Mephisto Genetics Spannabis Stories and the future of Mephisto Genetics..!

Private message on the way!
Thanks guys for trying to help,I still can't get this private message stuff,do you have to have a certain amount of posts?how do I get my email out of the message I sent?mitch can I just place a new order?youve been a great help and all the problems are on my end I'm not to Internet savy.thanks for what you guys do and so sorry to be such a bother
Hi Auto Kyblue - PM's are restricted to members with something like 10-15 posts.

It's in place to stop spammers signing up and mass PMing the members.
You have 2 posts alread so only 8 more to go!

A nice way to get your post count up is to welcome some new members! :) Or congratulate some people on their fine growing skills!

Hope this helps
All the best

Blue ^_^
Thanks blue,been on auto flower network for years just never signed up don't like putting to much stuff on the net,I'm the guy that's been around for years just don't say much.i love Mitch's stuff,I've grew canned abysses spider and mdanzig sour sixty my first auto was lowlifes ak47/Hindu lush many years ago when autos were just taking off,just a little about myself once again thanks for all the help to every one
Mitch, dont share your business. Out of your options I would go with number 2. Dont bring in a another 'partner' tho, with promises of sharing your potentially significant profits down the road. hire some cheap labor to do the grunt work for hourly or weekly pay. Id hate to see you go distributor only, but driving orders in daily is too much, Make it clear you only ship 1 day a week, and drop them off when you head to town for other supplies. Sucks about US customs. Consider finding a middle man in the US to package and send out US orders for you, in a canna friendly state. I know there are some US based seed companies now, like Oregon Green Seeds. Internal mail doesnt have to go through evil customs and would have very little chance of being intercepted. I would stay focused on quality and dont try to compete with the big boys for numbers, earn loyal customers and keep them, keep bringing out good products and people will keep coming back. With the direction the globe is going, as far as acceptance and legalization of weed, you could do very well for yourself down the road with the direction you are going right now. Seriously, to be successful you need to be greedy sometimes, in business. That doesnt mean quit giving out freebies, but dont over compensate employees, this is YOUR business, you took the risk, dont be too generous with employees/partners.
Thanks for the insight into your world and the dilemmas you face pal, i would go with a blend of all three options with another couple added but i over think things, i am sure you will follow your gut and choose the right path, remind me never to go work for thetreeman he would suck as a boss lmao
Haha, Id be a cool boss, but before everything, you gotta do what is best for your business, and that usually means keeping costs low. If you are too generous you risk your business going under and the money you save by hiring relatively inexpensive labor can be reinvested into areas where it will expand your business, like website enhancements, advertising, travel to 'cups, etc....
All points taken!

its not to say we are spoiling anyone, after all we aren't treating ourselves.
but it was more like I wanted to say there is a reward there for good work.
if you hire cheap people that don't give a shit, then I think you lose that care of what they are doing and inevitably causes more problems and you mighy as well have done the work yourself...

But to be honest a lot of the work isn't glamourous, it's constant and monotonous at times, so we need little things to look forward to in order to keep morale and motivation up!

i also mean to say, the complexity of the situation is more than I can really disclose online.

anyway, we will figure it out given more time, Rome wasn't built in a day :)
Id say just keep doing what you are doing, you are obviously doing it well and dont sell out or try to compete with the big boys at their game (100k seed inventory or whatever) at this point. If you are able to make ends meet, and keep going financially, I see good things for you guys down the road. Where others cut corners, you dont, and that consistency and eye for quality will pay off for you down the road if you can just keep chugging along.

I think a real game changer for you guys would be placing in a cup, with an auto. That would open everyones eyes and generate a lot of buzz. I know you dont baby individual plants like some growers have the time and resources to do, but if you could get a good grower to create some specimen quality buds to enter into competition, that would pay off 10 fold for you guys.