New Grower SPZ's Mephisto Triple Automatic Redux

You are setting an example of how to approach a problem.

Thanks for the kind words, but in this case I'm afraid that my approach was too little too late. Please, just skip ahead past this message is you have a weak stomach or if you only want to hear the good parts of the grow, because I over the weekend things have taken a turn for the worse.


I'm sad to say that NCH 3 is completely infested with gnats, so much so that they have induced root rot which is killing her. They had formed a self-sustaining colony out of sight under the barrier fabric I had put over the soil and the gnats just erupted out of the soil once I discovered them. The treatments I have given her were too little, too late. She is a very sick plant and I've had to quarantine her outside to reduce the risk of infecting the other plants. She has lost most of her leaves and I expect she will die in a few days, but I am still treating her with a mild solution of H2O2 and SM-90, in hopes that she can survive long enough for her buds (which look fantastic) to ripen up. Here she is in her final resting place:

NCH 3, the last stand. About 50% of her leaves turned yellow and fell off withing about 48 hours.
Day 57

Okay back to the happy part of the report! Here are the remaining occupants of the the tent. I just cleaned the res and filled it with 20L of feed. I'm slowly bumping up the bloom nutes to 1.75ml/L Sensi Bloom, 2ml/L cal-mag, 1ml/L Big Buds and 1ml/L Bud Candy.

NCH 1, she's hiding in the back

NCH 2, she is my tallest plant now at 97cm!

NCH 4, she's at 92cm, so these two have both exceeded my best projections!

Overhead, can't get the camera high enough to get all the plants in the shot!

Group shot, NCH 1 is in back under the low-hanging cob.

Some closeups of the bud zone, here's NCH2

I have a book for you to borrow. and yeah the tent looks great

Hey good to see you man, yeah gotta get me book learnin' in!
Thanks for the kind words, but in this case I'm afraid that my approach was too little too late. Please, just skip ahead past this message is you have a weak stomach or if you only want to hear the good parts of the grow, because I over the weekend things have taken a turn for the worse.


I'm sad to say that NCH 3 is completely infested with gnats, so much so that they have induced root rot which is killing her. They had formed a self-sustaining colony out of sight under the barrier fabric I had put over the soil and the gnats just erupted out of the soil once I discovered them. The treatments I have given her were too little, too late. She is a very sick plant and I've had to quarantine her outside to reduce the risk of infecting the other plants. She has lost most of her leaves and I expect she will die in a few days, but I am still treating her with a mild solution of H2O2 and SM-90, in hopes that she can survive long enough for her buds (which look fantastic) to ripen up. Here she is in her final resting place:

NCH 3, the last stand. About 50% of her leaves turned yellow and fell off withing about 48 hours.
View attachment 805724
Those little buggers so sorry. The bigger the heart ache the bigger the lesson learned.
Here is a Moon Setting in the west on Sept 6 at 6:14 AM. The is for HNC3 and all of her little fuckers.

Day 57

Okay back to the happy part of the report! Here are the remaining occupants of the the tent. I just cleaned the res and filled it with 20L of feed. I'm slowly bumping up the bloom nutes to 1.75ml/L Sensi Bloom, 2ml/L cal-mag, 1ml/L Big Buds and 1ml/L Bud Candy.

NCH 1, she's hiding in the back
View attachment 805732

NCH 2, she is my tallest plant now at 97cm!
View attachment 805731

NCH 4, she's at 92cm, so these two have both exceeded my best projections!
View attachment 805730

Overhead, can't get the camera high enough to get all the plants in the shot!
View attachment 805729

Group shot, NCH 1 is in back under the low-hanging cob.
View attachment 805728

Some closeups of the bud zone, here's NCH2

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So nice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Those little buggers

I will tell you a story about those little buggers. This morning I opened the tent to flush the autopot lines and I checked the plants for gnats, just to make sure that the outbreak has died down since I removed NCH 3. I shook up all the plants and tussled them to try to stir up any gnats. I was about to declare the area gnat free when one lone gnat flew up out of one of the plants. I tried to kill it but it was flying all around the plant and I didn't want to cause any collateral damage so I waited for a good chance to swat it. I watched it fly around and land on a leaf next to ANOTHER GNAT and they started HAVING GNAT SEX RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!!! :finger: I killed both of those gnats so fast they didn't know what hit them.

So I must stay vigilant. I found another bag of pebbles that I forgot about and used them to weigh down the weed barrier, so there is no space for them to move around under it like they were before. I am fairly confident that most gnats cannot find a way through this barrier, but I am watching for any signs of gnat activity and I can only hope that the three remaining plants are strong enough and far enough along to withstand any buggers that make it through.

I will tell you a story about those little buggers. This morning I opened the tent to flush the autopot lines and I checked the plants for gnats, just to make sure that the outbreak has died down since I removed NCH 3. I shook up all the plants and tussled them to try to stir up any gnats. I was about to declare the area gnat free when one lone gnat flew up out of one of the plants. I tried to kill it but it was flying all around the plant and I didn't want to cause any collateral damage so I waited for a good chance to swat it. I watched it fly around and land on a leaf next to ANOTHER GNAT and they started HAVING GNAT SEX RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!!! :finger: I killed both of those gnats so fast they didn't know what hit them.

So I must stay vigilant. I found another bag of pebbles that I forgot about and used them to weigh down the weed barrier, so there is no space for them to move around under it like they were before. I am fairly confident that most gnats cannot find a way through this barrier, but I am watching for any signs of gnat activity and I can only hope that the three remaining plants are strong enough and far enough along to withstand any buggers that make it through.

Boy I needed that laugh this AM as well as the image of you in the tent as a killer of future generations of gnats. Many thanks for the story.
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Day 57

Okay back to the happy part of the report! Here are the remaining occupants of the the tent. I just cleaned the res and filled it with 20L of feed. I'm slowly bumping up the bloom nutes to 1.75ml/L Sensi Bloom, 2ml/L cal-mag, 1ml/L Big Buds and 1ml/L Bud Candy.

NCH 1, she's hiding in the back
View attachment 805732

NCH 2, she is my tallest plant now at 97cm!
View attachment 805731

NCH 4, she's at 92cm, so these two have both exceeded my best projections!
View attachment 805730

Overhead, can't get the camera high enough to get all the plants in the shot!
View attachment 805729

Group shot, NCH 1 is in back under the low-hanging cob.
View attachment 805728

Some closeups of the bud zone, here's NCH2
View attachment 805727

View attachment 805726
Here's a little story i gots to tell. about three bad sisters you know sou well........ :)
Those little buggers so sorry. The bigger the heart ache the bigger the lesson learned.
Here is a Moon Setting in the west on Sept 6 at 6:14 AM. The is for HNC3 and all of her little fuckers.

View attachment 805834

Nice shot of the moon, Nosias. Don't know how you do it, whenever I try to get a shot it comes out looking really small.

This is some truly serious organic style. Link courtesy of 1939bear:

Damn, dude, I've been reading that modern farm site for the past week. Those guys are putting some serious science into it. :yeahthat: