Mephisto Genetics Spannabis Stories and the future of Mephisto Genetics..!

Well i overflew the thread a bi as its late and i will read the whole one in the Morning. But first of all Congratz on the Walther White Mini Cup win. Also Congratz on the nice Numbers on the S.O.D.K.

For Your Options it sounds like Option Numbero 2 sounds good Build up a Trustfull and reliable Team and may i kindly add what about a Mephisto and Friends line(co op with Forum Members or Friend Breeders) would be a awesome Option to get some wight of the Shoulders(for expample Pheno Hunts in Photo Strains or even in the F1 or F2 Generatios). Just the 2 Cents from over here
Option #3 may sound tempting but giving them 50% for marketing is outrageous. Of course that is only my opnion with no history in commercial cannabis industry, but I do have a bit of retailing and marketing experience. I say slow and steady. But that is me at this place in my life.
Mitch :slap: for the most informative read! Lol you could always go into journalism brother! I felt like I was there! Also a bit speechless and just solidified what I already knew/thought I knew of behind the scenes things... If we could fast forward to five year from now id be in a position to pack up my stuff and bounce to be a hand :) thought unfortunately atm that isn't the case... :crying: I like option 1 the best and think you could find a few willing hands that would leave to Spain!
As allready stated you have OUR SUPPORT here at AFN big time! I've been nothing but impressed with your entire journey and the icing on the cake has been growing out all the hard work you've shared with us and released!
You got me drooling over that Yeti! And sickMeds are good peeps (our seemed to be when I purchased their Williams wonder and green crack from them, running that green crack now :) )
:karma Cloud: for your future endevours!

I don't know about journalism, and that post came out a bit bla bla bla but I was fit to pop, and AFN is a good release :)
They've put some williams wonder in the mail for us, summer is going to be full of testing.
I don't think I've given many insider secrets away, but it's nice to be able to share.
Thanks for the love anyhow.

Yea several options are always better just makes things harder with what to decide on.

With option 1 you know everything that's going on with your business from funds quailty and just basic control. Its always nice to know but as you said you guys are Expanding in the industry quickly. Yes you guys work your hearts out but at least its doing what you love.

#2 is a great idea as well as your still over seeing everything and keeping it in house so to say. Which is great. If you have a few loyal buddies willing to jump on it. Id say go for it. But just be sure those people will be the same through fame or poor. As always said Money will change people.
Shit man if i could pursue my true Dream id be on a plane to Spain tomorrow to work with you guys.

#3 the most risky. I just cant see giving up half of everything you worked for and to get where your at to another company. I understand expansion and the logic of it. I personally have seen or had this happen to me in the cannabis community. And it never ends good.

I don't want us to run before we can walk, and we were just discussing maybe it will feel like putting a cheat code into the game, but when someone asks you how you completed it, you can't tell them.
I don't want to feel like we are selling out either, Yes we have a small brand, but it's the brand I dreamed about and we did.
There are of course added stresses and workload as we are going a long and figuring things out.

But in terms of money, if anyone comes to work for us there are no dollar signs in sight for a long time, when it comes to us taking a wage it will be the smallest possible, probably 500 euros a month each, everything else gets re-invested into the company.

I don't expect people to work as hard as us, but enthuisiasm and dedication goes a long way. It's really not very glamourous here :)

All right, that was a read....

1- Congrats on the SODK numbers :)

2- Congrats on the Walter White numbers :)

3- Even if it's in a very small way, the fact that Laverne (my SBC) was in the catalogue being
handed out and shown at Spannabis 2015 makes me feel incredible :)

5- Take the dinafem guy's words with a grain of would be hard to imagine that they
aren't threatened by the quality of your strains. They undersold their own offerings to make
it seem like you were only competing with their "70th percentile" stuff.


Seems to me that the key to coming up with a good game plan moving forward is assessing
not only the various benefits but, obviously, the worst-case risk analysis. What happens if....

For that reason and that reason alone, I'm personally against Option 3. Forces and actions
not under your control (Their end of things) could change the dynamic in negative or
completely unrecoverable ways. Growth is only good if it's sustainable...on the supply side
and the demand side. They are dangling the carrot but can they deliver? And what are the
penalties if they can't or don't?

Slow change/growth is better than meteoric change/growth because it allows time for
circumspective decision making. So you don't need to be as big as la mota right away.

Option 1: Doesn't allow for growth without running yourselves ragged....

