Staff Interviews.........

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Well I have good news. SoH is a tad busy at the moment, so No 2 in the staff interview series is............

Nammvet25. Yay !!!!!!

I have the draft, and will post it as soon as. eP.
Nammy, thanks for agreeing to being interviewed by a daft penguin. You do us an honor. First off, not so much a question, but we need to know about your user name. Obviously, even I can work out that you are a Vientnam Veteran and did your country proud. Your avatar also hints at injuries, physical or mental or both.
So, before we get to the interview stage, and with no false modesty please pal, would you like to enlighten us, as much or as little, as you feel comfortable with regards your military service.

" I was trained as a light infantry soldier but when I got to Nam they needed replacements in a helicopter company where I spend most of my time on guard duty on our perimeter watching over the choppers. I also did a little carpentry work when needed."

So, onto the questions........

1. What initially attracted you to AFN and the whole Auto scene ?

I can't remember how I found AFN but must have run into it while searching the web regarding weed. I found I could not grow outside where I live with photos because fall freezing temps.

2. How important is the medicinal aspects of cannabis to your daily life ?

Real important because it helps with sleep and also releaves the pain I have in both knees.

3. (Insert your own question)How old are you EP and were you born crazy or did it kinda grow on you?

I am 51 and was normal until I tried weed. Now sanity is a distant memory!

4. Nammy, there is hardly a day goes by without you logging on and posting. What keeps you coming back day after day?

I'm retired, and growing and being on AFN, is kinda my way of passing time by and having fun.

5. Do you post on any other sites ?

No,this is my home.

6. Apart from penguins, who are your hero's on AFN ?

No real heros but just some good friends mostly HT mod

7. How the F*£% did you get to become a moderator ?

A good friend that used to be a high ranking official got me the job.

8. You cultivate the impression of a cantankerouse old fart who is a real misery, and yet at the same time, a decent, dirty old man. Which is nearest the mark ? Or are you actually Bradd Pitt in disguise !!

I get depressed with the goings on in the world so to counter act this I act kind of nuts at times but it's all in fun if I can make people laugh.

10. What are your most loved strains of cannabis ?

Critical Jack, Budda Magnum,and NO 1 Mephisto Chemdogging.

11. What piece of advice would you give to a newbie ?

Don't rush things,listen to advice from experienced growers,and never give up because it takes time to master the growing of autos but some day it will all pay off.

13. And finally, what did you have for breakfast this morning ?

To be honest I just had a couple banana chocolate chip cupcakes the wife made. That's all I can come up with for now.
Thank you Nammy, it wasn't so hard after all. And the interview was pretty easy too. lol

Thanks to Nammy for being so open and giving us his time. I actually believe him !
And Nammy has nominated The Elvis as the Next Victim.......can't wait.......

Can I get the reciepe for those cup cakes ? Sounds yummy.....eP.
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when its your turn, You have much more than that to worry about. I have been easing into the role, but I intend to get much worse as the interviews go by.
Be afraid Elvis, be very afraid......

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