Grow Room Spanglish´s 1L Air-Pot Grows

So, in your own opinion was this worth it?
I'm my self is a sucker for a microgrows, and got some 1,3ltr venti pots and some coco unused, so I might do some sort of experiment with them.

Did a THSeeds SageNsour in a 2ltr pot a while back with about 20-30w worth of led lighting, and it lasted me for a while(have a scale, but i don'yt like using it TBH).
'Cause it don't smoke that much any more these days, the yeld isn't really a factor..

I got decent collection of autobeans, but I've been uder the radar for awhile, so If you say so, I'll go on and effing going to do it :) Got leds in the range of 18-20-36-50-90 and 200 Watts. Might gonna see what i can get with a minimal setup, KISS method and all that yadayada..

Loved this show, thanks for the inspiration..
So, in your own opinion was this worth it?
I'm my self is a sucker for a microgrows, and got some 1,3ltr venti pots and some coco unused, so I might do some sort of experiment with them.

Did a THSeeds SageNsour in a 2ltr pot a while back with about 20-30w worth of led lighting, and it lasted me for a while(have a scale, but i don'yt like using it TBH).
'Cause it don't smoke that much any more these days, the yeld isn't really a factor..

I got decent collection of autobeans, but I've been uder the radar for awhile, so If you say so, I'll go on and effing going to do it :) Got leds in the range of 18-20-36-50-90 and 200 Watts. Might gonna see what i can get with a minimal setup, KISS method and all that yadayada..

Loved this show, thanks for the inspiration..

Yeah i would say it was worth it, even if it is a pain in the ass feeding 2 x day for about 50% of the grow lol, is a challenge taking a plant full term in a small container and can learn from it by watching them carefully to see what they want, they will show some kind of deficiency and almost seems easier to be able to correct it quicker in a smaller container, but that could just be in my head.

Is also a great way to get to test a nice selection of strains of just squeeze the last out of your space, i reckon with the coco as a medium it could work real well with regular feeds, better still a drip system to give constant small feeds and with such a small amount of coco being used should be nice and easy to flush it out and reset the PH/EC should disaster strike at any time.

Just go for it bro will be fun for sure and a great way to learn a bit and get to sample a few strains from your collection ;) Happy to have been able to entertain you pal, and if you into some small pot action should check out some of @Stunted grows, he really can pull out some rather special plants from the smallest of spaces :)

Heres a link to his grow here

Peace and happy growing
Yeah, been checkin @stunded growshow like a hawk, kind of set me in this micromadness trip I'm on ATM.. :)

So, once the weather cools down a bit, I'n thinkin give some action on some of my beans.. Been lovin the Betty Boo lately, not too strong, but eases some of my pains, and gives me a good night sleep.. Got some @mephisto beans in the stash too, too many choises, to be honest.. Kind of missing the classic NL/SuperSkunk I had few years ago, maybe I'll try to find some of that in AF-form.. SinBaTrajo is also heavy on the list as well as pineaplle express from Barney's. Seems that the bank is making kind of comeback lately, dunno.. Will let you guys know when I'm ready to roll.. :crying:

Damn i wish Icould get some of those dragon genetics here in Finland, expesially the purple one. Gotta love the purple strains.. Did some sweet seeds a while ago, but wasn't really sold on the end procuct. Good, but nothing mindblowing, just nice lookin plants.. Smoked fine too, thou..
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I think strain selection in a smaller pot makes a difference, yield would be very low on long flowering stretchy satIvas best go for a fat stocky indica that is known to have a fat dense cola, Mephisto Sour Crack has been my best yield yet in 1L of soil but only tried two strains so far, reckon Mephisto Deep Blue C would be even better it if was the fat cola pheno, would be one big stick of bud.
Got few sweet tooth beans, and a few walter white also.. Gotta get me some of those @mephisto genetics. So far what I've sen here, the grows been amazing looking.
But as I mentioned, been just collecting the beans lately. Waiting for my final judgement from the Finnish government about my disability pension(if they keep paying me for it for the rest of my life).
20+years of rock'n'roll has taken its toll on my joints, back and mental stuff.. Fingers crossed, should be solved in 4-5 weeks.. If it goes thru, Spain,here I come..

