Seed Stockers Sticky Monkey GG#4 outdoors/indoors

Not outdoors, she's gone....if climate is ok i think she could finish in time in UK....
Hmm... Might just try growing it indoors over winter, then re-veg it and plant it out early summer. For the price of the of the seedstockers seeds, I've not got a lot to lose! Might give it a bit of a headstart outside too :)
Hmm... Might just try growing it indoors over winter, then re-veg it and plant it out early summer. For the price of the of the seedstockers seeds, I've not got a lot to lose! Might give it a bit of a headstart outside too :)
U read what Seedstockers said about indoor growing this strain?
Yeah, because of the hermie, a grobro in my area growed her and temps switched about 2°-4° in his groom and she hermied imediately, therefore indoors i only would grow her in a single plant tent.
Yeah, because of the hermie, a grobro in my area growed her and temps switched about 2°-4° in his groom and she hermied imediately, therefore indoors i only would grow her in a single plant tent.
Oooh, that is fussy... Maybe I won't grow this one, it'd be my first photo grow too, so should probably keep it simple! Cheers for the advice