Grow Room Spanglish´s 1L Air-Pot Grows

Day 44 (Sweet Tooth)

Been tweaking feed amounts and levels as the top leaves are showing what i think is a Potassium def, i done a mini flush on the soil 6 days ago due to slight tip burn showing putting 1L filtered water through the pot before another 1L of feed in two 500ml sessions morning and late afternoon, tip burn did not spread anymore really after this, backed off the grow a couple of days ago from 3ml/L to 2ml/L and upped the bloom from 3ml/L to 3.5ml/L, this is when the funky top leaves started to appear and after checking the NPK on the nutes the grow is 4,3,6 and the bloom 2,7,4 so am now upping the grow to 2.5ml/L and bloom to 4ml/L and also increasing the second feed to 500ml instead of 250ml as i was no longer getting any runoff after the second feed, so will have to wait and see now if that solves it and take it from there, to be fair though in this container was expecting something along these lines and whatever happens reckon i will be able to take her to harvest anyways.

Day 37 - Grow 3ml/L + AlgaMic 3ml/L + Bloom 3ml/L + Bio Bud 3ml/L + CalMg 2ml/L @ 1 x 500ml +
Day 38 - 1L Filtered Water + Grow 2ml/L + AlgaMic 3ml/L + Bloom 3ml/L + Bio Bud 3ml/L + CalMg 1.2ml/L @ 1 x 250ml + 1 x 250ml
Day 39 - Grow 3ml/L + AlgaMic 3ml/L + Bloom 3ml/L + Bio Bud 3ml/L + CalMg 1.2ml/L @ 1 x 500ml + 1 x 250ml
Day 40 - Grow 3ml/L + AlgaMic 3ml/L + Bloom 3ml/L + Bio Bud 3ml/L + CalMg 1.2ml/L @ 1 x 500ml + 1 x 250ml
Day 41 - Grow 3ml/L + AlgaMic 3ml/L + Bloom 3ml/L + Bio Bud 3ml/L + CalMg 1.2ml/L @ 1 x 500ml + 1 x 250ml
Day 42 - Grow 2ml/L + AlgaMic 3ml/L + Bloom 3.5ml/L + Bio Bud 4ml/L + CalMg 1.2ml/L @ 1 x 500ml + 1 x 250ml
Day 43 - Grow 2ml/L + AlgaMic 3ml/L + Bloom 3.5ml/L + Bio Bud 4ml/L + CalMg 1.2ml/L @ 1 x 500ml + 1 x 500ml
Day 44 - Grow 2.5ml/L + AlgaMic 3ml/L + Bloom 4ml/L + Bio Bud 4ml/L + CalMg 1.2ml/L @ 1 x 500ml + 1 x 500ml

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Lovely Growing Spanglish, she is a real beauty.
That last picture of that bud looks so tasty dude, fantastic job, looks really dense too.

Hey Grim bro thanks for dropping by, she is doing alright the buds are nice and frosty but still a bit fluffy the dense look in the photos is more leaf than bud at the moment, for that reason i reckon my thinking that it was a potassium def was the right one as bud development seemed to slow down right as the funky leaves appeared, the change in feeds has helped slow down the progression of the funky leaves and speed up budding a bit, am giving her a week on Green Sensation NPK 0,9,10 so will have to wait and see if that slaps her into shape and gets her to chunk up a bit more.
Sorry Spanglish
I meant the last picture of the sour crack main cola looks really dense and tasty.
I can see what you mean about the sweet tooth. She looks nice and frosty but hasnt bulked up for you in the way that others have yet. Shes still a beauty though.
I have never heard of Green Sensation before but from looking at the NPK ratios it appears to be some sort of PK booster.
Im interested to see what you think of it.
Oh ok, yeah she was a real dense little thing that gave just over 1/2 oz that has been curing away untouched for about 2 months now, nearly finished off my bigger girl from the last harvest and will move onto her then but after all this time she is smelling luscious :)

Yeah Green Sensation is Plagron´s PK booster not cheap but is very concentrated so dont need much and am more than happy with the results from it on my Deep Blue C so far, and if it slaps the Sweet Tooth into shape a bit and gives her some good weight i think i will swear by it in the future, @sour.b has been using the stuff for a while and speaks highly of it and was the person who advised me on the best way to use it.
Day 52

She is starting to mature up now and the buds are starting to swell up a bit finally, have been going back over my past Sweet Tooth grow and the buds on this girl look to be about a week ahead of then. So might not of even been a deficiency i was trying to stop now but she was just eating into herself as she started finishing earlier than normal due to the smaller pot she is in, whatever it is progressing at a slow enough pace and she keeps on putting weight and should give a smokeable harvest.

So have cut out all nutes now except for Bloom and Bio Bud that i will feed for another week or so and then a couple of days on plain water, ideally i need 14 days from stopping the Green Sensation as it is chemical and not organic before harvest, but at the speed she is finishing up am not sure she will make it that long but am going to push it as close to that as possible if she lets me.

