I didn't realize that Bio Biz was organic,therefore you should not have any lockout and ph isn't that important.Also there is no salt build up with organic nutes and flushing is really not needed.Organic nutes do require cal/mag to work properly because it helps with the break down of organic matter so the roots can use it to feed the plants.Like I said before you need more of your macro nutes like nit,phos, and potassium.Your nutes should also contain micro nutes like iron,manganiese,zinc,nickel,and sulfur.
ive never used bio bizz bat mix myself, has it already got buffers in it ? or do u have to modify the ph yourself? ive only used all mix which i dont ph and light mix which i ph to around 6.1. i dont exsperience any lockout really with organic nutes but i would still recommend flushing...
You can raise PH with :

5.Dolomitic lime. flush soil with a teaspoon per gallon of water to raise pH.
6.Baking Soda. eats acids to raise pH.
7.Calcium carbonate. raises pH (very strong)
8.Potassium silicate. raises pH.

A good, organic compost like yours with some dolomite lime should buffer the PH and leave you worry free.

I don't worry too much about PH, my nutrient solution PH is 6.8 and the runoff is 6.4 making my soil 6 and the plants are doing well with some calmag added.

I used dolomite lime in my soil but it was the first time i'd used it and there were two things i didn't take into consideration.

Firstly, the lime needs time to integrate with the soil, a minimum of one month, my soil didn't get that time with three of my plants, but the soil for my fourth plant was sitting there for ttwo weeks longer (due to some failed seeds) and this plant is experiencing less intense calmag deficiency, so it's definitely worth mixing your compost a month before planting when using dolomite lime.

Secondly, i only put in one tbsp per 3 litres (3/4 of a gallon) of soil. I think i will double this next time.


Hey Steely thanks for all the infos bud..:grin:
It seems that i will be using some Dolomite lime next time, for now I m gonna crush some eggshells and poke a few hole to try and disperse it a bit better.
My water is Alkaline coming out of the tap at 7.5 and after a day getting the clorine out it raises to 7.7 usually.
I use distilled white vinegar as PH down and get to 6.6/6.5 before feeding. I might up this to 6.8 to try and raise the soil PH.
Baking soda seems interesting too!

I didn't realize that Bio Biz was organic,therefore you should not have any lockout and ph isn't that important.Also there is no salt build up with organic nutes and flushing is really not needed.Organic nutes do require cal/mag to work properly because it helps with the break down of organic matter so the roots can use it to feed the plants.Like I said before you need more of your macro nutes like nit,phos, and potassium.Your nutes should also contain micro nutes like iron,manganiese,zinc,nickel,and sulfur.

Hey Nam, the soil is way too wet for me to feed anything at moment, I might just foliar feed with a mild solution of Cal-mag,Fishmix (6-4-2), and some Algamic.
Biobizz seems pretty complete with an extensive ammount of different goodness in, so hopefully this will do in the mid time.
The sensizym should do some good as well.
:Sharing One:

ive never used bio bizz bat mix myself, has it already got buffers in it ? or do u have to modify the ph yourself? ive only used all mix which i dont ph and light mix which i ph to around 6.1. i dont exsperience any lockout really with organic nutes but i would still recommend flushing...

Hey man thanks for swinging by:tiphat:,

On my first grow try I used PLAGRON Bat mix and the stuff was way too hot for the ladies, one of them survived but is only 15cm high I kept it to see if it would bud which she has... I will harvest the smallest plant in a couple of weeks..

I am now using Biobizz light mix, which is way lighter and is supposed to buffer it self..
In this new media and in not even 10 days the 2 new ladies were bigger, greener, healthier..

Flush didn't seem to have bothered them one bit, overnight growth of 2-3 cm the leaves are still really pale..
22-24˚c and a RHof 65% :check:
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Hey man thanks for swinging by:tiphat:,

On my first grow try I used PLAGRON Bat mix and the stuff was way too hot for the ladies, one of them survived but is only 15cm high I kept it to see if it would bud which she has... I will harvest the smallest plant ever in a couple of weeks..

I am now using Biobizz light mix, which is way lighter and is supposed to buffer it self..
In this new media and in not even 10 days the 2 new ladies were bigger, greener, healthier..

