Staff Interviews.........

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you know what, that was what I was thinking of when I said chianti. !!!! Ha ha !

Maybe if you are partial to vodka, I could entice you into London Dry Gin, with a drop of tonic water and a slice of Lemon. On a hot summers day, it goes with anything. Do join me will you ? It would be so civilized.

Hello chums,

I did say that Waximus had been nominated as the next victim, I mean interviewee, but, as we have just experienced a issues due to server and software upgrades, the work of our backroom staff, nay Uber geeks who do such sterling work, has been highlighted.

So, it only seems fair that we take the opportunity to interview AFN's No1 techie. The original, the one and only, possibly the man you may have never heard of, the founder, the backbone, the ........(do I need to go on ?)

(Fanfare !!!!) Northern Grower !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Watch this space...........eP.
I have been in conversation with NG and I can quite categorically say that this will be the best interview yet. No offence to the other interviewees but, NG has some real good news for us.
After recent site upgrades that took up a lot of his time, he has now been able to spend some quality time on the interview.

I know it sounds like I am polishing up the deal, but I do think it will be worth the wait.


tion. Is the name of the game. lol eP.
Get ready to Rock And Roll...................I have the Interview of the Millenium...........Sir Waximus is on the way.......Prepare to be astonished......WOWed........and justa bit envious.

A man bearing his soul. No holds barred and so revealing, it should be X is on the way so very soon.

The more "Likes" I get, the sooner I will publish........come know you want it.........eP.
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