Cultivators Club
Thanks bud. I'm sure it's way bigger than yours lmao jk
Oh at least 3 times bigger!

Thanks bud. I'm sure it's way bigger than yours lmao jk
Aww man hopefully they all turn out ok! How's rocket looking? I'll have to check your thread. ..I've been slacking on ours as well, will get pics of everything up Monday.Hey...sorry about the lack of pics so far...I was going to get some taken tonight, but I had to put in 4 hours harvesting Rocket! Will get 'em in tomorrow. Had a bit of struggle on a couple of seeds this round. One of the blood stones got caught under the soil and came up distorted looking, while 3/5 Mangos came up with only one of the little round leaves(cant remember their proper name). Whatever, will be interesting to see what happens!
Aww man hopefully they all turn out ok! How's rocket looking? I'll have to check your thread. ..I've been slacking on ours as well, will get pics of everything up Monday.
Things have a great color to then, I hope things figure then selves out and you get a viable female of each at minimal.Again my apologies for the delay in pics pete(pics can be a pain in the ass for me taking 10 minutes per pic, not to mention uploading errors) Promise once they really start growing pics will be every 5-7 days max. Anyways here we go!
All 8 seedlings growing alright. The Bloodstone that got caught in the soil was severely deformed and stunted so I culled it. Hoping the remaining one is a female! The 2/5 mangos that broke the soil proper look great, as does both moonstones and the remaining bloodstone(blood and moons on the left, mangos on the right).
View attachment 523776
Slower growth rates on all 3 mangos that came up with only one round leaf. One is pretty twisted up...let it live for now. But not for long, unless it starts to do something.
View attachment 523780
Here's pics of the best 2 mango's(even the little round leaf is twisted on the first pic).
View attachment 523808
SO this is the best of 5 mango's. The lean and slouchy left leaf are due to direct path of fan.
View attachment 523810