Thank you so much,I don't know how to Say Thank you anymore...really.Tag me anytime GrowBro. I am happy to help. I do not use carbohydrates in hydro until the last two weeks before harvest. I use AN Bud Candy one time only two weeks before harvest and molasses one week before harvest. This improved the terpene profile.
In soil molasses is going to feed the microbes and they will multiply like crazy. It is this big increase in microbe population that can cause an imbalance in the nutrients available to the plant. Recharge and other products like it can do the same thing if used at the wrong time. I would only add molasses in late flower and then not too often.
Sulfer is an important element needed for plant growth. Sulfur is a natural occurring element in molasses. The amount here is not a problem. Sulfured molasses is when the sugar cane is treated with sulfur to prevent spoilage while being stockpiled for processing. Sulfured molasses is mostly used for animal feed. The bottle will plainly state on the front if it has been sulfured. Most of what you can buy for human consumption will have been made with fresh sugar cane.
Would you mind some pictures of my sick plant?
I think adding Molasses triggered something bad that week when I mixed It with nutes...