Old Reviews Subcools super soil

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Just a quick update to the supersoil thread.I used what i had on hand for soil which was ffof and mixed up an 1/8 batch.After setting for about a week so far soil ph is 5.1-it needs more lime then the recipe calls for-at least with ffof-i don't know what the roots organic would be. 1 tablesppon floured dolomite lime isn't enuf.Just a heads up to anyone mixeing a batch up-check your soil ph before and during cookdown period so you can correct it if necessary.

yeah you don't want to use FFOF in super soil it is already amended and will mess your mix up.
Yeah Roots organic would be too hot as well. I am working on a supersoil, using plain sunshine, (Black Bag) the only thing added to it is perilite. No amendments, prior to adding the amendments in subcools recipe.

Well hells bells! I got 40 gallons of that stuff cookin and i used ffof, 2 bags ffof cut with 1 bag light warrior. I swear i read in the beginning of his recipe where he said he's used ffof in the past. Well,i wanted an experiment so i guess i got one,i sure ain't chuckin it,it wasn't cheap to make.I figure it should be done cooking about the end of august so i'll keep ya'll posted on how the plants react to it.
If you have access to good local mixes like these, then I highly recommend starting with these types of products. We have also had decent results using larger commercial brands, but not without plenty of additives. The best result we have seen from well known soil that is available nationwide is with Fox Farms �Ocean Forest� soil combined in a 2-1 ratio with �Light Warrior,� also produced by Fox Farms. On its own, the Ocean Forest is known for burning plants and having the wrong ratio of nutrients, but when mixed with Light Warrior it makes a pretty good base soil.
If you have access to good local mixes like these, then I highly recommend starting with these types of products. We have also had decent results using larger commercial brands, but not without plenty of additives. The best result we have seen from well known soil that is available nationwide is with Fox Farms �Ocean Forest� soil combined in a 2-1 ratio with �Light Warrior,� also produced by Fox Farms. On its own, the Ocean Forest is known for burning plants and having the wrong ratio of nutrients, but when mixed with Light Warrior it makes a pretty good base soil.
Got this off a site that had his entire recipe printed out so thats why i went with the ffof 2-1 mix,the local garden shop didn't carry roots organic or sunshine mix.I guess we'll have to see what happens and i'll report back.
If you can find promix that's what I use for my super soil. The 2-1 ffof and light warrior ratio sounds better than just FFOF the lime should sort you out though bro you will be alright.
ok as a supersoil user for years let me clear up some things I see here...

" you don't want to use FFOF in super soil it is already amended and will mess your mix up"---FFOF/lightwarrior is ok to use for supersoil it just has a bad mix of amendments it does work but not as good as Roots...

"Yeah Roots organic would be too hot as well"--- Subcool recommends Roots Organic it is the best soil to make supersoil with... and plane Roots you can start seeds in with no problem, I use straight Roots to start my plants in 32oz cups it has enough juice to keep them until they sex, then I transplant into supersoil...

" I got 40 gallons of that stuff cookin and i used ffof, 2 bags ffof cut with 1 bag light warrior. I swear i read in the beginning of his recipe where he said he's used ffof in the past."--- it will work no problem... and you read right but FFOF is his "last choice" in base soil...Roots Organic being top pick.. but promix, FFOF/lightwarrior,ect,ect can all be used but if you have the choice get Roots Organic...
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he prefers roots or biobizz light with added coir then happy frog then ff ocean cut with 1 bag LW mixed 50/50

he uses a new brand now its an organic one i never heard of

its not that serious just add more light mix when you pot up and also make a hole add add light mix and let the plant grow into the super soil
Figured i'd throw in a little update to my batch of cooking supersoil.Checked the soil ph today with an accurate 8 ph meter and it read 4.5-and thats after 2 cups of powdered dolomite lime added into 2 bags ffof and 1 bag ff lightwarrior. I also tested it with two 2 prong type soil ph testers and they both read 6.1-6.2-which one to believe? I dumped the mix and added 1 more cup powdered dolomite to the batch and mixed it well and put it back in the cans and added 1/2 gallon 6.5ph water to each. I'll let it set for another couple weeks and test it again and hope for 6.5.Figuring by sept 1 it should be ready.
Be careful! Dolo takes a long time to break down and start acting properly. Let it cook for a while longer before adding any more lime.