OK the results are in and I know why the three plants died.
When it's all said and done it was "Stunted" who killed Sq1, Sq2 and Sq3
I missed one important bit of information on the "Yield Plus" bottle, but first the reason I bought this product.
My plants need more N, they show overall yellowing early on that slowly progresses as the plants age, running out of grow nutes and using mostly bloom nutes from the start ain't good with autos it seems.
So I went to Bunnings hardware and had a look, saw "Proganics Hydroponic Yield Plus, increases Nutrient Uptake & Yield" and on the back:
Nitrogen 8%
Phosphorus 2.5%
Potasium 6%
Calcium 2%
Magnesium 2%
So its hydro, has the N I need with Cal, Mag, I'm gettin a woody, and some other goodies in it, all my problems solved or so I think.
So the important bit of previously missed information "Organic Based Liquid Plant Food"
Damn, Organic ain't good when you do not have full control over medium/res temps. So I add the Yield Plus with some nutes, I get sick-er, the weather gets near 40c and the lovely liquid organics start fermenting nicely, now I cannot smell this happening as I have a sinus infection and everything smells like shit.
That night they got another dose and my lights run through the night to control temps a bit so it was nice in there for some more fermenting.
In total ten plants (4xCoco/Perlite, 5xPerlite/Vermiculite, 1xPerlite) received two doses of Yield Plus and three died, there is a good reason why the other seven are not dead.
The three that died were in Coco/Perlite and it held on to more moisture at each flood, and the other Coco one was put out with two others that same dosing night as Gorilla's in the bush so the root temps would have been low enough to prevent fermentation. The other three Perlite/Vermiculite would have flushed very quickly and that's what saved them.
So me not fully reading a product label has caused me to be a murderer of some reasonably well growing plants.....
It took me ages to go through all my notes and pics, then I started reading bottle labels again and that's when the brain cells went all painful and I got a Raging Clue (eh JM).
P.S I took the root masses to someone and had them smell, all three smelt of "Off fish" however they where still nearly white and not slimy to the touch at all.
WOW this post is more like a novel, sorry
It's not my fault, I am stoned