Flush didn't seem to have bothered them one bit, overnight growth of 2-3 cm the leaves are still really pale..
22-24˚c and a RHof 65% :check:
no problem dude, yeah ive never tried batmix myself deffo wont be buying it for seedlings then lol, is it good once they have gone into veg and transpot into batmix? also do u ajust the ph on the light mix?? as its surpose to be 6.1 as its a mix of coco and a soiless mix. or do u just leave for 2 day to evaporate the chlorine then just water without PHing? thanks in advance, also flushing at end will get rid of nute taste ect. dont matter if its organics or not IMO.
no problem dude, yeah ive never tried batmix myself deffo wont be buying it for seedlings then lol, is it good once they have gone into veg and transpot into batmix? also do u ajust the ph on the light mix?? as its surpose to be 6.1 as its a mix of coco and a soiless mix. or do u just leave for 2 day to evaporate the chlorine then just water without PHing? thanks in advance, also flushing at end will get rid of nute taste ect. dont matter if its organics or not IMO.

Hey KK,

I am working on understanding PH/SoilPH so I am not sure I will be the best adviser. :Sharing One:

I dont transplant my girls as they are in airpots, I use 15L pots straight from the seed in light mix that I leave for 24 hours open to fresh air, add some perlitte to the mix, roughly an extra 10% to the already 30% contained.
Water the pots with tap water also left to air it self out for 24 hours.
Again I leave the bio organism do their thing for 24/36 hours before I put a bean in..

No Phing for the first 8-13 days then I start adding the Biobizz nuts which bring my PH down...

I use to Ph down with distilled vinegar to 6.5, not doing it since I added bloom Nutes which bring my solution down to 6.7 on its own.

Friends of mine are having great results with Photos in Batmix, but after my previous problems I will be leaving Batmix to future experiment.

Hope this helps dude.
Update on the BAM

About a week since flush, now on day 38..
Not much growth happening the past week, I left the girls recover from the flush for 3 day before feeding them with a 3/4 strengh solution of the biobizz nuts (root juice, grow, heaven, bloom, alga).
I also added a heating blanket under the pots to help the roots recover.

Some old fan leaves seems to have rust stains which would be consistent with both Mag and N deficiency.

Here on N˚4

Some other have regained some dark green colors but the shoots from the side branches still show some really light green yellow patches.


N˚4 is about 30 cm high now and looks naked compared to N˚3 the twisted one.

Some good bud sites on both



Gave them a full strengh feed 2.5L each and they seem to be liking it..

Temp 19/24˚ RH 40/55%

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besides the yellowing,looks much better!
I looked from first page to last,and they didnt look to healthy...
much better now for sure,little buds going on:D
besides the yellowing,looks much better!
I looked from first page to last,and they didnt look to healthy...
much better now for sure,little buds going on:D

It is now going way better, thanks for swinging by.

Well overdue update, but had no computer to hand...

These are from day 43



Still getting a little stretch, and the yellowing seems to be turning darker.

Buds site are multiplicating on both but N˚3 turns out to have kind of auto LSTed it self, so there is some nice side branching going.


So I'm now feeding nearly full feed from Biobizz.
3ML Alga, 3ml Grow, 2.5ML Bloom, 2ML Topmax, 2ML Heaven Per L and 2.5ML of Cal-Mag per 5L every feed.
And they are loving it...

Bonus N˚2 on day76, its only 15 cm high but I might harvest 7g Woops

Looking healthier now sourb :)

Good to see the sugar-coating starting on them :)

All the best,

Looking healthier now sourb :)

Good to see the sugar-coating starting on them :)

All the best,


Thanks Steely.. :Sharing One:

Way healthier yes, the leaves have now that deep forest green and have never looked so happy,they are now on day 53.



The buds are starting to get bigger, and I have lowered the GN of a few centimeters.
Might need to do some clipping to open up a bit..




3ML Alga, 2ml Grow, 3ML Bloom, 3ML Topmax, 3ML Heaven Per L and 2.5ML of Cal-Mag per 5L every feed.

Feed is going in every 3 days.