Work to Live, Don't Live to Work.

So option 2, in my opinion. Grow as you build the team...expand when you have
the hands to do it.

My 2 cents.

Nice insight trapper thanks, and yes I agree, I'm sure customers are very understanding but I genuinely feel bad if I'm not around to help people out and do it promptly.
And my idea of doing the trade-shows in various locations was to combine work and pleasure.
The thing with option 3 is once we take that step, we are tied and will have commitments, but the potential to be introduced to markets that are hard (but not impossible) for us to access.

Hmm, a nice and serious read, all good things! I'd have strong reservations on spliting 50/50 with that offer, 65/35 in your favor sounds better lol. Too bad I'm on the other side of the globe, I'd come help out for peanuts lol.

Me too, if I could swing it, I'd be packing. Relocate to SW Colorado and you have an instant employee :)

With you on that one!


Loved the comment regarding the WW Alpha-cat testing................ and with walter white testing at 17.7% with them we nailed it! No cup or anything, but a mini-victory for us and the auto's.

Long live the auto's?




Thanks guys anyway! ^^
I did also say, the samples were from our breeding rejects :)
Well i overflew the thread a bi as its late and i will read the whole one in the Morning. But first of all Congratz on the Walther White Mini Cup win. Also Congratz on the nice Numbers on the S.O.D.K.

For Your Options it sounds like Option Numbero 2 sounds good Build up a Trustfull and reliable Team and may i kindly add what about a Mephisto and Friends line(co op with Forum Members or Friend Breeders) would be a awesome Option to get some wight of the Shoulders(for expample Pheno Hunts in Photo Strains or even in the F1 or F2 Generatios). Just the 2 Cents from over here

We've had offers , and are doing a few collaborations, but for the most part it's the opposite of what you're suggesting, Genetics provided by others but we are doing the work.
I don't mind though, as for me, doing the project work is one of the most satisfying elements.

A friends of mephisto line could be cool, but could also get complicated. Food for thought though :)
We have a rapidly expanding catalogue as it is, I do love variety though, it's not that often that I grow the same strains in succesion.

Option #3 may sound tempting but giving them 50% for marketing is outrageous. Of course that is only my opnion with no history in commercial cannabis industry, but I do have a bit of retailing and marketing experience. I say slow and steady. But that is me at this place in my life.

It's a bit more than marketing, Maybe I shouldn't disclose it all, but basically they'll be invested in us. But then there's going to be a pressure to deliver. Right now what we put in is our risk only, and if we fail at things we fail.

Me too, if I could swing it, I'd be packing. Relocate to SW Colorado and you have an instant employee :)

It seems most of our custom is currently in the U.S, but I've never been that side of the pond. Want want want!
We've also had headaches recently with 2-3 orders being intercepted at customs, which made me think it's perhaps better to leave it to the distributors..
it would be really nice to have a base over there, or a stock somewhere in the U.S, to avoid such problems, But again, it's people we need.,, We know from our little side project down in the South, unless your on hand or have amazing people, it's all too easy for things to go tits up.

There is the argument to consider also of Boutique Strains VS Commercial Strains. What I "see" happening is that there will be a distinct market for super high boutique cannabis as well as other levels. People who can afford the best, will always be there for the best. Then you have the other levels of consumers that want only a perceived value. That last customer will come and go looking here and there while that top tier customer is loyal. If it were me, I'd go for the loyal one.

Ok you can send my Marketing fee in seeds. Thanks!

Good luck and your seeds are hitting the water tonight or tomorrow. :-)
If I may be so bold as to suggest that a distributor may be the answer . Somebody you trust and somebody who can handle all the dirty's of distribution and leave the growing part to the 3 amigos . :tiphat:
Awesome read Mitch.

I'd go with option 2 for the short term. I foresee more offers or options coming up in the near future that may serve both your personal and professional lives better than what option 3 may present. You'll get your strange lol

Awesome read Mitch.

I'd go with option 2 for the short term. I foresee more offers or options coming up in the near future that may serve both your personal and professional lives better than what option 3 may present. You'll get your strange lol


That ^
I'd be there in a heartbeat! Im sure you'd have thousands of people willing to work for you guys for peanuts, my absolute dream job, weed growing/ seed making apprentice for the biggest up n coming/ most loved seed company here at AFN! In sunny Spain and all! :Grow & Show..:
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I would not give up 50%, no matter how much business picks up. That 50% will be mighty hard to get back. Just my 2¢