Mephisto Genetics Sour Crack SoG Meds

Id like to see you defoliate a few plants, from random areas in the SOG and then compare yield on those plants to the regulars. Just for a fun experiment. BTW looking really nice!
sweet deal brother..looking forward to seeing the tea work for you man.looking fantastic!! lacking a lil but hence the tea..cant wait till they POP all goodness n chit lol :Sharing One:
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Howdy brother!

Another visit to your thread and another big smile on my face.

I just love the second picture in this latest update...just fucking awesome...

With all the buds you gonna get from this grow I think you better watch this movie......


Take care buddie.

Justin Beaver

I remember seeing the trailer for that movie some time ago, but never got around to watching it. I'll have to check it out since it's streaming on some of the movie sites now. Thanks for the reminder, kind words, and stopping by. It's always a pleasure!

It's all about the fourth photo for me. As you can understand the size of the plants. Immense grow just Immense!

Thank you, Bunny! As long as I can keep the humidity down this grow should finish up like a dream!

I'm way to old to say this but OMG!:drool: They're like totally awesome!

Lolz, like totes! The sweet and sour fruity aromas have my carbon filter working overtime at this point. The trichomes are starting to make the whole SoG look like frost or dew on early morning plants. OMG is completely appropriate. :eek:D

Id like to see you defoliate a few plants, from random areas in the SOG and then compare yield on those plants to the regulars. Just for a fun experiment. BTW looking really nice!

Thank you, ttr! I've already removed about 80 leaves throughout the grow and I have been contemplating removing a few more as the days go on since I've had a bit higher humidity than I'd like to admit. I was having heat troubles, then put in an aquarium heater in a gallon glass jar and turned the temp up to 93*. In two days it had raised the temperature zero degrees but brought the humidity up to 72%. It has since been removed from the tent. It took another day or so to gradually get it back down. Then we got hit with rain, snow, then warm weather and melting snow so the fluctuations have been less than helpful. I've got four fans circulating air at all times but I know that only goes so far. I have a dehumidifier but I know it will raise the temperature like crazy, but I may have to try it anyway.
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He doesn't need to watch that movie, as GBD has plans to smoke it all i'm sure, or try at least :)

Does your dehumidifier really put out much heat? We have one in our drying tent and it's pretty cool running
sweet deal brother..looking forward to seeing the tea work for you man.looking fantastic!! lacking a lil but hence the tea..cant wait till they POP all goodness n chit lol :Sharing One:

Thanks, Eyes! I'm hoping it works out, if not I'll double the dosage for the next watering.

:Sharing One:

And a side note to anyone wondering... Eyes on Fire's weed smokes even better than it looks, and that's saying a lot! Eyes, bro.. This Sour Hound is fucking brutal!!! Such great smoke! Thank you for hooking me up with the sampler pack! I appreciate you allowing me my first Dragon experience as well! And thank you for the canna caps!!! So much AFN love!


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He doesn't need to watch that movie, as GBD has plans to smoke it all i'm sure, or try at least :)

Does your dehumidifier really put out much heat? We have one in our drying tent and it's pretty cool running

I do plan on smoking it all. With friends. In one sitting. "AFN smoke out"

That would be hilariously ironic. Grow it in the most efficient method possible, then use it in the least efficient!

I may be remembering the amount of heat the dehumidifier puts out incorrectly. I'll get it hooked up and let you know the results.

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Shit yeah, Eyes! You put the magic touch on those ladies! The smoke is just outstanding! Thanks again!
Amazing results so far man. They really are looking promising. what do you expect to get weight wise per plant by the looks of it.?
Hey, Grim! Thanks for stopping by. I'm not sure about weight per plant. It's going to vary a lot between the plants in the center of the table and the plants around the perimeter. When the time comes I'll definitely post the highest and lowest yielding plant weights.

Bro looking stellar and progressing amazing.

Iv never used a Drip system before but have done a few Sogs in the 4x4. Will you continue to grow this route or go back to fewer plants bigger pots and hand water or drip.

One thing I noticed that helped every time I did a SOG was I would pull the front row of plants out to water them and easier access to others and then leave them out as I would go open the back of the tent and just push the rest of the pots forward replacing the front row.

The plants I took out in front I would place those in the back in a diffrent order then I took them out. For me that help keep things a bit more even and size comparison was almost even as well.

But out either way Brotha looking Awesome