Indoor Squid's Second Grow-Duurty Dragon, Diesel Ryder & MI5

Hey Mr. Waters. Thanks for coming by, I understand the fam thing, no worries. They are certainly a strange color. I am actually still getting some coloring even now on the female MI5, and it's at 24 inches. What the hell, lol. It was several pages back Muddy, but I fed the DDs 1/8 strength and the MI5 1/4 strength, Bio Grow and Root. Well to be honest I am confused on what GO calls a full dose. It has tsp. on the bottle and mL on the site and they don't match up. Those fractions of strengths I used were in tsp. So it wasn't very much, especially the 1/8 tsp. for the DDs. That was 3 days ago. I'm gonna give a cal/mag foliar.

And yeah I think you're on to something with the cups, but I did add some nutes to it before planting remember? The bio root and diamond black. Damnit man. The frustrations are creeping in. Go away frustrations. :cuss:
Don't get frustrated Squid it'll all work itself out.
Sending you some anti-frustration karma!
Thanks man.

Alright, with some browsing around I have found some possible culprits other than the bleaching. All of this I found was stuff that I read and commented on and just plum forgot I guess.

So for starters I have been using chemical General Hydropincs with General Organics nutrients :no: I even saw where Growbewan and Andy B. were talking about diluting it or even just getting better stuff to use with organics, since Growbewan is using the same nutes as I am, and I guess my high ass just deleted that from memory. Jeez Squid, get with the program! So it's mostly likely just been slaughtering my microherd left, right, up and down.

Luckily, I have that emergency credit card(because we are broke as a joke) so I just ordered some Earth Juice Crystals ph down and a jug of Silica Blast for ph up and obvious other benefits. Thanks Jackal, Andy and Growbewan!
plantlighthydroponics was just happening to have some cut prices and deals on stuff too and I threw in a bottle of GO Bio Weed! Been wanting to get that, so now I will have some cold pressed seaweed power in my arsenal. :dance2:

Another thing, it's very possible that I overwatered yet a fuckin' gain. Apparently, I have that problem. What can I say, the Squid likes it wet way down here :D I am kinda sorta thinking that is why the DDs are growing slowly now, it's pretty much since I gave that first full watering it seems : Guess the MI5s could just take it no worries.

Oh well, here I am still, livin' and learnin'. Trying to play it cool. I went through my whole setup again and I do believe that has been a problem. I will use apple cider vinegar for ph down until my new stuff comes in. Now I think I will be much better off.

Again, I will ask because I get different stuff but...what is a full dose for General Organics nutrients, like how much?
I think it's anywhere between 10 and 20ml per gallon, but I'm probably wrong. An aggressive dose of G.O. BioRoot is 20ml per gal.

Why is your post so huge? haha And yeah from what I can see, 10mL(2 tsp) is a light dose and 20 mL(4 tsp) is a heavy dose for the Bio Grow, it says that on the bottle. But what would a 'standard' dose be? Just not sure how to get fractions of feeds if I don't know where to start, haha.
:smokebuds: sub'd bro finally got my setting to show threads I respond to, Thanks MUDDY !!! +1 if I could .
Once my plants are old enough I just stay in between light and aggressive and adjust from there. Like i said earlier I usually over-feed. I'm still getting used to these autos they're a little trickier than photos.
Cool, thanks man. I can do that for sure and watch them. I started super light the other day just to make sure.
I would probably start at 5 or 7ml and adjust from there. If you're using any additives I would go with 5ml to start.