Morning, SourB!
When you say pH is @ 6.5, is that in or out?
How do your affected leaves feel?
And are you misting with cal-mag to treat a problem, or just as part of your feeding schedule?

Hey red, thanks for stopping by..
Ph 6.5 is what is going in, I don't Ph my runoff as there litteraly neatly none.
The leaves feel normal and smell good.
I use cal mag has they started showing some mag def.. but has now evolve in this!
I use some for prevention!
I'd start simple then, B.
You may be getting lock out from salts in your soil. I shoot for 10% to 15% run off when I water, you may want a bit more after you fed with that hot bat poo. :grin:
Here's a good chart to get you in the ballpark of actual pH:
[h=2]PH Calculation Guide by GoAuto6[/h] Rough Calculation Guide:

Here's some good info on ph.....
If your runoff pH is higher than your starting pH, use this equation to determine your soil pH:*
Soil pH = Runoff pH + Difference

If your runoff pH is lower than your starting pH, us this equation:
Soil pH = Runoff pH - Difference.

For example, say your the starting pH of your solution before it goes in is 6.5 and the pH of your runoff is 7.0. The difference is +0.5, so using the above equation:
Soil pH = 7.0 + 0.5*
Soil pH = 7.5

If your starting pH is 6.5 and your runoff is 6.0, your difference is -0.5 and using the above equation:
Soil pH = 6.0 - 0.5
Soil pH = 5.5
Is the cal-mag a mix, or a one bottle nute? I found Sea Cal and Sea Mag, both with quite the N kick....
What are the recommended doses on the bottles,it seems to me you need to up the are very low on nitrogen and probably deficient in phos and potassium.You also should be watering so the entire pot is wet and you are getting runoff.You can't really over water at this point but you can under water.If the roots hit dry spots the will die and I think this is happening to you.Also add cal/mag at 1 tsp.per gal to your water and this should help.
I'd start simple then, B.
You may be getting lock out from salts in your soil. I shoot for 10% to 15% run off when I water, you may want a bit more after you fed with that hot bat poo. :grin:
Here's a good chart to get you in the ballpark of actual pH:
PH Calculation Guide by GoAuto6

Rough Calculation Guide:

Here's some good info on ph.....
If your runoff pH is higher than your starting pH, use this equation to determine your soil pH:*
Soil pH = Runoff pH + Difference

If your runoff pH is lower than your starting pH, us this equation:
Soil pH = Runoff pH - Difference.

For example, say your the starting pH of your solution before it goes in is 6.5 and the pH of your runoff is 7.0. The difference is +0.5, so using the above equation:
Soil pH = 7.0 + 0.5*
Soil pH = 7.5

If your starting pH is 6.5 and your runoff is 6.0, your difference is -0.5 and using the above equation:
Soil pH = 6.0 - 0.5
Soil pH = 5.5
Is the cal-mag a mix, or a one bottle nute? I found Sea Cal and Sea Mag, both with quite the N kick....

Thanks for the info Red:hump:, I did learn my lesson with the bat poo haha, now using Biobizz lightmix.
I' going to give them a feed tonite and see what the run-off tells me.
The Cal-mag supplement that im using is Equilibrium from Humboldt, it comes with 1-1-2 Calcium at 12% and Mag at 2% with traces of iron.. so not so extreme on the N it seems...
It's not an over fert to you but more of a lockout then you think?

What are the recommended doses on the bottles,it seems to me you need to up the are very low on nitrogen and probably deficient in phos and potassium.You also should be watering so the entire pot is wet and you are getting runoff.You can't really over water at this point but you can under water.If the roots hit dry spots the will die and I think this is happening to you.Also add cal/mag at 1 tsp.per gal to your water and this should help.

Hey Namvet, thanks for swinging by.:smoke:
I am pretty close from the chart of biobizz at week 4 and really thought I was going too hot on them.. I guess not
I will definetly be upping the amount of water so i can test the runoffs and eliminate salt build up, and them dry spot..
So to you it looks like they are hungry?
I am scared to up the feed in the case its a lock out..

Got some sensizym which im going to add to the feed, would a 5L small flush help you reckon?

Thanks for the help guys, AFN is like no other.."AFN smoke out"
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I bio biz organic? The main thing I see with the light green leaves is lack of nitrogen.
Hello lads:tiphat:,
:Sharing One:

A bit of an update on the girls
All in 15L airpots as of previous, light mix, feeding biobizz.

-N˚2 is getting some darker green into her haha, damn this plant is small for 61 days.
-N˚3 spaz and N˚4 both day 29 seems to have come to an halt!!:no:

-N˚3 is looking difformed and doesnt seem to know which direction to grow from and to, some leaves are growing face towards the ground, some are growing fine, some have a finger the other way around, she could've got the chop but I guess I am intrigued to see what is going to happen. :coffee2:

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View attachment 339152

-N˚4 is still getting some upward growth from the main stem but side branches are barelly growing, leaves are getting a bit lighter and the tip of couple leaves are a bit burnt, bottom branches are not growing pale green.. Bigger leaves are stained lightly. Also not many new leaves..
The plant is about 23cm high.