Day 45 - Grow 2.5ml/L + AlgaMic 3ml/L + Bloom 4ml/L + Bio Bud 4ml/L + CalMg 1.2ml/L @ 1 x 500ml + 1 x 250ml
Day 46 - Grow 2.5ml/L + AlgaMic 3ml/L + Bloom 4ml/L + Green Sensation 0.4ml/L + CalMg 1.2ml/L @ 1 x 400ml + 1 x 250ml
Day 47 - Grow 2.5ml/L + AlgaMic 3ml/L + Bloom 4ml/L + Green Sensation 0.4ml/L + CalMg 1.2ml/L @ 1 x 350ml + 1 x 300ml
Day 48 - Grow 2.5ml/L + AlgaMic 3ml/L + Bloom 4ml/L + Green Sensation 0.6ml/L + CalMg 1.2ml/L @ 1 x 300ml + 1 x 300ml
Day 49 - Grow 2.5ml/L + AlgaMic 3ml/L + Bloom 4ml/L + Green Sensation 0.6ml/L + CalMg 1.2ml/L @ 1 x 400ml + 1 x 350ml
Day 50 - Grow 2.5ml/L + AlgaMic 3ml/L + Bloom 5ml/L + Green Sensation 0.6ml/L + CalMg 1.2ml/L @ 1 x 400ml + 1 x 350ml
Day 51 - Bloom 5ml/L + Bio Bud 5ml/L @ 1 x 400ml + 1 x 350ml
Day 52 - Bloom 5ml/L + Bio Bud 5ml/L @ 1 x 400ml + 1 x 350ml

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Hi Spanglish
Id agree with you there man id say she was just eating up some extra food from the leaves.
She looks to be happy now that you have her sorted. You can see she has gained a little bit since the last update.
Id say she is going to be a nightmare to chop when the time comes with all those leaves.
Hi Spanglish
Id agree with you there man id say she was just eating up some extra food from the leaves.
She looks to be happy now that you have her sorted. You can see she has gained a little bit since the last update.
Id say she is going to be a nightmare to chop when the time comes with all those leaves.

Yeah she is going to be a bitch to trim very much the same as the first Sweet Tooth I grew, real solid dense buds but no real size to them and a terrible bud to leaf ratio, but a pretty nice smoke with a good kick to it. I posted in @TimTaylor thread the two known phenos of the photo variety Sweet Tooth after the plant he had did not auto, and he has a great example of the high yielding multiple fat cola pheno, both of the plants I grew that did auto are perfect examples of the lower yielding less desirable pheno.
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Day 56

Unscheduled update due to a unplanned upcoming harvest, i took the digital microscope to her yesterday and then again today and the top cola is starting to amber up quite quickly from top to bottom, so will be taking the cola at least on day 58 and depending on the how mature the rest of her is will take it then or let her go a few days more, as the lower growth is all cloudy with very little amber and no clear compared to the top cola that is already at 10% amber.

She is on Brita filtered water only now with two 500ml feedings a day that take her to about 40% runoff, she will have a 24hr dry period before i take the cola which in these small pots is plenty of time to dry the pot out, and then depending on how the lower growth goes take it also or put her back on the same water diet for a couple more day.

Day 53 - Bloom 5ml/L + Bio Bud 5ml/L @ 1 x 400ml + 1 x 350ml
Day 54 - Bloom 5ml/L + Bio Bud 5ml/L @ 1 x 400ml + 1 x 350ml
Day 55 - Bloom 5ml/L + Bio Bud 5ml/L @ 1 x 400ml + 1 x 350ml
Day 56 - Filtered Water @ 2 x 500ml

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Day 58 (Sweet Tooth harvest part 1)

Took her cola this morning and am leaving the rest for another couple of days, could have taken all of her today as there is a good sprinkling of amber across all the buds but did not have time due to a hectic day, the cola was at about 20% amber compared to about 5% across the rest of the plant so did not really want to wait to take it as could have gone a bit to far.

Only took half an hour to cut and trim in total in the end which was less than i was thinking as she was looking to be a nightmare to trim, but to be fair at the end of the day was not to bad really as even though there was quite a bit of leaf to take off most of it was a decent size and easy to get to, and the bud that was there under it even though not a great size was mega dense that made things a bit easier.

Checked her size once more before taking the top and the maxed out at 33.5cm(13") which was double the height of the 1L pot and got a wet weight so far on just the cola of 20.4g which is 3.5g less than the Sour Crack last time round in a 1L container, so might have half a chance of hitting 1/2 oz dry from the whole plant again which till now i did not think i hope in hell of hitting this time round so will have to wait and see how the rest weighs out.

Feeds (Cut the cola first before adding the water for today)
Day 57 - Filtered Water @ 2 x 500ml
Day 58 - Filtered Water @ 2 x 500ml

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