I think it could be exactly what you said Fragg...both of us might have been pushing them a little too hard in trying to push the plants as hard as possible in the spirit of competition. I wouldn't say they were light feeders per se. Based on your feeding plan(horse manure) I don't think nute lockout is something you will have an issue with at all.
@Discretepete2676 - I'd love to hear your remarks on this.
Yeah I know I'd be tempted in a grow off situation, hell I'm always tempted to overdo it I'm hoping the horse manure and cooked supersoil with lots of worms will see me happily through veg with just water and some Compost teas
Just noticed you are a Staff Member on here Can you tell me how to mention/tag someone, I'm an ex web designer and I cant figure it out lol. It might be the Trainwreck tho :smoking:
All the best man really appreciate your help
I definitely over fertilized. Not only trying to push Rhett plants but not realizing my nutrients were on a steady decline and rapidly becoming more and more concentrated, I was feeding way too much N. Check out @Tetra9 Dwc grow with this strain. Shaving job and no problems at all. I figured out my problem through a series of nine plants and week everything else was perfect in my garden. Got new nutrient bottles and did a ppm test on they old and new in a feed mix and I was about 100-150ppm too high in N going into and during flower causing major problems in my garden for awhile. Is give it a go. @Eyes on Fire had grown it organically as well with no problem and great results. His this helps @Fragg
@912GreenSkell I've been super busy with the new job, building a new room to increase garden size and better environment control. Hope all is well with you and your garden, sorry I haven't been keeping up, haven't even had time to update my own threads either lol
Damn that must have been annoying didnt know that happened to nutes. Thanks for the feedback mate