New Grower Squid Farms 2013-Back on the Scene

We do need to get that little squid added to our emoticons though, going to ask JM or Muddy if they can add it for us.. I think it's bad ass.

Agreed. Give me my Squid icon!:D
Alright. News:

Not great. So far fail Squid fail. :lol: But I knew that was a possibility with trying something new. The Plant Success Myco tablets also have ferts. I didn't think it would be that much to make a difference, but it did. The two Onyx were ok for a few days, then I am assuming the tap root hit those tabs and they bit the dust. Sucks, but oh well. Luckily, my seed stock has recently been greatly upgraded.

So I am gonna go with something different now. Done with Onyx for a while. As much fun as the 'hey what should I grow?' game is, I'l spare you all that and just decide myself. :D I haven't decided yet, but I'll be starting them soon. So sorry for the delays.

Thinking about just doing some Fems. I have a Cream Caramel that I bought on my first bean purchase, that I think I will do, not sure. I have a lot to choose from honestly. :D I like to do all of the same strain, but I won't take forever choosing. Stay tuned and we'll actually get this thing started in a few days folks. Thanks for your patience. :group: :D
Sorry for the bad luck squid, ill send some good vibes mate. Keep your head up and keep tokin brother :) Peace.
Cant wait to see this thread evolve!! Growing karma coming your way my man :thumbs: :smokebuds:
unlucky with the tabs, whats the plan soilwise this time? any new beans underground yet?
I went back to simple. Promix BX with about 20% added perlite and soaked with plain Ph water with no Humics. Not sure if that did anything, I doubt that one, but just to be sure I left them out. And left those tabs out too. I can dissolve them and use them as a first feed so that's fine. Little nutes at around 10 days and a boost of the Myco. :check:

I started one Feminized Sweet Seeds Cream Caramel that I purchased on my first bean buy. :D
And I started 3 Auto Regs of a surprise strain. :lol: Hoping for at least one female, two would be stellar.
Should all be popping in a couple days. I PROMISE pics because I have other stuff going on to in there and just need pics in general. Stay tuned!
Woo! Sorry it's taken me so long to get here squid. Just caught up, a bit of bad luck but keep plugging away man. I'm doing either a cream caramel or mandarin next grow I think, they look pretty smashing from everything I've seen. Now what's this surprise strain?! Ahaha mysterious. Time to buckle up!
sounds good, nice and straightforward :gthumb:
A squid Icon.That would freagin rock!:gthumb: :wiz: