So due to the several problems I have had, yet again, on this grow. All of the Duurty Dragons and the two Diesel Ryders are on a trial period as of now.
I have had the following issues:
>Possibly too small cups
>Light was too close and bleached
>I drenched my Promix before planting with Bio Root and Diamond Black nutes, making the mix a little hot for the DDs
>I am pretty darn sure I over-watered, this is apparently my #1 problem with growing Cannabis, I did it on my first grow too
>I was using chemical GH ph up and down with organics, so it in turn was killing the microherd in my Promix
I am giving them until Tuesday or so before I decide fully, but they are all stunted and haven't shown much growth if any in days, even with two veg nute feedings with great ph readings, overwatering still screws you even if your ph is prefect. Go Squid! :no:
If they don't show signs of improvement to my liking by then they are all getting pulled and I am starting over partially. I'm not too worried really, I have two good looking MI5 males and one great looking MI5 female. So I am already ahead on obtaining the MI5 pollen and I will have the one MI5 female that will finish at the same time as planned anyway. And this time I will do everything right. I ordered good natural organic Earth Juice Crystals ph down and some Silica Blast for ph up and other added benefits. Also have a bottle of GO's Bio Weed so that will be cool too. All that should be here tomorrow or Tuesday. I will definitely start more MI5 but only a couple and hope for another female. I may switch it up some, but I doubt it. Just more Duurty Dragons.
So don't fret for me folks because I am not sweating it. Just wanted to fill you all in.