Staff Interviews.........

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Did you like that Sanguine ? I just got to do the final edit, (where I put in the stuff I made up about how great penguins are) and we will be ready to go.........
Hello chums, welcome to the next Staff Interview it's….Waximus. Yay !!!

I asked him for some background info so that I could tailor my questions. But, you know what, his reply was so cool, that I thought I would use it as an intro into the questions. This is his reply…...

“Ok, my most beloved Penguin...

I have a pretty varied background- Up until an unexpected downsizing at the beginning of this year, I was an IT Director for a US National health policy think tank.. So, I've done business casual, while simultaneously being a medical canna caregiver to 3-4 patients, simultaneously lolol
I have been a touring/performing guitar/mandolin songwriter in the New England states, and a couple national tours, though that lifestyle is a cruel mistress when you get into your 50s- I'm 53 in a couple months
I build/design/enjoy stereo and guitar tube amps, and have done that for about 10 years. I collect vinyl records, and keep about 1500 LPs in the living room collection.
I've known Lady Waxi since we were children, and we reconnected via Facebook, in 2011. In 2013, We moved here from Texas, back to our State of Maine, and have been growing together ever since.
I've met 2 AFNers in person, so far, and both were the finest kind of human
I'm in the (intense, and foreign) process of setting up a Blog site, and establishing a presence in New England cannabis consulting/advocacy. We have a small group that are creating a canna medicine "sub-market" that we call Elder Canna Care-less high, more healing. Also, we're working on recipes for Pet related Canna Care- a biscuit for the doggy that will ease arthritis, or hip dysplasia pain, without using pharma
So, there's a few angles for you, Bruv! lololol
Let me know if there's anything else that might help
some love”

So, there was no point in me editing that, as he so eloquently did his own intro. So, onto the questions.

Q1. I hear that Lady Waxi is now in the Cannabis industry. Can you tell us a little about it?

Yes! And, in Maine, that's a small industry at the moment lol
She is a horticultural assistant for a Maine Dispensary. She' mainly doing bud trimming, but also gets to learn cultivation techniques during the slower times. To quote M'Lady... "The BEST job I've ever had!"

Q2. Put some modesty aside and name drop some of the guys or gals you have met or played music with.
lolol Let's see...

Met (and "housed" overnight) all of the band REM, before their first record came out, back in 1982. Several years later, I crossed paths with Peter Buck and he remembered that night!
Shared a stage with:
REM, Eddie Money, Cheap Trick, Robin Lane, Richard Shindell, Lucy Kaplansky, The Waybacks, John Eddie, Wall of Voodoo, Rod Picott, Slaid Cleaves, Eric Taylor...
Best meeting Ever? I met Jimmy Page back in 1990, in Vancouver BC. He introduced me to David Coverdale, and invited me to the studio to hang during the recording of the Coverdale/Page record. Outstanding humans, both! There's something to be said about walking up to a famous person and asking, "So, what brings YOU to town, this week?" lolololol

Q3. Like myself you are in the business of care giving to some patients. Tell us about your tinctures and Green Dragon please.

We have been working on glycerin tinctures- both slow/steep and fast/cooked methods, for a couple years now. We've had unimaginable success with their medicinal uses for pain, spasm, MS, diabetes and arthritis.
The Green Dragon is a steeped extraction using Everclear grain alcohol. NOT for the weak of constitution, for sure! I have a coupe family members who suffer from sleep problems, and a half a dropper of the GD will induce sleep within 30 minutes, for them- and they'll remain asleep for no less than 6-7 hours. It has really changed their lives! For me, it is just barely swallowable- I prefer a neat Bourbon over a pure antiseptic with a grassy chaser... lolol
Both Lady Waxi and I cannot WAIT for legalization, so these medicines can be sold and researched even further!

Q4. What is it I hear about your DIY Drip system ? Please explain……

Honestly, it started as a learning experiment. I wanted to try coco- you always hear nightmares about how hard coco is to grow with- so I was reading threads by (AFN members) JAYAR, Truu, and others and decided to jump in!
I made a drip system from some DIY plans I'd pieced together, and BOOM!! Its the best/fastest/easiest method I've done yet! One gallon smart pouches, feeding on timer from a cooler... It really takes a lot of day to day work out of growing, and when producing for patients, THAT is a huge improvement in service!

Q5. Here is a canna political Magic Wand. Wave it and say…….

OH... I WISH I could wave it to put Bernie Sanders in as the next US President!!
The sane arm of American citizenry has pretty much HAD IT with oligarchy and the propaganda of out government, and its HIGH time to change focus, clean up the riff raff, and start supporting the REAL workers in America! Death to the Oligarchs!!! lolol (And, THAT is the sum total of my political input to AFN... lolol)

OK, now onto some frivolous questions…….

A1. Your fave plants to grow

The "next" run! lol I'm constantly popping a half dozen different strains, and its rare that I find one that I don't like. The Faves? Anything Mephisto- GREAT genetics and potency; Greenhouse Chemdog and Blue Velvet will always be in rotation- outstanding meds, both!; I just finished growing out Dance World from Royal Queen Seeds and I am entirely impressed with it! Outstanding pain meds, unmatched flavor, and what a hoot to watch it lank out- even after multiple torture sessions!!

A2. Had any disasters ????

No real disasters, but ever once in a while "something" pops up, or doesn't, as the case may be...
I've had a couple of accidental pollinations, but even those have proven to be happy accidents.

A3. Tell us a secret or something really embarrassing!

I'm extraordinarily fearful of insects....... I know.......
I am allergic to bees, so there's that, but other than allowing a dragonfly to light on me now and then, Waxi is a "no fly" zone.... lolol

A4. Would you consider sex with a she penguin ?

In my rock and roll years, I would have considered sex with anything! But, alas, experiences, both transcendent and mind numbing, have settled me on just the lust and protection of Lady Waxi :)

A5. And finally, what did you have for Breakfast this morning ?

I'm a habitual breakfast eater- toast, egg over medium, bacon or sausage, cheese... 2-3 cups of Military Armament Grade Coffee, and Waxi is mobile!

Waxi thoughts:

When I came to AFN, I was pretty disheartened by the kind of "community" I was trying to be a part of at grasscity... From day one, I have felt like AFN is Home! And, I know a bunch of Peeps here feel the very same, too.
If you're new to AFN, take the time to get into journals and read up on what PEOPLE are doing with this magic plant! Ask questions, start doing it, and before you know it... a cyber Penguin will be asking YOU what embarrassing things you have done, before breakfast! lolol

Thank you for the interview, my Beloved Penguin! And, thanks to everybody here who make AFN the special place it is, every day!

Well I told you so ! Wasn't that just a great insight into one of our staff members. I feel like I know him like a brother now. It is just such a shame that he is only 4ft 11" and has the worst case of acne in the known universe. But you can't have it all. Unless you are a penguin.
I know you enjoyed that and huge thanks to Waximus for the time and effort he put into this. Love to Lady Waxi too.

I said a SHE Penguin Nammy, you dirty old bugger. Honestly, all that info, and you pick up on that little tit bit !!!

You do make me smile pal ! Life wouldn't be the same without ya ! :pighug:
Membership to the Waximus fan club is now at the rock bottom introductory price of three Kippers, two Herring and $50 made payable to "eP Productions inc."
This is a one time offer.

What ? You think I do this out of my own goodwill ??? As if !

I is one greedy penguin. Looking after No.1 Send money.... Send fish.....I know where you live.....and so does Billy.....
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