Indoor StillSmokin Garden and Adventures

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@lunarman here's some defol pics before and after to give you an ideal.

Then off course a group shot!

Since yesterday i have watered both FC again today. It drained the dirt before the water could evap from trays! I am a firm believer in letting them dry just enough to drop at this stage.
@lunarman here's some defol pics before and after to give you an ideal.
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Then off course a group shot! View attachment 979930
Since yesterday i have watered both FC again today. It drained the dirt before the water could evap from trays! I am a firm believer in letting them dry just enough to drop at this stage.

Thanks for getting me a visual on the defol. I'm still afraid to do it. Well I wasn't at first. I was right in there. But I broke things or over defold a bit. So now I'm trying to look at what other people do. I'm also working on some LST using the clothespin clipped to a leave and dangled tecnique instead of ties. That is some fun shit actually. Its like decorating a christmas tree. I'll see if I can get shot of a plant today.
You got me thinking about defol so I thunk about it and I did some. Hopefully right. I looked at the bottom two sets of stems and what was on them and I found what I think is bud sites along with fans of course. I left the fans alone since they were not blocking anything below because they are as low as it gets and they prob still help absorb light and I I figured the less I cut the better it is. I have read that deleting the lower bud sites will push the focus to the upper flowers more so that I was trying to do.

For bending manipulation its all a learning curve for me. My head is at this place where I see two things that should be done. This is my conclusion based on my trials and errors where I didn't know what I was doing and I just did shit and looked at the results good or bad.

One is bend lower to mid height stems out and away from the top/center cluster so they get more light and they will grow outwards laterally and then start to reach back up to the light. I find using tie downs works good for that but need to be careful with how much. You really don't need to bend them that much. I can also use clothes pins instead of tie downs.

Two is basically leaf tucking. I like to use the clothes pins to tuck down leaves out of the way. And the leaves right at the top of the dom cola crown I like to tie back in a pony tail from the sides but only for a few hours a day for a couple of days.

Couple of pics of an Orange Diesel I put the clothes pins to. And light defol but that is hard to see in these pics.

Little update ghost toof broke her top a week ago from tie too tight but recovered well.

Forgotten strawberries doing alright cant believe how small the one is but oh well.

Forgotten cookies still getting fat!


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Forgotten cookies finally said enough! Couldnt find anything to tie up branches so i put her outside to cold shock in hopes for purple. But she will be chopped in a few days.
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