I don't think you need to trim just yet, looks fairly open to the light in all cases. I used to trim and i think it does help, i got my fattest buds when i trimmed a lot and did away entirely with all the lower leaves, maybe 2/3rd of the plants lower leaves gone.

I think with HPS at 400 watts the penetration is 40cm but i'm not sure. Would be good to know the figure for LEDs if anyone has a link ?



- - - Updated - - -

Picture of the trimming in my 3rd grow :






I've been lazy and haven't trimmed the last few grows but i will next time!

All the best,

I don't think you need to trim just yet, looks fairly open to the light in all cases. I used to trim and i think it does help, i got my fattest buds when i trimmed a lot and did away entirely with all the lower leaves, maybe 2/3rd of the plants lower leaves gone.

I think with HPS at 400 watts the penetration is 40cm but i'm not sure. Would be good to know the figure for LEDs if anyone has a link ?



- - - Updated - - -

Picture of the trimming in my 3rd grow :


I've been lazy and haven't trimmed the last few grows but i will next time!

All the best,


Those are beauties mate :clap:
I will look into this and see what I come up with...
Hopefully I get similar results..

Thanks for sharing :Sharing One:
defently looking better! flowers and crystals starting:)
Hello good people of AFN,

So the girls are on Day58 now. And they are looking good.

Had a bit of a dilemna this week, on monday I received a letter from the estate agent, about a surveyor visit on Thursday to inspect the property...:jaw: this between, 9.30 AM and 5pm...

I had to think quick so I sat down with my pal who's visiting me for few month and rolled a fat Silver Haze doob..

It was no escape, so decision was made to unbuild the all cab and put everything away.
Now the question was where to put the ladies, I first thought of putting them in boxes sealed on top of some cupboard... but it wasn't pratical...
My mate came with a massive suitcase plus the one from the missus, fit was just... but it was in!

So thursday comes and I decided to take the cab down at the last minute to prevent any extra stress..
Woke up at 8, coffee, quick small skin J. and its on... it took me about 45 minutes to dismantle and hide the tent + Extraction system.
9am all it is done, plant in different corners of the house.

Now the smell... the ladies are smelling really strong a mix of coffee beans and wildberries..
I know in the past I used ONA Linen gel, a visit to my local grow shop.. No ONA linen and I dont like the other ones to me its smells too chemical, but the guys down there recommend me a UK product SUREAIR Cotton fresh.

And it worked perfect I did a tee shirt wash and put the clothing line on front of a window with a cap full of gel on the window sill, when they came in the only scent in the flat was of clean clothes.

This for the litttle story.

Okay now for the update, week 9 but still on week 8 feed so the same as previous
I have been given a little tester of the new ATAMI Bio-Bloombastic when I bought the Sureair, so reduced the Top max by half.
I have no point of comparison but since introduced the smell and buds are way denser...





A lil close up on N˚3


Will update in a few days. Enjoy your Bank Holidays peeps

:Sharing One:

So I've just realised that my photos were not visible when I was connecting from an other computer so probably no one as been able to see them...

Some pics from yesterday when I had them out for feeding.. up on imgur

Day 65 for these ladies, and they dont look anywhere near ready to me... loads of white pistols still, ordered a microscope to fit on my phone, should get it this week. :hump:

N˚3 the 'auto LST' is fatenning up nicely and the buds are getting denser, the tops are getting purple-ish, full of frost...

N˚4 seems to be a little behind, but has more bud sites..

In the tent there is a sweet mix with smells of coffee, berries and lime...

Feed going in is Biobizz: Alga 3ml, Grow 1.5ml, Bloom 4ml, Topmax 3ml, Heaven 3ml, Bio-bloombastic 1ml per 1L and 3ml Calmag per 5L

N˚3 and 4









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Coffee,berries and lime sounds amazing bro some lovely resin production too.
Coffee,berries and lime sounds amazing bro some lovely resin production too.

Thanks bro, I hope they taste as good as they smell :Sharing One:

I ordered a 60x microscope online for a fiver last week and it came in the post a couple days ago.
I played around a lil bit, but you really need to be steady to get good pictures...
I will be thinking of a trick to be more steady, or even completely static..

In the mid time here are some of the best ones

For BAM 3 and 4




Clear Trichome still, top of buds slightly milky...

On BAM 2 at day 99



Cloudy! so flushed it and will harvest this mini in 10-14 days. :pighug:
On plain water until chop..

Will update on BAM 3-4 over the weekend.

Hi guys,

Bit of an overdue update,

Bam2 the mini is still on water, and has turned purple from the leaves to buds top nearly looking black

Here a couple days ago on day 104.





Bam 3 and 4 are still on the feed. I will check the trichomes when the next feed is due and see what I do from there but I think they will go to at least the 90 days. The leaves are still of a dark green.

Feed has been steady for couple of weeks now : Alga 3ml, Grow 1ml, Bloom 4ml, Heaven 3ml, Bio-bloombastic 1ml per 1L and 3ml Calmag per 5L. But I am going to reduce Bloom.

Side branches on N˚4 didn't seem to get enough light, or the the light wasn't close enough so i decided to lay the main bud down to have the entire bud canopy on the same level. After a few days the bud sites on the side branches started to fatten up and even got a lil stretch.
N˚3 the auto LST :grin: is fattening up still but most of the pistils on the top have now turned brownish.
The buds are taking a nice purple hue on both 3 and 4.

Bam 3









Not long to go now bro.
looking good,and certainly not long to wait now:)
love the colors!