New Grower Squid Farms 2013-Back on the Scene

Thanks guys. :group: And Bots>>> Yup, Stitch's Shortstuff Onyx. :D

Today we are making our starting mix, which consists of Promix BX with about 25-30% more perlite added. I use PLAIN horticulture grade horticulture. I bought a huge bag last year for like $15 at a nursery and I think it's about halfway gone. :lol:

Now Promix BX w/myco already has one strain of myco in there which is fine, and some will say that it's not necessary to have anymore than that. And it's activated by plain water when you do your initial watering.

Now here is something new I am trying out this go 'round. I have some Plant Success myco tablets that I am adding to the mix. These nickel-sized tablets contain a small amount of nutrients, which is fine as it isn't much, Promix doesn't have a whole lot of start nutrients and generally run out after about a week or so and I am growing Onyx, they should be able to take it just fine.

Now...these little tablets also contain 17 various strains of Myco, endo and ecto as well as Seaweed extract which is great for seeds and seedling growth. It says to place one tablet about an inch under where you plant your bean, so that it sprouts and taps right through the tab on its' way to the bottom of the pot. So I am going to do that, but plant them a little deeper than an inch under the bean.
It says you can also add other tabs throughout the pot, but I am just going with the one under the germinated bean for now and see how it goes. I can always crush these up in my water and feed that way later to the entire root system. Boom. :D

My initial watering/full soak will consist of spring water, with a dose of General Organic's Diamond Black(liquid humic acid) It's like liquid black soot. It will give all those millions of spores of myco something to feed on and get going good before I even plant in there. This feed is Ph'd to 6.0 and that mix will sit until tomorrow. Longer would be better actually, but it's ok. :D

The 4 Onyx are still soaking, not sure if they have sank because I haven't checked on them once at all since I put them in the cup. NO fuss, NO peeking. Just let them soak, they aren't going to grow out of that shot glass of water I put them in. :D They'll soak until tomorrow and then be planted. I've had great germ rates with these beans and they're all fairly large beans, too.

Welp...Until next time. :smokebuds:
Good luck man. Cant wait to see what you come up with!
Squid, so awesome dude you have helped so many grows , :bow:

So cool to see you keep it here for the new growers. Cant wait to see you do your thang. :pop:

I'm completely new here, but I've seen you help out and comment on so many other grows. Exciting to see you starting one from scratch!
No peeking? But the plants don't grow unless you check on them! That's just science...
you da Squid,

Sharin' the newbie nowledge, can't be more of a help than that, Reps bro


Hello friends.

I was hoping for some pics of a little seedling action by now, but for whatever reason(probably because I started this damn journal:D), they are slow goin's on the germ.
After the soak, I come to found that I had lost one. Guess it soaked too long because it had popped completely out of the shell and was just rotted floating in the water. Never had that happen before. Two had perfect tails and one was just cracked.

I am starting them in 2L coke bottles with the tops cut off that double as a humidity dome. I planted the three that soaked good and replaced the one that rotted with a new bean. No soak at all.
Three are peeking out just barely including the non-soaked bean. And another started to sprout and then gave up, not sure why. I always have such great germ and sprout rates,like I said, just because I started a journal for my grow is why it happened. :lol:

So, that was two down overall, and the second one was just replaced earlier with another dry non-soaked bean.

Bear with me and stay tuned and hopefully I'll have some pics to throw up my next week. :D
I'm strapped in for the ride. Looking forward to this one Squid.