Dragon Meds Sour D mango comparison grow by discretepete and greenskell

Brilliant idea pete!! I have to get on that! Sounds perfect.

So plants are doing alright on my end, with the exception of "twisty". Twisty will likely be culled, but I will wait to make sure I have 4 females first. Pics and measurements tomorrow

Edit-started ferts today
I might b sparse for a few days. Wife is at hospital dilated to 1cm.baby will b here soon so this will ba rough week. Can't wait to watch them take off with the nutes.I'll try to get pics up over the next few days. Mines looking pretty good so far!
I might b sparse for a few days. Wife is at hospital dilated to 1cm.baby will b here soon so this will ba rough week. Can't wait to watch them take off with the nutes.I'll try to get pics up over the next few days. Mines looking pretty good so far!

No prob at all bud!! No rush...Hope everything goes great for your wife and yourself!
Yeah another crappie fisherman in this world! :D (that's all we need...lol)

Speaking of crappie, planning on going after some 12inchers on Monday or Tuesday morning on the ice. :D
We don't have ice yet, petty disappointed we don't even have snow. Middle of January. Crazy. ...the one in my pic was caught off a Berkley gulp worm look alike. Caught 2 monsters that day and never a single one after from that spot. Seen a kid get one bit that's about it. Going to see how it is when we get ice, if we do lol
We don't have ice yet, petty disappointed we don't even have snow. Middle of January. Crazy. ...the one in my pic was caught off a Berkley gulp worm look alike. Caught 2 monsters that day and never a single one after from that spot. Seen a kid get one bit that's about it. Going to see how it is when we get ice, if we do lol

Usually I would be on the ice a long time ago(before Xmas), but not this year...guys have been out a couple of weeks now. We have a pretty awesome crappie fishery. I have a couple of spots where 2 guys can come home with twenty 9-11" fish in a day.
Usually I would be on the ice a long time ago(before Xmas), but not this year...guys have been out a couple of weeks now. We have a pretty awesome crappie fishery. I have a couple of spots where 2 guys can come home with twenty 9-11" fish in a day.
Oh man that's awesome! Wish I had a great spot like that. I love only lived in this part off Michigan for about 2 years so I'm still learning what's around
Oh man that's awesome! Wish I had a great spot like that. I love only lived in this part off Michigan for about 2 years so I'm still learning what's around

Ive been chasing the crappie on the ice for over 20 years now. Cool thing is with 20 crappie we'll also catch pike, largemouth bass and perch in a day. Febuary tends to slow down til early march then its crazy action.(one after another fish)
I might b sparse for a few days. Wife is at hospital dilated to 1cm.baby will b here soon so this will ba rough week. Can't wait to watch them take off with the nutes.I'll try to get pics up over the next few days. Mines looking pretty good so far!

Hey, Pete, congratulations on the new baby, I wish you guys a smooth delivery. Best to you, wife and family.

Looking forward to seeing the plants grow for you guys, i've finally gotten around to reading through the portal catalog and ... schwing ... now I've got to try some of these out.

Have fun with the grow, guys :meds: