Old Reviews Subcools super soil

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I had a couple questions....

Im not sure if I heard it right but I thought someone asked if the soil was good for Autos and he said "No"...

is this soil good for autos?

and 2nd question, is there a condensed version of that soil? I think in the vid he said 8 bags of organic soil plus this and that.... Has anyone shrunk this recipe down to 1 bag, 2 bags, 3 bags, 4 bags and so on?
Vedder,don't know how it is with autos,thats why i made a batch to try as an experiment-i like to see things first hand if possible whether they work or not. I did make a smaller batch up using 1 30lb. bag of soil and all the amendments in reduced quantities.
It will work with auto's but you have to be very careful it is very hot mix you cannot start your seedlings in it this is a mix that you will have to transplant into once they are established plants. The greensand will not hurt it at all.
cheese and nute sensative crosses dont like it
I think sub add a layer of super soil under the regular soil to let the plants grow into it

EXACTLY what im looking for!!!!
Thank a bunch mate!!

cheese and nute sensative crosses dont like it
I think sub add a layer of super soil under the regular soil to let the plants grow into it

I thought i heard him say that he'll put the super soil on the bottom, fill maybe 2/4th the way, then the rest he'll use regular soil.. he said in that way the roots will just grow into the soil instead of having to transplant, etc.
Just a quick update to the supersoil thread.I used what i had on hand for soil which was ffof and mixed up an 1/8 batch.After setting for about a week so far soil ph is 5.1-it needs more lime then the recipe calls for-at least with ffof-i don't know what the roots organic would be. 1 tablesppon floured dolomite lime isn't enuf.Just a heads up to anyone mixeing a batch up-check your soil ph before and during cookdown period so you can correct it if necessary.
I have used supersoil for years now and highly recommend it...works great with autos or photo strains... just add water and watch them grow...