C+ looks great but au is a monster! Beautiful symetrical shape. And she has a fair bit of fattening up still to go. New pb surely. Top class growing brother
I couldn't have said it better myself sang! Watch out :pimphand: on the way. Those WWxxl are looking scrumptious too. I love me some indica bud!:hump:
Looking good, love the look of the new spectrum. Looks set for great all round growing! And leaning to the red side of things for flowering. Good luck though from the look of your last harvest you won't need it!
I couldn't have said it better myself sang! Watch out :pimphand: on the way. Those WWxxl are looking scrumptious too. I love me some indica bud!:hump:
Thanks for the slapper and like bomb mate much appreciated! The WW XXL is a goodun will see how she compares to the DPs one once it has cured

Looking good, love the look of the new spectrum. Looks set for great all round growing! And leaning to the red side of things for flowering. Good luck though from the look of your last harvest you won't need it!
Cheers Bunny have you got yours yet ? New Spectrum is interesting with the red only on one side playing with the white balance on photoshop you can see blue, white and warm white its truly nice the diffuser does an amazing job mixing all this up. A long way from the MS0006 which I still do love.
Daniel said the rest should've sent by the end of the week! I'm ready to go,Got some Mephisto Chesse genetics and I might do a CBD experiment for a couple of friends medical needs. Got a 1.2x 1.2 tent as I would like to start a few for outdoor in the late summer as well.talking of 0006 love it's not over for mine yet as someone might use her. so a few projects lined up.
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Looking forward to see what you gonna cook up with the Telos mate. 1.2 M can fit a fair few plants! Might run some Mephisto my self soon. CBD experiment sounds great shoot us a link when you got it running bro!
The ladies are really loving the Telos. The amount of frost on the Sweet Seeds - Sweet Special Auto is something else.

Sweet Special Auto Day50 and Girl Scout Cookie Day75


GSC Day75

This girl is nearly ready a few more days and she will get the chop.



SSA Day50

Really happy with the health of this one a very slight tip burn and couple red stem but looks very happy.




The Night Queen has now her own thread link in the signature. :)

Enjoy the weekend stoners!