I've always been mosty Indica lover, helps my pain and sleep disorders. Sativas tends to bring out the schitso side of my brain.
@dadabud was the closest

#4 cactus/succulent that was gifted by a friend who grows them on a huge scale in southern Spain, along with a load of Peyote and San Pedro that he has just been busted for and had confiscated even though they are not illegal in Spain so go figure in that one-

#9 humidity/hygro meter that is dropping at this moment thank god as i found it at 68% this morning after a real damp night, good weather back from today though so panic over.

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that is a truly beautiful little plant. i would love one
Thanks bro, it's real cool and has been flowering since late spring and all through summer, flowers last a day or two at a time most I have had is three at once, will get hold of my friend and find out the name as I forgot lol, unless any clever folk here beat me to it.

Easy to look after too, I jump dump my runoff on it most of the time and is planted in barely any soil.
Thanks bro, it's real cool and has been flowering since late spring and all through summer, flowers last a day or two at a time most I have had is three at once, will get hold of my friend and find out the name as I forgot lol, unless any clever folk here beat me to it.

Easy to look after too, I jump dump my runoff on it most of the time and is planted in barely any soil.
thats pretty awesome, i think im gonna give it a whirl. could i bother you to message me if you hear what kind it is?
cheers my dude
Got few sweet tooth beans, and a few walter white also.. Gotta get me some of those @mephisto genetics. So far what I've sen here, the grows been amazing looking.
But as I mentioned, been just collecting the beans lately. Waiting for my final judgement from the Finnish government about my disability pension(if they keep paying me for it for the rest of my life).
20+years of rock'n'roll has taken its toll on my joints, back and mental stuff.. Fingers crossed, should be solved in 4-5 weeks.. If it goes thru, Spain,here I come..

I've always been mosty Indica lover, helps my pain and sleep disorders. Sativas tends to bring out the schitso side of my brain.

Yeah the gear from Mephisto is really something special, there have been a few breeders that really have bought something great to the auto scene over the past few years and in my opinion Mephisto are the latest to do just that, with some knockout strains that could go head to head with many photos and win hands down.

Fingers crossed and sending karma your way for that all so important decision and hope you get to take the path you wish to wherever you want to be ;) can see it now with your place in the sun surrounded by a pick and mix of 1L fat cola Indicas, as you melt back into a chair enjoying your days.

thats pretty awesome, i think im gonna give it a whirl. could i bother you to message me if you hear what kind it is?
cheers my dude

Sent him a message and has not got back to me yet, but remembered he has a Flickr page of all of his greenhouses of plants and managed to find it there it is a Astrophytum, have linked up to the Wikipedia page that has some more info and my friends Flickr photo albums, if you like these types of plants he has got hundreds of photos there.
Sweet Tooth Auto (Mini Smoke Report)

Just a quick mini report on this girl after over a month curing, mini as i really cant get a flavour profile on this girl at all, is a very smooth vape and smoke through a pipe after a cure and leaves a sweet after taste but just cant put my finger on it.

She smells proper old skool Afghan (something that comes through in the effects) with something else thrown into the mix that once again i cant quite put my finger on kinda like a sweet citrus.

She has little recreational appeal for me with low THC but makes for some very nice meds with her high CBD roots shining through, she makes great pain meds with very little head high.
I vaped some before and after my anesthetic at the dentist yesterday and the op was 100% painless smoking and vaping again for the night and with no residual pain till this morning, till i just hit her again and all has gone again :)
Also had a drip put in for some blood tests the other day something that would normally drive me to panic, was calm as anything and did not even feel the needle go in or come out again two hours later.
She will also put you out cold as soon as you close your eyes, and will leave you with such red eye that it looks like your eyes are about to explode, so would not recommend as all day smoke when you need to stay straight looking.

Another thing i have noticed when it comes to vaping her in the Solo, it is not even worth vaping at low temps as due to the lower THC and high CBD vapour is light and wispy anywhere below the 5-6 range as that seems to be where most her actives like to boil at, as i would normally start at 4(175c/347f) and finish on 5(185c/365f) sometimes popping to 6(200c/392f) at night time before bed, with the Sweet Tooth vapes a lot better at 5(185c/365f) finishing on 6(200c/392f) or vaping 6(200c/392f) straight through.

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