integrated type of growing. I've been watering the girls about 2000 ml every other day. They seem to be liking it.
I still have a lot to learn. I'll keep reading and growing.
You are in the right place for reading and learning. Also have a look at Cocoforcannabis.com if you haven't already. And see Bugbee's youtube stuff re. lights and growing, and Harley Smith's re. nutes.

Good luck with your grows. :pighug: