Indoor Stunted V's Sour 60, Round 2

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A completed 16 Oz container, the 1Ltr ones will be the same just bigger :)

Complete_1.JPG Complete_2.JPG
very nice craftsmanship stunted :thumbs:

TY Sir_Copious, I try to make things perfect, sometimes I cant and sometimes I can....I wonder where this idea will end up, first thing I think of is "Rubbish Bin" as that's where many many experiments have gone :)

4 Dec 2011
Z6 @ 46 Days
4_Dec_2011_Z_6_Side .JPG 4_Dec_2011_Z_6_Overhead.JPG 4_Dec_2011_Z_6_Back.JPG

Sq 3 yielded 198 seeds, 8 of which I put in paper tower two days ago to test, so its a win in my books :)
Sq3_Seeds_2.JPG Sq3_Seeds_1.JPG


Shit, almost Z 6 looking greener than before?????
Hey i use that exact container to germ my beans too :D nice rubber seal on it!

---------- Post added 12-04-2011 at 10:33 AM ----------

The Z is coming along nicely, very sativa appearance in the way you have trained her - cutting out the nitrogen i see. I love the natural color changes in the leaves as the plant goes to maturity :D
- cutting out the nitrogen i see.
Not on purpose :P
Been battling with N issues for a while now, but the postman has been instructed to deliver what I need so I hope my 16 Oz grow goes better.
Just check these out...made pretty thanks to my adult daughter :D
Only the front 6 are being used for the party cup challenge as they are the 16 Fl Oz ones, the other three are 1Ltr and will have some shit in it
Containers_Side.JPG Containers_Above.JPG

/ Point and laugh at your bog standard pots :bong:

Beans are in PT now, you know there is a "Stunt Man" in there somewhere.
those containers are awesome bro!!you going to post how to make them,or have you already?if not,it'd be sweet if you did.looks like something i could use!!
What are the little spigots for sticking out of the sides mate?