New Grower Start up (11/6/22)

Another update
Harvested my to most mature tops on my auto. Gonna progressive harvest this plant so I have bud to smoke on while the rest finishes ans my photos mature.

Did a wet trim, really I just took off any fan leaves sticking out past the buds. Will be doing a dry trim later. Wanted to keep sugar leaves to slow down the dry a bit.
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Day 38 photo flower, day 78 of auto.
So I took a step back from everything for a few days. Did me some good but Im back now.

Did some research while I was out to pass the time and I updated a few things for the future.

#1 being a swap from distilled water to spring water. A big part of my late flower problems from what I understand is an overabundance of food the plamt didnt need, and a lack of things it did, combined with baron water. Didnt know it or think it mattered but apparently distilled water is rated one of the worst waters for horticulture. I figured as it was pristine water and I could control what went in was better, but Im starting to think not. I think my plants needed that boost in at least magnesium throughout the grow that spring water has in it and the small amount of calcium probably would have helped too.

Started playing around with my tds meter a little bit but still have a lot to understand when it comes to mixing nutrients so I think for future grows until I get a better understanding of what Im doing, Im just gonna keep the tds readings in the ballpark for what Im growing photos/autos, and learn as I go. Im a little too far through this grow to get too involved with adjusting everything. So far the mag deficiency has taken its toll and is now starting to slow down since switching to plain spring water. I also did some more research into fox farms nutrient line as it should be applied to growing cannabis. Their basic soil nute feed is far too much. So I think even though my plants handled it well in the beginning I might dial back the feedings to smaller doses every week. Probably 3/4 doses in the beginning for photos and maybe half doses for autos. I mixed a full batch of flowering nutes and its ppm according to my tds meter in distilled water was somewhere around 1650ppm and according to what Im seeing around the internet for soil growing thats like almost triple the recommended tds. Could be wrong, still understanding what any of this means in regards to soil growing.

Pretty much every plant is effected a bit by the mag lock out or deficiency. Watermelon zkittles definitely took the brunt of it for sure along with my auto but that didnt turn out as bad. Also it looks like the most effected leaves are the ones that aren't shaded by anything and taking the the brunt of the light. Basically raidiating from the hottest light point out. Pics later will show a bit of what I mean.

Since I posted my last update of harvesting those 2 branches, I have harvested 2 more as of yesterday. Still a bit premature yet. About 80% cloudy on the buds, the rest clear. Sugar leaves have about 15% amber on them, and a few of the lower buds sugar leaves havent even completely gone cloudy yet. Progressive harvesting is definitely the way to go on this one though so I can get a better understanding of trichome maturity. The older branches I harvested are in jars, have been for about 4 days now, but you only get a very light head buzz from smoking a bowl. Still pretty grassy tasting too.

Heres some updated pics of the grow.

Some whole tent pics, followed by deficiency damage starting on the watermelon zkittles
then the tall peyote, then the shorter peyote has the most minimal damage to it. Then a pic of the tops left on the granite runtz.

Like I was stating before. From the whole tent pics you can see the heaviest damage is from leaves closest to the center and closest to the light, so the imbalance in light and nutrients must have compounded the issue, but it has slowed down. Its not spreading like wildfire over the canopy any more.

Thanks for stopping by.

Oh those 2 branches
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I burped some of my jars today. Its actually day 5 and one of the jars has started developing a super strong skunky odor to it. Right now its a very sharp smell kind of sour, but mostly skunky, so I decided to smoke a bit from it and the hay/grass taste is all but gone now. It has a very strong chem and floral taste to it as well

The best way I can describe it is like smoking it is like drinking hendricks gin, if anyone knows what that its. Its my personal favorite for drinking gin straight. Probably the best gin there is imo. Hoping that a week or 2 really matures the flavor. Also much more than a small head buzz. Im Im excited to see how these next 2 branches turn out.

This is for the granite runtz auto lol, only plant Ive taken anything off.
Day 39 flower, day 79 of auto
Posted late, never hit the reply button when I originally wrote the post.

So everythings still going strong.

Dry trimmed those 2 branches I harvest 3 days ago. They are dry as hell on the outside but the stems amd inner buds still have a lot of moisture. Was going to jar it but after cutting off some buds to fit them in better, I thought a few days in a doubled paper bag might do them some good. Stems snapped at the very bottom of the cutting, but an inch up and it just bent. So they are still too wet to jar.

Smoking on some of the trim I quick dried in the microwave amd goddamn, waiting 8 days between taking branches made a huge difference. HUGE! The trim is getting me about as high as the bud I have curing from the first chop. With that said I bet the cure will make it exponentially better, as the first time I tried sugar leaves and bud after the first dry it really didnt do too much. Now the bud gets me pretty good and its not even peak maturity so its really got me anxious to try those 2 main colas I trimmed up today......they look fire.

Didnt take any pics of the tent today besides whats left of the granite runtz. But I took pictures of the bud I trimmed. Its sloppy but I did it in 10 minutes.
Was trying to train a couple of the upper branches of my taller peyote. Ended up tearing the branch at the main stem slightly. Sure it'll be fine. Basically right at the knuckle (or whatever its called), basically pulled a sliver away from the main stalk. My fault completely guess I made my wire hook just too short. As soon as I bent the other end around a gussets I felt it give slightly.

Too hard to get a pic but it doesnt go past the flesh of the plant, all the internal veins are untouched. Took the wire off and let it stand naturally. Keeps the tear closed. Sure it will develop a knob there now and that branch might stunt a is what it is.
Always hook the fixed side first, learned that one the hard way myself lol
I like that too. This whole grow is a big confidence booster. My last one was basically a disaster from start to premature hermied finish. Wasnt my first time growing weed, did that when I was younger and super half-assed. Never really harvested anything either. But never had issues like that plant gave me.

Think it was a mix between bad genetics and me overdoing everything. Took a step back this grow, feeding the same amounts but less often, more plain waterings and less intense light and this whole run is a 180° turn from my last so far.

That plant really turned around in flower though, till I left my basement lights on all night....thinking about getting a intake fan so I dont rely on passive airflow for that though. Less giant holes for light to get in lmao.
What I did was hook up a filter to one of the extra ports, negative pressure from the tent pulls in air from the filter. Mine was less for light reasons and more cause I was struggling with keeping dog hair out through the mesh lmao, but it should work for what you need too.
Day 80
40 days of flower on the photos, and even though the plants are a little worse for wear they are still budding out nicely and the tall peyote has a cola Im very interested in. It looks like it will continue to stack up nicely.

Tall Peyote

Short Peyote

Watermelon Zkittlez

Kinda lost track of taking pictures of the tops but here is the whole tent.
Maybe its because I dont go in my tent this late in the day but I decided to go pick off the fried leaves on the watermelon. My god does it stink so goooooooooood.
All my hands did was lightly brush up against some buds and my hands feel like they have spray adhesive on them and it reaks of watermelon. Its also super frosty. I cant wait to try this one out now. Its been so long with all the deficiency problems Ive been trying to just leave them be and water when necessary but they are really packing on weight Im wondering how much time it actually has left.