SSSC st.tom runs auto creeper

having a few problems with my big back girl and i need help with a diagnosis i seem to get this a lot late on in flower with the sunlight shes on the autopot res same as the other 2 and the problem is getting her out to give her a flush if needed is going to be a nightmare also when i first saw slight tip burn last week i lowered the food and i think i may of misdiagnosed her as I'm unsure if its because shes maybe a little bit close to the light as i cant higher it anymore and I've supercropped her so many times .also her food is emerald harvest after the tip burn i lowered it to a 1.5 ec from 1.7 and i also stopped extra calmag when starting flower feed .one last thing its only top leaves and shes still fattening up i just wanna stop any more damage and heres a few tags @Waira @Trichome farmer @arty zan @Mañ'O'Green @bushmasterar15
Good evening to you @St. Tom. I am not expert I would say She is getting older and is starting to shed her fans.
shes 64 days old my friend and meant to be a 12-week strain and thanks for coming back you've always tried your best to see me right but with the autopots i seem to get this type of thing late on I've never used air domes so I'm wondering would that help more at the root zone. and even when i get these issues i always get great harvests its just when i see tip burn I'm thinking its not always down to the feed
shes 64 days old my friend and meant to be a 12-week strain and thanks for coming back you've always tried your best to see me right but with the autopots i seem to get this type of thing late on I've never used air domes so I'm wondering would that help more at the root zone. and even when i get these issues i always get great harvests its just when i see tip burn I'm thinking its not always down to the feed
Each lady is so unique. As you said your harvests are great. Change is constant and you are seeing it in your grows and see it outside your window. Nothing stays the same.
Each lady is so unique. As you said your harvests are great. Change is constant and you are seeing it in your grows and see it outside your window. Nothing stays the same.
Also because these are a new strain theres no journals so i can compare how they look to others folks and thanks again
Also because these are a new strain theres no journals so i can compare how they look to others folks and thanks again
You are breaking new ground and blazing a trail!
At this time you "Are" the guiding light!
I just did a internet search and it is your name that comes up, when it comes to growing this strain!
You could fire a email to SSSC and see if they can give you some feed back!
You are breaking new ground and blazing a trail!
At this time you "Are" the guiding light!
I just did a internet search and it is your name that comes up, when it comes to growing this strain!
You could fire a email to SSSC and see if they can give you some feed back!
wowser getting famous lol also do you think i may have kept going longer with the calmag as i get these type of lockout lately with a lot of plants i generally stop adding it in flower
I give cal/mag through the whole grow.
Magnesium is a mobile element and can move around the plant, you will see interveinal fade on the older lower down leaves as the mag is taken to the younger higher up leaves.
Calcium problems the leaf can lose some colour (chlorosis) but mostly appears as brown freckled dots on the leaves.
You're in calcium with LED lights, Cal/mag is an every feed addition in my way of doing things. Coco is a lovely medium but it is a calcium hog.