Grow Room Spanglish´s 1L Air-Pot Grows

The next 1L girl has cracked and is potted up already, she is a SODK x Alien from Mephisto and will be topped and if needed double topped to keep her under control in the little space she's got. Am journaling this girl in my Mephisto grow but will update on her here also with a few extra pics.

Soil - Light Mix + Mycoplant Micorriza (1g) + Agrobacterias Bactohemp (1g)
Nutes - Bio Bizz Grow, Bloom, Algamic, Green Planet Procal, BAC Organic PK Boost
Lighting - 20/4 CFL 125w 6400k veg, CFL 200w 2700k bloom + 2 x 30w LED corn bulb side lights veg and bloom
Extras - Agrobacterias BactoBloom. Agrobacterias Protect Killer, 30w Cyclone Oscillating Fan

Waiting time, tick tock, tick tock.......

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And the cycle begins again - sweet! Know what you mean about the stash that seems to growing. I'm trying to get caught up on all the things that I put off during my last grow, but hope to have my Mephisto hat on soon. Finally broke down and got a couple of those 30W 3000K cobb lights to brighten up the lower areas since you seem to get stellar results from them!
Yep the ganja circle of life seed, plant, smoke etc etc :)
Well was growing but been hitting it a bit hard the last week or so, but that should be solved in the few months....
Look forward to seeing you in the Mephisto part of town, there are some good folks there. And well you already know great Mephisto gear is you gonna have some real fun for sure.
Yeah am more than happy with the LED bulbs and they seem to put out some real nice light for a reasonable price, and they got over double the life of a big CFL and lots more lumens per watt also.
Day 1 (SODK x Alien)

Ok she broke surface out some time yesterday afternoon while i was out, and i found her standing tall having shed her shell nice and cleanly at 00.30 so will call today the start of day one proper for my next 1L grow.

She will be lightly misted only for a few days and then receive a light water only feed if and when needed for the first week to 10 days.

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Day 1 (SODK x Alien)

All going good and she is looking healthy if not a little droopy, which i think is being caused by pushing her on a 24/0 light cycle from Day 1 as when i switched lights off to set the light timers droop noticeably improved over the 15 mins it took, so she is on my standard of 20/4 for the remainder of the grow.

She has also had one light feed on Day 5 which she took well, to try stop the early def problems i always seem to get by starting feeds to late.

Pre Watered 1.5L water 3 days before potting seed)

Day 1 - X
Day 2 - 100ml water
Day 3 - X
Day 4 - 100ml water
Day 5 - 200ml water
Day 6 - grow 1ml/L + CalMg 1.2ml/L @ 250ml
Day 7 - 300ml water

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Day 14 (SODK x Alien)

She is lots smaller than her Deep Blue C sister at this age in the big pot, i think this is mostly caused by me having her to far from the light from the beginning, but then also almost seems in this grow like in the last the size and shape of the plant stay in proportion to the width of the pot, as if within the first 3-5 days the plant has a idea of the restrictions in width of the smaller pot and grows accordingly, pretty wacky theory but some food for thought ;)

But all that rambling aside, she is looking to be a happy and healthy little girl and just starting to show signs of some secondary growth from the lowers and reckon she will show sex some time in the next week, will be upping feeds to every other day for now and a little in strength, feeding water the days inbetween as the soil is still getting dry daily with the amounts i am giving.

Day 8 - 300ml water
Day 9 - 300ml water
Day 10 - grow 1ml/L + AlgaMic 1ml/L @ 250ml
Day 11 - 300ml water
Day 12 - 400ml water
Day 13 - grow 1ml/L + AlgaMic 1ml/L + CalMg 1.2ml/L @ 375ml
Day 14 - 400ml water

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Day 18 sex shown

Just a quick update as even though she is still on the small side (stunted a bit more now by my attempted FIM a couple of days ago), she put her lady parts on show yesterday so sex was confirmed @ Day 17 and on track to do ok for the 1L pot all things considering.

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Looking back at these pics just noticed a little tip curl on her so went back and checked, and yep seems to be a little and slightly more so on Deep Blue C, temps are in check 23c - 27c and RH 40%-60% so am going to back off the N a bit and feed them both on AlgaMic (NPK 0.1/0.1/0.1) for a day and then CalMg (NPK 1.1/0/0) following day and see if they improve and then start regular feeds with less intensity, never had this problem before including with the same strain, soil and nutes so am coming to the thinking the beneficial bacterias i added are making feed more available to the roots reducing the amount needed to feed.
Day 23

New growth from my cut is coming on nicely now and she seems to be getting ready to switch on the stretch and new nice fat pistils are popping every day now. Should be another week and a half two weeks and will be about time to switch over to bloom feeds for this girl.

Day 15 - Grow 1ml/L + AlgaMic 1ml/L @ 400ml
Day 16 - 400ml Water
Day 17 - Grow 1ml/L + AlgaMic 1ml/L + CalMg 1.2ml/L @ 400ml
Day 18 - Grow 1ml/L + AlgaMic 1ml/L + CalMg 1.2ml/L @ 400ml
Day 19 - AlgaMic 2ml/L @ 350ml
Day 20 - Grow 2ml/L + AlgaMic 1ml/L + CalMg 1.2ml/L @ 400ml
Day 21 - AlgaMic 2ml/L @ 400ml
Day 22 - Grow 2ml/L + AlgaMic 1ml/L + CalMg 1.2ml/L @ 400ml
Day 23 - AlgaMic 2ml/L @ 400ml

First four pics were a two days ago, the rest from this morning.

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