Indoor Squid's Second Grow-Duurty Dragon, Diesel Ryder & MI5

I went with 1/4 and 1/8 of 5 mL, haha. I'll figure it out, thanks dude!
Howdy squid. You have been seriously busy; I have been watching. As a consequence, I wanted to wait until you had a little time to ask a question. Just wonder how the Hanna meter is working. Is the ppm/ec function easy to use and have you been getting a reading with feeding and run-off. It is still early in your grow and you may want to defer this line of questioning until you get rolling with big time feeding. No hurry put it on the back burner. Take it nice and easy.
Howdy squid. You have been seriously busy; I have been watching. As a consequence, I wanted to wait until you had a little time to ask a question. Just wonder how the Hanna meter is working. Is the ppm/ec function easy to use and have you been getting a reading with feeding and run-off. It is still early in your grow and you may want to defer this line of questioning until you get rolling with big time feeding. No hurry put it on the back burner. Take it nice and easy.

Hey Smithee, no worries. I have been putting that Hanna to work, man. Between different age and strain young ones and the Crit Mass flowering I have used it quite a bit. Calibrated twice and it wasn't off by very much, especially the second time after the initial calibrating of course. Even though I don't really follow my ppm for feeds I do check it out of curiosity, and to be able to check plain water is good. I like the storage cap and space where it holds storage solution for easy storing. Thanks for coming by!

I have assembled my Mail Box for the dudes out of the bunch and it is up and running on the other side of the house. I have relocated the one confirmed male and another expected to be male, it looks like it kinda. Everything but the two younger DRs are tiered now. I just totally guessed on them all as far as sexing and which pot to put them in. The ones I thought were starting to look female I put in the bigger 5L Airpots as I stated before, and even one or two that I wasn't sure about. If they end up being male, screw it, they get a bigger pot to grow a few more weeks until they give me some pollen. If they're female, sweet she stays in to finish. So I am still waiting on the two DRs to get bigger and maybe sex before tiering them, but I may be forced to just randomly pick and hope for whatever I want, male or female. Because I don't have space for them all. I really would like a male from all three and then a mix of five females. We'll see how it goes. I gave them a spray of cal mag today and will again tomorrow and see if we can clear some of the yellowing up. Hopefully.

Later guys.
just caught far as the dosage says on mine for a light feeding 1 tsp per gallon, heavy- 2 tsp per gallon of h2o. i just went with half of the light dose..that's what i considered 1/4 dose. I think i answered everything else in the pm. keep up the positivity and patience..ive been real stressed with my huge sativa's lately too, sometimes you cant avoid stress, but fuck it~all you can change is what you do in the future, what already has been done cant be changed. :)
Hey squid how's it growing man ? I noticed you use a Hanna tds,ec meter. By chance do you check your PPM of your nutes before and your run off to record them ? If so could you post some results and stage of growth. I ask being new I'm still getting that yellow leaf tip nute burn pretty much every feeding to a degree and is this ok ? I don't feed to the point of leaf curling downward but this still bothers me as I like green don't you know :)
Hey squid how's it growing man ? I noticed you use a Hanna tds,ec meter. By chance do you check your PPM of your nutes before and your run off to record them ? If so could you post some results and stage of growth. I ask being new I'm still getting that yellow leaf tip nute burn pretty much every feeding to a degree and is this ok ? I don't feed to the point of leaf curling downward but this still bothers me as I like green don't you know :)

Hey kicker. I do check my ppm in and out, but I don't write them down, sorry man. I just do it out of wonderment. I would actually be curious in seeing like a table of ppm numbers for each stage of growth, I think that would be helpful. I might just start recording it so I can make my own damn table, but it always depends on what your water ppm starts at too. If your ph is on for sure and you're getting tip burn, back off on the strength a little. I'ts not just going to kill them if it isn't that bad but you don't want it to continue. Good luck man.
So due to the several problems I have had, yet again, on this grow. All of the Duurty Dragons and the two Diesel Ryders are on a trial period as of now.

I have had the following issues:

>Possibly too small cups
>Light was too close and bleached
>I drenched my Promix before planting with Bio Root and Diamond Black nutes, making the mix a little hot for the DDs
>I am pretty darn sure I over-watered, this is apparently my #1 problem with growing Cannabis, I did it on my first grow too
>I was using chemical GH ph up and down with organics, so it in turn was killing the microherd in my Promix

I am giving them until Tuesday or so before I decide fully, but they are all stunted and haven't shown much growth if any in days, even with two veg nute feedings with great ph readings, overwatering still screws you even if your ph is prefect. Go Squid! :no:

If they don't show signs of improvement to my liking by then they are all getting pulled and I am starting over partially. I'm not too worried really, I have two good looking MI5 males and one great looking MI5 female. So I am already ahead on obtaining the MI5 pollen and I will have the one MI5 female that will finish at the same time as planned anyway. And this time I will do everything right. I ordered good natural organic Earth Juice Crystals ph down and some Silica Blast for ph up and other added benefits. Also have a bottle of GO's Bio Weed so that will be cool too. All that should be here tomorrow or Tuesday. I will definitely start more MI5 but only a couple and hope for another female. I may switch it up some, but I doubt it. Just more Duurty Dragons.

So don't fret for me folks because I am not sweating it. Just wanted to fill you all in.
I bet you'll get it all taken care of squid! Good vibes sent your way my man
Thanks man! I will not let my ship sink completely, that's for sure.