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View attachment 339155

I feed them with 1L each every 3 days or until the first few centimeters are nearly dry.

Week 4 The feed going in is -2ml bio roots - 1.5ml grow or 1ml fishmix - 2ml of heaven- 2ml of Algamic- and some Cal-mag. EC1.2 PH6.5
Also I've been misting these ladies with some Cal/mag from Humboldt that a mate gave me, every couple of days to a half measure, just 10mins before lights out.

Something is wrong but I can't pin point it!!!:help:
I know the feed could be a bit strong for an auto so it could an over fert but with biobizz...?

Off to get some Sensizym now..

Thoughts anyone? I really don't know here


PH Issue? All my plants went light green and eventually failed until I got my PH right.

- - - Updated - - -

I am pretty close from the chart of biobizz at week 4 and really thought I was going too hot on them..

I use Biobizz and now follow the schedule, it's working great for me. I think it's kind of hard to overfeed using organic nutes.

Hope it turns around for you man. Maybe give them a flush then start the feed as per schedule?

I bio biz organic? The main thing I see with the light green leaves is lack of nitrogen.
Yeah it is organic... I have so much difficulty identifying were the problem is... thanks mate :Sharing One:

PH Issue? All my plants went light green and eventually failed until I got my PH right.

I use Biobizz and now follow the schedule, it's working great for me. I think it's kind of hard to overfeed using organic nutes.

Hope it turns around for you man. Maybe give them a flush then start the feed as per schedule?


Thanks Dazed, I will be probably be giving em a good flush and see what happens..

- - - Updated - - -

I bio biz organic? The main thing I see with the light green leaves is lack of nitrogen.
Yeah it is organic... I have so much difficulty identifying were the problem is... thanks mate :Sharing One:

PH Issue? All my plants went light green and eventually failed until I got my PH right.

I use Biobizz and now follow the schedule, it's working great for me. I think it's kind of hard to overfeed using organic nutes.

Hope it turns around for you man. Maybe give them a flush then start the feed as per schedule?


Thanks Dazed, I will be probably be giving em a good flush and see what happens..
I'd start simple then, B.
You may be getting lock out from salts in your soil. I shoot for 10% to 15% run off when I water, you may want a bit more after you fed with that hot bat poo. :grin:
Here's a good chart to get you in the ballpark of actual pH:
PH Calculation Guide by GoAuto6

Rough Calculation Guide:

Here's some good info on ph.....
If your runoff pH is higher than your starting pH, use this equation to determine your soil pH:*
Soil pH = Runoff pH + Difference

If your runoff pH is lower than your starting pH, us this equation:
Soil pH = Runoff pH - Difference.

For example, say your the starting pH of your solution before it goes in is 6.5 and the pH of your runoff is 7.0. The difference is +0.5, so using the above equation:
Soil pH = 7.0 + 0.5*
Soil pH = 7.5

If your starting pH is 6.5 and your runoff is 6.0, your difference is -0.5 and using the above equation:
Soil pH = 6.0 - 0.5
Soil pH = 5.5
Is the cal-mag a mix, or a one bottle nute? I found Sea Cal and Sea Mag, both with quite the N kick....

Hi Red,
So this morning I gave them a good flush with Ph water, going in was 5L at PH 6.5, the runoff at 6.3 - 6.2
Following the equation
If my starting pH is 6.5 and your runoff is 6.3, your difference is -0.3and using the above equation:
Soil pH = 6.0 - 0.5
Soil pH = 6

So way too low..


Flushed both with 15L, 2x5L PH6.5 and on the last 5Ls I added a dose of Cal-mag and 1/4 dose of sensizym between them, but left a PH at 7 to try and up the soil PH..

Will see how they pickup, I 'am just wondering how to up the soil PH ?
Dolomite lime? Egg shell?
You can raise PH with :

5.Dolomitic lime. flush soil with a teaspoon per gallon of water to raise pH.
6.Baking Soda. eats acids to raise pH.
7.Calcium carbonate. raises pH (very strong)
8.Potassium silicate. raises pH.

A good, organic compost like yours with some dolomite lime should buffer the PH and leave you worry free.

I don't worry too much about PH, my nutrient solution PH is 6.8 and the runoff is 6.4 making my soil 6 and the plants are doing well with some calmag added.

I used dolomite lime in my soil but it was the first time i'd used it and there were two things i didn't take into consideration.

Firstly, the lime needs time to integrate with the soil, a minimum of one month, my soil didn't get that time with three of my plants, but the soil for my fourth plant was sitting there for ttwo weeks longer (due to some failed seeds) and this plant is experiencing less intense calmag deficiency, so it's definitely worth mixing your compost a month before planting when using dolomite lime.

Secondly, i only put in one tbsp per 3 litres (3/4 of a gallon) of soil. I think i will double this next time.
