Mephisto Genetics Sour Crack SoG Meds

So I've got some fans in the tent circulating the air nicely, but I noticed these sickly leaves today. Could this also be from transpiration issues or does it look like something else? Any input is appreciated.

Other than that everything seems to be going smoothly.

Hey gbd, I think those may have been some that got a little burn by laying on top of the soil. Not a show stopper by any stretch and definitely nothing to worry about with pests. Looking at your group, I see several that resemble that and every one of them are lowers near the soil. Probably got a little water logged, drooped down and once they are in the soil mix those stomata are soaking the nutrients right out of the soil. Basically foliar feeding at 100% strength.

Looking exceptional bro! Can't wait to see them get their stretch on. This is going to be exciting. I am going to place my bet early and put the weight at 1260 grams total.
Thanks for stopping by with the info A4! Everything seems to be moving along like it never happened so I'm happy about that. I really should put up a new picture or two. They've grown so much already since the last update! The canopy is absolutely gorgeous and I can definitely see myself growing this way again and again.

1,260 grams. I don't even know how to picture that! If I get 1/3 of that I'll be satisfied! You've got the highest guess so far, next comes Phillow at 24 ounces. All these big numbers are getting me excited! I look forward to finishing this grow out and being able to properly assess what this lamp can do as far as coverage and bud density. All the best!

:Sharing One:
Day 23 quickie update.



The pots are almost completely blocked from view by the forming canopy!
SOG Auto style! Now your talking.
SOG Auto style! Now your talking.

I'm now kicking myself for not trying this method sooner. It's definitely the most efficient use of space and light that I've ever tried. Seeing all those tops under one light just feels right!
They look great mate! Really even looking canopy.
now would be the ideal stage to go to town tucking leaves (I think I spotted you have in the last photo unless it's happened naturally)
it'll really help your yield if you can get multiple similar sized buds to the top!
They look great mate! Really even looking canopy.
now would be the ideal stage to go to town tucking leaves (I think I spotted you have in the last photo unless it's happened naturally)
it'll really help your yield if you can get multiple similar sized buds to the top!

Thanks, Mitch! Hope you're recovering nicely. I had done some leaf tucking before that picture, but I've really went to town since then. They were extra pliable since they're thirsty so it worked out perfectly. Getting ready to feed them a microbe tea with 2/3 strength General Organics nutes and mycos. Green karma to all the lovely ladies down on the farm.

:Sharing One:
Its going to get crowded in there GBD, Will you do any more sog grows after this? Do you think you should have used less pots to give the plants are better chance of reaching the light more equally? Just wondering what your thoughts are man, hope you dont mind me asking. They look nice man.