Indoor Stunted V's Sour 60, Round 2

  • Thread starter Thread starter Stunted
  • Start date Start date
8 Nov 2011
(33 days old)
Sq1 - 13 1/2 inches
Sq2 - 12 1/2 inches
Sq3 - 12 1/2 inches

Z2 - 21 days old, Female
Z3 - 21 Days old, Female
Z5 - 20 days old, Female
Oreo female tried to grow balls, for this infraction it was savagely beaten and tossed in the bin!
Looking good man. The cab looks sweet ;)
Nice to see that everything is working out for you.

You need to get that name changed
Thanks Auto-snooch, its a shame its still not finished yet but will get there one day.
That's right stealthreaper, if you grow balls in my cab when not wanted or start looking hermi then you're going to have a bad time....

Looks like I have another stuntman in my cabinet, but thats for later :P
Full cab and battling some stretching as I have had to move the light up due to hot cab temps...spastic weather here, hot then storms, then add some more heat then a few more storms etc

9 Nov 2011

Can there ever be such a thing as too many females.....I am scared of that female parked in the top right :help:
Looking nice and cozy in the cab stunt. Why do you say you are scared of the top right female? hermie?
Looking good Mate! :smokebuds: I was watching this show the other night and the main character had a sweat shirt on with the words "She Who Must Be Obeyed" on it! LMFAO Dude! I f*cking died laughing! My wife's like "what? what?" So I told her how you call your wife that and she started laughing... Not at you brother but with you! You crack my ass up! Savagely beaten... LOL Love the way you describe things for sure! :D
I just tell it like I see it :D

Z 7 is male and has been in my laundry for 4 days now and is going downhill fast, nearly Stunt Man time again :twist: